Thesis Formatting Service From Expert Editors Online
Are you looking for thesis formatting service online? Whether you have a lengthy thesis full of complex diagrams, quotations, tables, or references, it is necessary to format and present it clearly and flawlessly. Without a doubt, your faculty always expects you to develop and present a thesis that is error-free and well-formatted as per the university guidelines and requirements. This way, your thesis document can be examined systematically in various sections like data presentation and analysis, and citations.
However, most students are often overwhelmed with formatting their thesis. These students often overlook the basic layout formatting sections, writing chapters, and reviewing the literature. This alone can significantly hamper the overall thesis document quality thus dwindling the chances of getting approval. Asking for thesis formatting help from a professional editor will uncover mistakes that you most likely would have overlooked.
As such, it is very crucial that you take the support and guidance from professional thesis formatting service providers. This way, you cannot end up presenting distorted and carelessly formatted content to your thesis committee. At our Thesis Formatting Service Center, we provide support to all thesis formatting requirements to make sure that you not only comply with your university-prescribed formatting guidelines but also make your thesis presentable.
Looking For Thesis Formatting Service? How To Format my Thesis?
Combining the general thesis formatting guidelines from up-to-date manuals of APA, Turabian, Harvard, Chicago, and MLA with the university guidelines you provide us, our thesis formatting editors will work to ensure that the correct formatting standards required by your thesis committee are met. So, when you ask our experts for help with formatting thesis you are guaranteed quality work that meets all formatting guidelines.
General Thesis Formatting Rules
Layout formatting
Our layout formatting services are tailored to ensure that your thesis complies with your university guideline requirements. The layout formatting covers the following elements of thesis formatting:
- Preliminary pages
More often than not, students overlook the university formatting standards for preliminary pages and this alone can result in multiple rejections and potential ongoing frustration in your thesis formatting.
However, we can resolve these formatting issues in these important pages before they even arise. Correctly paginating tables of content and lists with proper spacing and layout issues can plague both students and thesis committees. So, don’t take this lightly.
- Pagination
The placement of page numbers can be different from university to university. Preparing the pagination for long documents like your thesis can be frustrating and time-consuming for most students. However, our formatting editors are experts with many years of experience working with word processing and therefore can quickly and correctly format pagination to the required standards of your university formatting requirements.
All preliminary pages should be numbered with lower case Roman numerals and centered at the bottom of the page. The number at the bottom should be at least ½-inch from the edge of the page except for the title page that is counted but not numbered.
- Spacing
Double spacing is required throughout, except for the title page, captions, table or figure headings, extensive quotations, footnotes, or endnotes. Equally, entries in the references section, entries in the table of contents, and appendices are the exception.
- Font
In thesis formatting, any font is acceptable, however, the same font must not be used throughout. Ideally, use a font size of approximately 12 with the exceptions of captions that should be not smaller than 9 points and headings of not larger than 20 points.
- Margins
The placement of margins should be as per your university thesis formatting guidelines. The standard rule is that all pages should have 1-inch top, bottom, left, and right margins.
Pages Should Appear in this Order
- Title Page
The title page is counted yet not numbered. All the items are centered and titles in all caps. Use official degree names only and the date is the month and year of degree conferral.
- Abstract
The abstract is a summary of the thesis. By following the format shown herein, you can easily format your thesis abstract as per your university formatting guidelines. The abstract should start from page number “ii”.
- Copyright page – Optional
You may include the copyright page even if you are not formally registering for copyright with the Library of Congress. Follow this format if you intend to include a copyright page.
- Dedication – Optional
A dedication may be combined with acknowledgments. However, there is no required heading on this page.
- Table of Contents
Table of content is required for all writings except creative works. This is a list of all sections that follow it. Type TABLE OF CONTENTS heading centered at the top of the page doubles space, and start the entries. Ensure to single space within entries and double space in-between entries.
- List of Figures
This is required if figures appear in your thesis. Type a list of figures in caps at the top of the page, double space, and start. List the number, caption, and page number of each figure. The figures should be numbered sequentially throughout your thesis.
- List of Tables
This is required if tables appear in your thesis. Type a list of tables in caps at the top of the page and double space before listing the number, caption, and page number of each table. Tables should be numbered sequentially throughout your thesis.
- List of Abbreviations
This is optional and you can include it if necessary. Format the heading the same as the list of figures.
- Acknowledgments
This section is required if permission to reproduce copyrighted material is necessary. Type acknowledgments in caps at the top of the page, double space and start the remarks.
Main body
- Page Numbering
From the introduction text of your thesis, the page numbering changes to Arabic numerals. They should be centered at the bottom of the page with at least ½-inch clearance from each edge. The first page of the main text (introduction) is page 1 and should be displayed on the page. All subsequent pages should be sequentially numbered throughout the text.
Tables and figures
- Margins
Any illustrative material should maintain the same margins as the rest of the text of the thesis, at a 1-inch top, bottom, left, and right margins.
- Legibility
All illustrative materials should be large enough to be easily read. The minimum font size is 9.
- Landscape Format
To maintain the required page margins for tables or figures, it may be ideal to print them in landscape format. The top margin will not be the edge that is bound. However, the page number should be placed on the page as though the page was in portrait format.
- Figure Captions
If your space allows, the caption should appear on the same page as the figure. However, the font size should not be smaller than 9 points.
References and citations
You can use any of the standard style manuals as a guide in formatting references to work cited in the thesis. You may place your references at the end of the main text, or the end of each chapter. Endnotes and/ footnotes may also be used.
However, the format you choose should be followed consistently throughout the thesis. If you are not following a style manual, you can consider using a single space within each entry and a double space between the entries.
- Page Numbering
Reference pages should be numbered. Use the next consecutive page number of your thesis document for your references.
All materials included in the appendices should meet the minimum font and margin requirements. Most theses don’t need the appendices section.
However, the materials that support your research but are not essential to the understanding of the text should be placed in the appendices. This may include raw data, extensive quotations, and surveys, or test instruments.
If you have one appendix, you simply refer to it as Appendix, not Appendix A. But if you have multiple appendices, you should refer to them as Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, etc. Place each appendix and its title and page number in the table of contents.
- Page Numbering
Begin the Appendix or Appendices with the next sequential page number. The Appendix or Appendices must be listed in the table of contents. The appendix title can be on its page, or at the beginning of the actual material.
Get Exceptional Help with Formatting Thesis
Why you should choose service to format your thesis?

Hard copy document being edited
If you are looking for exceptional thesis formatting service, then you don’t look any further. We have a qualified team of professionals whom we have hand-picked to provide exclusively help in formatting thesis documents.
With their many years of experience, you are guaranteed a flawless formatted thesis document. We endeavor to provide thesis formatting service with the following objectives:
- Correct Structure
Your thesis formatting can be a lot easier when the structure is correctly done. Our expert thesis formatting service will follow the format of the thesis document you provide us to ensure every detail of the document is covered. By following the correct structure, it becomes easier to organize your thesis document efficiently.
- Organizing the Chapters
Your thesis may consist of a huge word count and this may require dividing the thesis into various chapters. These chapters may be further sub-divided into different sub-headings. While our thesis formatting editors may help you sub-divide the thesis into different sections and sub-sections, you will however be required to confirm this action before it is done. This structuring not only provides in-depth detail of each section of your thesis but also makes formatting a lot easier.
- Meeting the referencing standards
Our thesis formatting editors are conversant with all types of referencing format. Whether it is APA, MLA, Harvard, IEEE, or Chicago, using the correct referencing format gives validity and credibility to your thesis. So, while formatting your thesis, our editors with also ensure that your reference list is well-formatted too.
- Draft Proposal
We provide a draft of your formatted thesis in case you are asked to submit one to your professor. In case you are asked to submit a formatted draft of your thesis, do not worry but contact our thesis formatting help desk and we will send you the draft immediately.
- On-Time Delivery
Delivering your thesis formatting order on time is our utmost priority. We always ensure to deliver your thesis document well-formatted within the deadline you give us. With regular follow-up from the thesis formatting editor, we can guarantee a complete formatted thesis regardless of how tight the deadline might be.
Don’t stress yourself wondering who will format my thesis document, yet we can help you format it without a hassle. Bearing in mind how the thesis is crucial in your life as a student, you need it to be well-formatted so that you don’t spend more months trying to get it right. We can do that as you take time to rest after a long thesis writing experience. In addition, we will offer you plagiarism removal help to ensure you get nothing short of a quality paper.
Contact us now to get the most reliable thesis formatting service!!!!