Guideline for Writing OBU Resubmission Statement

Guideline for Writing OBU Resubmission Statement

After checking Oxford Brookes University student info page, ‘My Record & Results’ confirmed you didn’t make the 50% pass mark. But you still can inject new life into your ACCA aspirations with our proven guideline for writing OBU resubmission statement.

Here’s to the 500-word appendix towards your BSc (Hons) Degree in Applied Accounting RAP resubmission. In this article, I’ll show you unique approaches to address the marker / moderator’s feedback.

Why Do Many Students Fail in ACCA-OBU Projects?

Before you take a second shot at your project, go through the Research and Analysis Project Information Pack guidelines on OBU website.

The following 5 reasons contribute to many research project failures.

Reason #1: Weak or Zero Referencing

Plagiarism is an academic offense. Every submission goes through Turnitin and other referencing checkers. Make sure your presentation acknowledges every source used in your research.

The latest edition of Havard citation technique is a great go-to when drafting a resubmission. You can also use other referencing techniques in your citation.

Reason #2: Not Using Information Technology

Your initial report couldn’t pass because there was no Excel Sheet. Yes, the marker wants to see those formulas you used in your work!

Reason #3: You Didn’t Hit Word Count Target

Markers expect an average of 7,500 words from your research report. A Skills and Learning Statement should max at 2,000 words.

If your submission is too wordy, it means you substitute fluff for content. Under-achieving the word count implies you’ve not covered the topic exhaustively.

Reason #4: Failure to Relate Research Theory and Analysis to the Project

Primary research isn’t a mandatory requirement. However, a critical analysis needs to relate the theory to your research project whenever there’s original research.

Moderators and markers alike frown on projects whose theory doesn’t identify key issues in the organization under study. Use theories to design research instruments such as questionnaires and interviews.

Reason #5: Not Including Powerpoint Slides Fails You!

Presentation slides should capture the full extent of project findings. Failure to present them to your mentor means your SLS face-plant at grading.

Basic RAP & SLS Resubmission Rules

When preparing for the new project, you’re free to keep the original title or to choose among the 20 OBU-approved topics.

Pursuant to an Academic Conduct Officer’s investigation, they may instruct you to change both the title and the organization. In this case, any Research Report credits previously earned will NOT be carried forward.

Students who have failed either of the RAP parts should check comments on the feedback forms. Please contact the ACCA team on if your work was submitted prior to the P40.

Mentor requirements differ depending on circumstances. If for example you passed the SLS, you don’t have to meet your mentor again (unless you’ve changed the project topic, in which case you’ll have to enlist a registered mentor).

A Practical Guide to Writing a Convincing Resubmission Statement

Important Note

There’s nothing like a “Resubmission Statement Template” in the world!

Also, don’t copy-paste what your classmate writes in their resubmission.

It’s wise to first ask yourself these four questions before you draft an OBU resubmission statement:

  • What have I learnt from my mentor during the meetings and the presentation feedback?
  • How well did I demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills in the project?
  • After setting the RAP research objectives, to what extent did I achieve them?
  • How has the RAP project impacted my studies and accountancy profession?

10 Usable Tips to Write an OBU Resubmission Statement

Although a resubmission statement doesn’t carry any assessment criteria, a shoddy copy is a precursor to another failed attempt. Use these practical tips for a convincing explanation.

Understand Your Marker / Moderator Feedback First

Before diving into the statement, first understand the mentor’s feedback. Identify areas that the assessor marked for improvement.

Relook at the research methods, findings and analysis, and the presentation itself. Let the feedback form a foundation for your resubmission.

Be Specific and Clear About Changes

Avoid vague statements and be specific about the changes you’ve made. Pinpoint the particular sections or aspects that required attention, then show the steps you’ve taken to address each issue.

This shows your commitment to rectifying the identified weaknesses.

Show What You’ve Learned

Demonstrate what you’ve learned throughout the failed project. Highlight how the provided feedback has influenced your understanding and approach.

Show the marker you’ve not just made changes, but also comprehended the points of weakness.

Review Research Methods

If research methods were a point of contention, explore all the adjustments you made. Discuss any additional resources consulted, modifications in data collection, or improvements in sampling techniques.

This showcases your dedication to robust research practices.

Clarity in Analysis

For analysis-related feedback, ensure your resubmission statement communicates a clearer and more insightful interpretation of the findings.

Break down complex ideas into digestible portions. Ensure simplicity without sacrificing content depth.

Sharpen Your Presentation

Combat any flops related to the presentation. This might involve refining your graphs, charts, or general formatting. Add PowerPoint slides and Excel Sheets if they were missing.

Clearly convey how these props contribute to a more polished and professional final submission.

Adherence to Referencing

In the academic world, proper referencing is akin to success. If this was a reason you failed terribly in your initial submission, assure your assessor that you’ve meticulously reviewed and corrected all referencing issues.

An updated reference list reflects your commitment to academic integrity.

Show How You’ve Overcome Time Management Concerns

Acknowledge any time-management challenges that you went through during the previous submission. Clearly illustrate the steps you’re taking to efficiently manage time.

This shows your ability to learn from past experiences and assures the instructor they won’t wait forever for a submission.

Seek Guidance and Consult Your Mentor

If you sought additional guidance from another mentor or any other resources, mention this in your resubmission statement.

You’ll have shown a committed, proactive approach to making improvements in your new project.

Use Formal, Professional Language

Maintain a professional and formal tone throughout your resubmission statement. Avoid colloquial expressions and informal slurs.

Present your improvements in an academic voice, even though the resubmission statement won’t be graded.


Nail your OBU RAP resubmission with a killer statement. Tackle feedback head-on, dig deep and uproot analysis gaps. Flaunt your academic growth and pledge to be a better learner.

Self-reflect, address previous loopholes, and don’t rush over the resubmission statement. It’ll set the tone for success, so invest every hour on it wisely!

Are you an ACCA student facing challenges writing OBU RAP thesis, SLS or resubmission statement? our OBU thesis help service is tailored to assist you achieve your goasls

Tips for Writing Clinical Psychology Dissertation

Comprehensive Guide & Tips for Writing Clinical Psychology Dissertation

Clinical psychology is a specialized field within psychology that focuses on the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental disorders. As a student or researcher in this field, you may be required to complete a dissertation as part of your academic or professional journey.

This is not just another paper; it’s a rigorous process that tests your research skills, understanding of human behavior, and scientific methodology. Incase you need help with writing clinical psychology dissertation this guide aims to be your compass, offering a step-by-step roadmap to navigate through this academic journey successfully.

What is a Clinical Psychology Dissertation?

A clinical psychology dissertation is a research project that serves as the capstone to your doctoral studies. Unlike a thesis or a research paper, a dissertation is a more extensive, original piece of research that requires a higher level of autonomy. It’s your opportunity to contribute new knowledge or practices to the field of clinical psychology.

Why is it Important?

Dissertation is more than just a graduation requirement; it’s a cornerstone of your professional identity. It showcases your ability to conduct independent research, your mastery of the subject matter, and your skills in scientific communication. Moreover, a well-executed dissertation can open doors to academic positions, research grants, and even influence clinical practices.

Types of Clinical Psychology Dissertations

There are two types of dissertations you can undertake, each with its own set of challenges and rewards:

  • Empirical Studies: These are data-driven dissertations that involve original research. They are often experimental and aim to answer a specific research question.
  • Literature Reviews: These are comprehensive analyses of existing literature on a particular topic. While they don’t involve new data collection, they offer valuable insights by synthesizing existing knowledge.

Step by Step: How to Write a Clinical Psychology Dissertation

1.   Choosing a Research Topic

The first step in your dissertation journey is selecting a clinical psychology dissertation topic that aligns with both your interests and the current trends in clinical psychology. Your topic should:

  • Address a gap: Look for areas where there’s a lack of research or conflicting findings.
  • Be feasible: Ensure you have the resources and time to complete the research.
  • Have practical implications: Your research should have the potential to influence clinical practices or policies.

2.   Crafting a Research Question

A well-formulated research question not only guides your study but also determines its scope and direction. In this section, we will discuss the key considerations when crafting a research question.

  • The first step in formulating a research question is to ensure that it is clear and concise. A clear research question helps to focus your study and ensures that you are addressing a specific issue or problem within the field of clinical psychology. It should be specific enough to guide your research but broad enough to allow for meaningful exploration and analysis.
  • Next, it is important to ensure that the research question is researchable. This means that there should be sufficient resources, data, and methods available to answer the question effectively. Before finalizing your research question, conduct preliminary research to determine if there is existing literature or empirical evidence related to your topic of interest. This will help you assess whether there are appropriate methodologies and data collection techniques available for your study.
  • In addition to being clear and researchable, a well-crafted research question should also consider the practical implications of the study. Clinical psychology is an applied field, and it is important for researchers to consider how their findings can be implemented in real-world settings.

When formulating your research question, think about how the results of your study can contribute to clinical practice or inform policy decisions. To illustrate these considerations, let’s consider an example: “What are the long-term effects of childhood trauma on adult mental health?”

This research question addresses a specific issue (the impact of childhood trauma) within the field of clinical psychology. It is clear and concise, allowing for focused investigation. Preliminary research would reveal ample literature on childhood trauma and various methodologies for studying its long-term effects on mental health.

Finally, this research question has practical implications as understanding the long-term effects of childhood trauma can inform therapeutic interventions and support systems for individuals who have experienced trauma.

3.   Literature Review: Laying the Groundwork

A literature review serves multiple purposes:

  • Identifies Gaps: It helps you identify what has already been studied and where your research could contribute.
  • Provides Context: It sets the stage for your research, giving it context and relevance.
  • Supports Methodology: The review can help justify the research methods you plan to use.

4.   Research Methodology: The Blueprint

Your research methodology is essentially the engine that drives your dissertation. It outlines the steps you’ll take to collect, analyze, and interpret data. Here’s what you need to consider:

  • Type of Research: Will it be qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods? The choice often depends on your research question and the nature of the data you’ll collect.
  • Data Collection Methods: Will you use surveys, interviews, observations, or experiments? Each has its pros and cons, and the best choice depends on your specific research goals.
  • Ethical Considerations: Before you start collecting data, you’ll need approval from an ethics committee. This isn’t just a formality; it’s crucial for the credibility and ethical integrity of your research.
  • Statistical Tools: Software like SPSS or R can be invaluable for data analysis. Make sure you’re familiar with these tools or plan to get trained.

5.   Analyzing and Interpreting Data

Once you have collected your data, it is important to organize and clean it before proceeding with the analysis. This ensures that your findings are accurate and reliable.

  • To begin, you should carefully organize your data in a systematic manner. This can be done by creating a spreadsheet or database where you can input all of your data points. Make sure to label each variable clearly and include any relevant demographic information.
  • After data is organized you need to clean it before conducting any analysis. Data cleaning involves checking for errors or inconsistencies in the data set and making necessary corrections. This may involve removing outliers, checking for missing values, or resolving any discrepancies that arise during the cleaning process.
  • Finally, you can then proceed with applying appropriate statistical analysis techniques. The choice of statistical analysis will depend on the nature of your research question and the type of data you have collected. Common statistical analyses used in clinical psychology research include:
      1. T-tests
      2. ANOVA & ANCOVA
      3. Multiple regression analysis
      4. Correlation analysis
      5. Chi square
      6. Sign test
      7. Multiple comparison
      8. Repeated measures
      9. Log-linear analysis
      10. Rank test


Summarize the key contributions your research has made to the field of clinical psychology. Whether it’s a new insight into behavioral patterns or a critique of existing treatment methods, make it clear how your work adds value.


90 Nursing Leadership Capstone Project Ideas

90 Nursing Leadership Capstone Project Ideas

Finding the right nursing leadership capstone project ideas is one of the most important and basic steps in writing a winning capstone project for your degree. A nursing capstone project is a crowning assignment that is used to test clinical knowledge and skills in nursing at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Note that, a nursing capstone project endeavors to test a student’s acquisition of skills such as researching, critical thinking, organizational skills, and effective communication. As such, choosing a good nursing capstone project idea is quite critical. Like in the case of nursing dissertations or nursing thesis papers, a nursing student is required to combine these skills when comprehensively studying their nursing leadership capstone project topic.

A nursing capstone project ranges from 20 to 100 pages in length and seeks to consolidate a student’s practical nursing experience, experimentation, facts, and data to help identify actual nursing setting issues and the application of skills from class to create actionable solutions. A nursing capstone project can be based either on research or problem-solving.

Nursing capstone projects are evidence based practice projects and therefore they mainly focus on best practices. For instance, the central focus of the nursing leadership capstone project is how to implement different policies, strategies, and technologies into practice for better care delivery. It also revolves around coming up with better healthcare management for staff and workforce issues.

Finding the Best Nursing Leadership Capstone Project Ideas

Coming up with a suitable nursing leadership capstone project idea isn’t easy as most would expect. It is quite challenging and most nursing students find it difficult to generate viable nursing leadership capstone ideas.

Regardless, with the right guidance or skills, settling on a good nursing leadership capstone project topic can be pretty easy and fascinating. Essentially, the process of coming up with nursing leadership capstone project ideas stresses that you brainstorm on all the nursing leadership themes you can think of in the course of your studies.

Granted, settling on a nursing leadership capstone project ideas to explore is one of the most fundamental steps when it comes to completing the capstone project. The following tips can come in handy when choosing exceptional nursing leadership capstone ideas:

  • Find a leadership capstone project idea for nursing that has been rarely explored. With this, you can chart a path that other scholars who will come after you will follow. Besides, you will have a first-hand chance of gaining knowledge on the idea through research, analysis, and presentation.
  • Consider a nursing leadership capstone project topic that is interesting to you. In the nursing leadership field, there are several topics that you can consider as long as your career goals align with the nursing leadership aspect of healthcare.
  • Get a wide range of nursing leadership capstone project ideas then narrow down to the best topic ideas by consulting with your nursing capstone supervisor on the most suitable topic idea.
  • Use the internet to search for different scholarly sources that support your chosen capstone project idea. Certainly, you don’t want to choose a nursing leadership capstone idea that doesn’t have credible facts to support the idea. Therefore, consider strong nursing leadership capstone ideas backed by credible theories, data, frameworks, and facts from several scholarly nursing sources.
  • When choosing nursing capstone project ideas, do not settle for straightforward ideas. Chances are that they might not get approval from your capstone supervisor.

Ideally, writing a successful nursing leadership capstone project can be laborious, however, choosing an appropriate capstone project idea from the onset can make the entire process stress-free and successful. But, if you find trouble and need expert help with writing DNP project, our experienced nursing capstone project writers can help you choose a suitable idea for your nursing project.

Where Can I Find Appropriate Nursing Leadership Capstone Project Ideas?

There are a lot of places where you can get ideas for your nursing leadership capstone project. Here are some places where you can find useful capstone project ideas for your nursing capstone projects.

Class Notes and Lecture Material

Commonly, the course objectives are provided at the beginning of a course, and this can be a starting point to brainstorm your nursing leadership capstone ideas. As you read the course objectives, you will be in a position to understand and foresee what the end of your capstone project will look like.

Moreover, your class notes and lecture material can offer you valuable insights into your capstone project ideas. Also, consider combing through your past nursing essays, concept papers, SOAP notes, nursing research papers, and term papers to get greater nursing capstone project ideas.

Peer-Reviewed Nursing Journals

As a focused nursing student, you must explore peer-reviewed article databases for capstone project ideas. Read as many online nursing journals as possible to increase your chances of stumbling or objectively finding some great capstone project ideas from such journals.

Have you, for example, read the most recent publication in nursing journals? What are some of the topics that caught your attention the most? Are there concerns open to deliberation by nursing leadership? Are there gaps in research that need better understanding?

When reading peer-reviewed nursing journals, make sure it is a focused reading, particularly the newly published articles in nursing leadership and medical-related journals, to increase the chances of coming up with ideal capstone project ideas worthy of your nursing leadership capstone project.

Clinical Rounds

Clinical rounds allow you to work with an experienced nurse (preceptor) and, in the process, gain a great deal of knowledge from the experience when providing care to patients. For instance, what was your experience? What were the challenges? What concepts worked and which ones didn’t work? Did your clinical facility apply evidence-based practice or evidence-based nursing? Were the nurses focused on patient-centered care? By asking such questions you are bound to come up with several ideas by just pondering on your clinical rounds.

Nursing News Articles

Consider Google Search to get the most recently published nursing news in nursing leadership. Ponder on the issues of leadership in nursing in the news to get insights on what specific area to focus on. As you read through the news, you will most likely click on an idea that could be the best for your nursing leadership capstone project.

Nursing Leadership Capstone Projects from Past Classes

Skimming through past nursing leadership capstone projects can enable you to develop some great ideas that you can consider basing your project on. Ideally, by exploring and interacting with the content from these past projects, your mind will wander into insightful topic ideas for your project.

Certainly, these are not the only sources for great nursing leadership capstone project ideas. There are other plenty places to get capstone project ideas from. So, what other places can you think of? Read on to find out some of the best nursing leadership capstone project ideas.

90 Nursing Leadership Capstone Project Ideas You Can Consider for Your Capstone Project

  1. The role of female nurse leadership
  2. Courses that offer substantive clinical leadership skills
  3. Legal and ethical considerations among nurse leaders
  4. Effective use of organizational tactics to motivate healthcare personnel
  5. Professional development strategies for nurses
  6. How is nursing leadership different from other forms of leadership?
  7. Relevance of nursing leadership theories during COVID times
  8. How long should a nurse rest before resuming duty?
  9. The role of the nurses’ association in championing better healthcare
  10. How nurse leaders can help in facilitating development projects
  11. Leadership in the U.S Health System
  12. The stress management approach for nurse leaders
  13. Importance of charismatic leadership among nurse leaders
  14. Importance of having a personal leadership philosophy as a nurse leader
  15. Influential nurse leaders in the political space
  16. Role of nurse managers in healthcare
  17. A comprehensive study of the problems facing modern nurse leaders
  18. Management styles in nursing
  19. Top qualities of a great nurse leader
  20. Nurse leadership qualities and behavior
  21. Senators and governors who are nurses in the U.S.A
  22. Improving nursing leadership skills
  23. Student nurses and leadership
  24. Effective nursing leadership styles
  25. How nurse leaders can address burnout among nurses
  26. Role of nurse leaders in preventing violence in emergency rooms
  27. The link between nurse leadership and change management
  28. Nurse leaders as patient advocates
  29. Nurse leadership: Passion or Duty?
  30. Role of nurse leaders in solving conflicts in clinical settings
  31. Significance of communication among inter-professional team nurse leaders
  32. Challenges facing contemporary nurse leaders
  33. Organizational strategies nurse leaders can use to motivate the healthcare personnel
  34. Role of transformational leadership among nurse managers
  35. How nurse leaders can initiate and manage change
  36. Theories that support nurse leadership
  37. Importance of nurse leaders in quality improvement projects
  38. Importance of charismatic leadership among nurse leaders
  39. The stress management approach for nurse leaders
  40. Impact of nurse leadership on patient outcomes
  41. Significance of nurse leadership in service delivery
  42. What is leadership from a nursing perspective?
  43. Importance of ethical practice among nurse leaders
  44. Long-term and short-term goals for clinical leaders
  45. Making nursing career an enjoyable profession
  46. Professional development strategies among nurse leaders
  47. Evacuation procedures in case of a fire in the hospital
  48. How to build a compatible nurse-patient relationship at first sight?
  49. Importance of nurse leaders in quality improvement projects
  50. Interview with a nurse leader
  51. Strategies to address the shortage of respiratory therapists and ventilators during a disaster
  52. How nurse leaders can ensure team leadership for the best collaboration in healthcare teams
  53. Training plan for nurse leaders
  54. Defining leadership in nursing
  55. Traits of a great nurse leader
  56. The future of nursing leadership
  57. How do a nurse’s attitude and knowledge affect his or her effectiveness?
  58. Leadership characteristics that represent excellence
  59. Strengths and weakness of charge nurses
  60. Role of nurse leaders in shaping public policy
  61. Standard operating procedures for conducting ward rounds
  62. Transactional leadership approach among nurses
  63. Comparing and contrasting nurse leadership roles in private and public hospitals
  64. Nurse leaders as change agents in healthcare settings
  65. Impact of recognition program on Registered Nurses’ motivational level
  66. Difference between accountability among nurse leaders in developed nations and developing nations
  67. Pharmaceutical Companies overpricing Medication: Background and Policy Landscape
  68. Managing occupational stress met by healthcare workers
  69. The roles of Nursing Organizations in Shaping the future of nursing
  70. Emergency room conflict and the role of nurse leaders in resolving it
  71. Evaluation of leadership qualities that deliver excellence in a nursing setting
  72. Ways of motivating nurses in emergency services
  73. Defining the standard working hours of a nurse
  74. Productivity of nurse leaders in public versus private hospitals
  75. Leadership in nursing education
  76. How nurse leaders can address burnout among nurses
  77. Strategies to prevent burnout syndrome among nurses
  78. Impact of nurse leader mindfulness meditation program on stress management
  79. Explore the role of the nursing manager during a shortage of nursing staff in elderly care home
  80. Effects of the professional identity development program on the professional identity, job satisfaction, and burnout levels of nurses
  81. Differentiating between nursing leadership and other forms of leadership
  82. The role of nurse leaders in successful implementation of change management
  83. Training gap analysis for modern nurses
  84. Exploring differences in nursing leadership between developing and developed countries
  85. Leadership traits and behaviors that define excellence in modern nurse leaders
  86. Does nursing education prepare effective nurse leaders?
  87. Comparing management styles adopted by UK nurse leaders and US nurse leaders.
  88. Effective leadership style for modern nurse leaders
  89. Role of nurse leaders in assisting nurse cope with burnout
  90. Comparing and contrasting organizational leadership and nursing leadership
  91. Role of nurse leaders in patient advocates.

Choosing a suitable topic idea for your nursing leadership capstone project is vital to the successful completion of the project. If you are stranded on where to start your search for the perfect nursing leadership capstone project idea, our list of 80 nursing leadership capstone project ideas can provide you with a starting point for creating a winning nursing capstone project.

Furthermore, you can use our professional capstone project writing services to assist you in writing a customized nursing capstone project that meets all of the capstone requirements on time.


About the Author

DNP project writerWritten by: Amy Kaufman DNP, MSN, RN

The writer holds DNP and MSN from a top nursing university in the US. She has written hundreds of nursing capstone projects on various topics including mental health, oncology, nursing leadership, pediatric nursing, nursing burnout and emergency nursing.

Hire writer today for as little as 15$ per page for your nursing capstone proposal and projects.

How To Write Dissertation Problem Statement

How To Write a Dissertation Problem Statement

The most crucial section of your dissertation is the problem statement. Whereas your dissertation endeavors to find a solution to a pressing issues, your problem statement is the central focus.

The main goal of a problem statement in a dissertation is to lay the groundwork for the whole dissertation. As such, it must clearly identify the problem you are addressing, its significance, and how your research intends to fill the prevailing knowledge gap.

A dissertation problem statement has some specific standards, that, if adhered to, will help you write a solid problem statement that will help you define the purpose, scope, and objectives of your dissertation. If you are stuck on problem statement writing for your dissertation, this guide prepared by our expert dissertation writers for hire will help you sail through your dissertation problem statement writing seamlessly.

What is a Problem Statement for a Dissertation?

A problem statement is a summary of an issue’s history and scope of impact. The problem statement section also offers the writer the chance to explain the reason for conducting the study. Don’t mistake a problem statement for a thesis statement or research topic. Regardless, all these are interconnected and crucial to the completion of a solid dissertation paper.

Components of a Dissertation Problem Statement

A dissertation’s problem statement has three components at its basic level. These components include:

  1. The research question

For a dissertation, there is need to conduct a thorough research study on the problem. it is the gap in knowledge in your area of study that you aim to fill or an overarching inquiry guiding the research. As such, some questions to ask at this point are:

  • Is the problem statement easy to understand?
  • Do I get the core issue being raised?
  • Do I know the central problem?
  1. The argument of provisional thesis

Your working thesis is your initial argument and ought to mirror your current thinking on the issue under study. However, a ‘working’ thesis can be revised regularly as more information is gotten during the study. Besides, you have to rationalize your position in your working thesis by providing both primary and secondary claims that back your stance.

  1. Importance of the research

This section of the problem statement allows you to explain to your readers why the study is significant and what they should expect to benefit from it. Therefore, the results and significance of your dissertation should be conversed here. So, ensure to stress how your study contributes to and advances the previous studies as well as how future research might benefit from it.

How to Write a Solid Problem Statement for a Dissertation

Writing a clear and concise problem statement is important when writing a dissertation paper. It will guide you to define the purpose, scope, and objective of your dissertation. So, how do you write a dissertation problem statement? Here is a guide to help you come up with a well-crafted problem statement for your dissertation.

  1. Understand the Purpose: What is the purpose of writing your dissertation? Once you are able to understand the purpose of your dissertation, it will help you to identify the main question or objectives you aim to address in your research. Therefore, understanding the purpose sets the groundwork for your problem statement.
  2. Identify the Research Gap to be Filled: For easy identification of research gap, you need to conduct a thorough literature review of the problem under study. This will help you understand the current knowledge and research done on the issue. Besides, it will help you identify the limitations in the existing literature that your dissertation intends to address.
  3. Focus on Specificity:Your dissertation’s problem statement ought to be specific and well-focused. Try as much as possible to avoid vague or general statements. Alternatively, clearly and concisely state the problem you aim to investigate.
  4. Outline the Research Goals: State the goals or objectives of your dissertation. The goals ought to align with the problem statement while providing a clear direction of your research. What do you intend to achieve through your study? Therefore, the goal or objectives should be focused, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.
  5. Consider the Scope and Limitations: Be sure to clearly define the scope or your dissertation’s research. You can do this by specifying the boundaries and constrains of your study. For instance, population or sample being investigated, the geographical area, and the timeframe. Moreover, recognize any limitations or potential challenges that may impact the validity or generality of your findings.
  6. Be Relevant: You must highlight the advantage and relevance of the issue you aim to address. As such, explain why it is essential to study this problem and how it adds to the existing knowledge in your area of study.
  7. Give Context: Proving a brief synopsis of the background and context of the issue. Ideally, describe any relevant theories, concepts or past research that aids craft the problem and its importance.
  8. Use Clear Language: When writing your problem statement, consider using a clear and concise language; straightforward. Jargons and technical terms can be confusing to readers, especially those not familiar with your area of study. Therefore, use simple and clear language that is easily understood by everyone who may be interested to read your dissertation.
  9. Seek Feedback: Share your written problem statement with your colleagues or advisor. Let them read your it and give you feedback and possible suggestions for improvement. More importantly, consider their perspective and revise your problem statement so.
  10. Revise and Polish:Based on the feedback gotten and a fresh mind and perspective, revise and polish your problem statement to attain clarity, consistency, and configuration to your research objectives. Also, make sure that the problem statement is well-expressed, explicit and precisely represents the focus of your study.

Remember, a well-articulated problem statement sets the foundation for your dissertation and helps in your research. Therefore, ensure that your problem statement is clear, concise, specific, and supported by existing literature. Besides, it should clearly bring out the problem you are addressing, its importance and how your study aims to fill the existing knowledge gap.

Qualities of a Well-Crafted Problem Statement

A well-written problem statement expresses the dissertation’s fundamental objectives or aim in clear, concise and explicit language. So, your dissertation’s problem statement should have the following qualities:

  • It should have a practical problem statement that is specific and straightforward. No ambiguity of concept should be captured.
  • It should help put the research problem into perspective.
  • With the guidance of a well-written problem statement, you will easily determine what you hope to achieve through you study.
  • A solid problem statement should give credence to your study and emphasize its significance.
  • A good problem statement should veer away from jargons and technical terms in their statements since this will confuse non-specialist readers and thus make them loose interest in reading the entire dissertation.
  • Your problem statement should be short yet detailed enough to enable the reader fully understand the topic under study.
  • The research question should be easily understood by anyone reading it.
  • A well-crafted problem statement should be not too broad or general. It should be specific, measurable and transparent. Moreover, it should be limited to what can be achieved within a reasonable timeframe; it should be realist and achievable.
  • It should have enough data and evidence to support the premise under study.

Tips to Writing a Winning Dissertation Problem Statement

  • Start with expected solution

Often, a statement of problem comes before design. However, we have a tendency of thinking in solutions. Therefore, we frequently find that problems present themselves to us as solutions, and thus you will have to go backwards to the original problem. as such, asking what problem this solution would solve will enable you attain this.

  • Consider incorrect solutions

Often, you will find difficult in identifying the correct problem. However, by using job story format directs your problem statement to the right magnification level. For instance, imagining the wrong solutions to your problem will help define the standards for an effective solution. So, if you are unable to craft a customer-focused premise for excluding the incorrect solution, it may essentially be worth considering.

  • Think about one-person problem

You may struggle with how to phrase your problem at the appropriate level, depending on whether you are trying to solve it for a whole age group or community. A well-crafted problem statement should be centred on a problem or problems for a person or persons. Therefore, consider stating the exact problem that the people involved feel should you find it difficult understanding the problem area.

  • Start the design

Typically, statement of problem is developed quite often and can be simpler to start by creating solutions that it is to entirely stipulate all the limitations in a solution space up front. With this strategy, you are bound to create viewpoints and options that you may not have thought before. Besides, starting the design can help make it clear which issues are difficult to find solution.

  • Reduce judgmental expressions

A well-written problem statement should include information about the reader’s needs and wants. Therefore, terms of judgment such as ‘failed product’ or ‘poor system are imprecise and may be understood differently among readers of the problem description. Instead, you can swap these terms with non-judgmental terms such as ‘for the development’, looking at the scope of positive traits’, ‘to find the flaws’ among other in the context of your problem statement.

Certainly, writing a dissertation problem statement may seem like a no brainer question. However, it is more than that. It provides you with the direction on how to craft the entire dissertation based on an issue. The problem statement will help you focus on defining on the problem and how to solve it while looking at future prospects. Therefore, with the guidelines we have outlined above, you can craft a good dissertation problem statement. However, should you get stuck, we can always lend a helping hand.

20 Latest MBA Capstone Project Ideas

20 Latest MBA Capstone Project Ideas For Students To Consider

Essentially, at the culmination of every course, the schools and colleges will ask each student or team to complete their project on any original capstone project ideas to assess the student’s overall understanding.

Do you currently have to turn in a capstone project? Do you need the top suggestions for capstone project ideas? Well, in this post, we have compiled a list of some of the most intriguing and latest MBA Capstone Project Ideas on various subjects for those having trouble coming up with a topic for a capstone project. We have also included a thorough explanation of how to choose the appropriate subject for a capstone project.

What Is MBA Capstone Project?

MBA capstone project ideas
Hottest MBA capstone project ideas

The MBA capstone project is typically completed over two semesters. Students must work independently on the topic or problem of their choice. Students research to collect new information and use reasoning skills to evaluate their findings. MBA capstone projects demonstrate students’ comprehension and knowledge of theories and analysis techniques taught throughout MBA coursework.


The capstone proposal is the first step in developing a capstone project. Students present their capstone proposal to the mentor, outlining the subject of their research. The topic of choice ought to offer a workable solution to an actual business issue. The intended career paths of the students should also be considered.


MBA students take an internship to gain real-world experience and knowledge that will help them complete their capstone project honestly and objectively. Students use their practical knowledge and life experience to give their capstone project a concrete form.


To develop a workable solution that can be used to solve the problem in question, students also use their management abilities and apply the various methodologies and techniques covered in their course.


By conducting surveys and interviews, researchers(students) elicit opinions from participants on the capstone’s subject. A project journal is also used to track their development. Finally, students must submit their final capstone draft and present their research to a faculty panel to receive credit for their work.

How Do I Choose the Top and latest MBA Capstone Project Ideas?

The capstone project can be started by either a single person or a small group of three to four people. With the approval of a faculty member, a student selects one or more capstone projects that require them to compile a lengthy list of recommendations for addressing various organizational problems. While developing these recommendations, students can show their proficiency in the MBA study areas of strategic management, finance, marketing, accounting, and operations.


A SWOT analysis of the company’s strengths and weaknesses, potential growth opportunities, and threats from competitors are used to define them in a document of about 30 to 50 pages. Understanding how to choose a good subject for your project is therefore crucial. Following are some instructions for you to remember:

1.   Think of Your Favourite Area of Study

The first step is to think back on and develop ideas for your favorite classes and engaging course modules. Any ideas that come to mind that you think would make a good capstone project should be written down.

2.   Conduct Thorough Research

With a list of potential topics in hand, you can now conduct in-depth research to learn more about the subject and determine, based on the research materials, whether it is worthwhile to pursue your project. Pick a topic that is neither overly general nor overly specific. Choose a specific business capstone topic from among the latest MBA Capstone Project Ideas that may be accessible online with good academic sources.

3.   Talk to Your Supervisor

Make sure to speak with the project manager before you begin. Obtaining approval is crucial because it will let you know if you are heading in the right direction.

4.   Get Over It!

You can now start working on your project and follow the directions on the paper. Ask your qualified tutor for assistance if you need direction in case you have any doubts. Before writing your projects, adhere to the steps discussed above. Choose a topic that will allow you to demonstrate your analytical prowess while summarizing your education.

Top 20 Latest MBA Capstone Project Ideas for 2023

You must come up with excellent capstone project ideas for your MBA project before settling on the best one. Browse our latest MBA Capstone Project Ideas list to get started; pick one from the list to continue with, or think of your own!

Latest MBA Capstone Project Ideas for Business Management

Here are a few of the best business management-related MBA Capstone Projects you can choose from.  You’ll see that each of the administration capstone topics listed below can be further divided into many questions deserving of in-depth study.

●     Commercial Globalization

A few decades ago, the term “globalization” made its way into the business world and has continued to expand ever since. This has been amply demonstrated by the recent trade conflict between the United States and China, which involved numerous tariffs. Despite the distance of more than 7,200 miles separating these two areas, both nations managed to have an impact on one another’s markets. Thus, globalization has undoubtedly progressed to the point where laws governing cross-border trade in goods and services are pretty lenient. A capstone topic in this area would be a great place to start because students can modify it as they see fit afterward to prevent plagiarism. Additionally, the area is not outdated.

●     Increasing Impact of Technology

The adoption of technology is presumably the only other trend with a history as aggressive as globalization. Just think about how Amazon, for instance, was able to enter the eBay-dominated market and quickly overtook it. Despite being in operation since the 1990s, it only took them a few years to overtake their rivals as the industry’s dominant force thanks to the invention of its Prime services like next-day delivery. Therefore, an excellent opportunity to investigate patterns like the one above would be to center the capstone topic around technology in business.

●     Pay rates Negotiation for Entry-Level Positions

Going back to salary negotiations for recent graduates, this is one of the most understudied topics for all college majors. Students majoring in business administration have the opportunity to thoroughly research this subject because they can tie their capstone project to it. The right ways to approach professional negotiations, why so many people choose not to negotiate, and the power of recent graduates are excellent topics for analysis. Salary negotiation will be ideal for anyone interested in maximizing their earnings early on and providing a solid topic.

●     The Significance of Cultural Awareness

According to Forbes, performance levels, motivation, and environment at work are primarily influenced by corporate culture. Sadly, many big businesses lack essential cultural sensitivity. Conglomerates like Best Buy, eBay, and Google can be historical examples. Millions of dollars were spent by all of those companies in an effort to expand into markets where their services are not widely used. Therefore, selecting to investigate such trends and coming up with a creative question to address in this context can be yet another fantastic business administration MBA Capstone Project Idea.

●     Why Thousands of Start-Ups Fail in the US

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy, approximately one-third of all businesses survive past their 10-year anniversary. This is caused by a very long list of factors, ranging from an apparent lack of planning to overly enthusiastic expansions. Students who think they might want to start their own business someday should research this. By doing this, they can learn the ins and outs of launching a new business and some of the most typical errors that should be avoided.

List of Other latest MBA Capstone Project Ideas

Check out these latest MBA capstone project ideas to improve your paper’s chances of being accepted on the first try.

  1. Self-assignment of habitual purchasing products on sales.
  2. Market entry tactics in developing economies.
  3. The influence of occupational status on cooking behavior and food purchasing by women.
  4. Gender influences on family purchasing decisions.
  5. Influence of prescription drug dispensing behavior on consumer store visits.
  6. Application of mobile phone advertising framework.
  7. The relationship between customer satisfaction and website attributes.
  8. Recession’s effects on consumer purchasing decisions.
  9. How does an employee’s smile impact customer satisfaction?
  10. Comparison of buyers’ and sellers’ perspectives on the market acceptability of licensed software.
  11. The connection between corporate sales, customer knowledge, and marketing research.
  12. Determine the impact of opinion leadership on consumer purchasing decisions in low and high-involvement product categories.
  13. The effect of performance commitment on customer avoidance of product quality.
  14. Factors Influencing Brand Switching in the Telecommunications Industry.
  15. The consequences of advertising research practices.


Writing MBA Capstone Projects: Importance of Applying the latest MBA Capstone Project Ideas

Capstone projects are the pinnacle of a student MBA graduate program. They are regarded as essential components by students for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, they teach students to exhibit high academic and professional standards as they learn to apply business management principles and theories learned in the MBA curriculum to the real world.


Overall, it is advantageous to be well-versed in strategic management, have advanced quantitative research skills, and use these skills to collect data from actual organizations to draw conclusions about employee productivity or profitability and implement changes based on those conclusions.


Second, capstone projects on current subjects show students’ capacity to gather and analyze primary or secondary data from relevant and reliable sources. Thirdly, organizations will be able to use the agreed-upon issues in their ongoing work and decision-making processes once they have been fully addressed and fresh recommendations have been offered.

Tips for Writing Good MBA Capstone Project

Planning your writing is necessary once you have a strong topic and are prepared to pursue it. To determine what you should write about, gather sufficient information and create an outline. When you experience difficulties, you may find below tips of writing capstone project below helpful.

Be Innovative

The MBA capstone project is not a dissertation or term paper where you should use dry academic language, as you may have inferred from the topics above. Even though you must conduct research, gather and analyze data, and outline your paper, that doesn’t mean you can’t think creatively. Pick an important topic, such as the impact of social media, the death penalty or euthanasia, sports, or business. It will be a popular subject, one that people are interested in. And because you are a member of this society, you will develop strong arguments for them. You’ll write a fantastic paper by combining your ideas with academic knowledge.

Establish Performance Measures

Sometimes there is nothing else you can do but roll up your sleeves and begin writing. It would be beneficial if you didn’t wait until this time. Starting early allows you to plan your writing and complete it correctly. That is why your assignment is referred to as a capstone project rather than a paper. Each project goes through several stages before reaching its conclusion. As a result, break your task up into some milestones and give each one a deadline. It will assist you in remaining organized and managing the process.

Never Work Alone

Another characteristic of the project is the people who work on it. Unless instructed otherwise, you are allowed to assemble a group of fellow students. When you have a lot of tasks to complete in a short time, it is a good idea. The outcome cannot be anything less than simply amazing when you discuss the project with your friends, share your ideas, and concentrate on the aspects that appeal to each of you the most.


Having a solid topic alone won’t help you create a successful capstone project. You should conduct in-depth research on your chosen topic to ensure an effective and efficient presentation of your project. Contact us immediately if you require additional creative and latest MBA Capstone Project Ideas or academic assistance to complete your capstone project.

12 Proven Strategies to Boost GPA

Tips to Boost Your GPA: 12 Proven Strategies

Commitment and effort are necessary for academic achievement, especially if you want to raise your grades and grade point average (GPA). Your academic progress will be impacted by your organization and study methods.  To help you reach your academic goals, we’ll go over some efficient and proven strategies to boost GPA in college and university.

To boost GPA, you must first comprehend what a GPA is. Your grade point average (GPA) represents your overall academic year average. The average of your grades over a semester or academic year is your GPA. It varies depending on how well you do in each of your subjects. For instance, if you received an A+ for the semester in a class, those 4 points will count against your cumulative GPA. There are numerous strategies to achieve a 4.0 GPA, regardless of whether your objective is merely to raise your grade point average. Here are 12 proven strategies to boost GPA

1.  Regularly Attend Classes

As essential as it may seem, this is a crucial action. This is especially crucial in science lectures because you will lose out on the instructors’ in-depth verbal explanations and other students’ Q&As. Regular attendance also enables you to participate and make a favorable impression on your lecturers, which could result in higher grades.

2.  Don’t Enroll in Courses You Don’t Need.

Usually, you’ll have to take the courses necessary for your primary degree. Keep the prerequisites and workload of the courses in mind when selecting your electives or any additional classes so that you can enroll in courses you can afford and quit taking ones you don’t need.

Take honors and advanced-level courses to boost your GPA, but be realistic about how much you can handle. Select these courses if you feel more confident earning an A or A+ in coursework at the average level.

3.  Schedule Your Most Difficult Classes First

As part of your major, you will need to take challenging courses. In this case, you can structure your lessons to provide the challenging courses as much time as possible. If necessary, seek assignment writing aid. Your ability to study challenging stuff will increase as a result.

Please speak with your counselor and the registrar before planning your course schedule. They will help you create a schedule that enables you to succeed in challenging classes while staying on track to graduate.

4.  Use The Tools at Your Disposal to Learn

Use the library if it is available in your institution. Studying in residence halls or dorm rooms is not always a good idea because you’ll be more likely to get sidetracked. However, you will be more concentrated and have access to various materials if you study in a library.

5.  Refrain From Multitasking

Multitasking may be advantageous for simple, mindless jobs, but it is not advantageous for studying. Your productivity may suffer, and your ability to think critically may be hampered. Changing tasks without losing focus is difficult for people to do. You should anticipate that the preparation you need for each class will vary if you have assignments or tests in numerous classes.

Consider concentrating on one class for a few hours, then moving on to the next, rather than going from one to the other and drastically altering your working patterns. By doing so, you’ll be able to maintain your concentration for an extended period of time and then switch gears to work on a different lesson to give your brain a “vacation.”

6.  Study Smart

Another proven strategies to boost GPA is to find a study method that you enjoy. No two persons have the same results on the same nutrition plan, just as no two people have the same results on the same study plan. You must find a solution that works for you. Does this imply recording lectures and listening to them repeatedly? or does this imply converting your notes into images and charts?  or does this imply that you should type your notes into a book you can refer to later? Maybe does it imply playing a game with your friends? Everyone is unique; what helps you remember?

How do you learn? You undoubtedly know how you remember stuff. Is it by hearing? Seeing? Using your hands? Do whatever helps you. Find a friend and tell them the facts. Make your own mnemonic devices and draw visuals to assist your brain recall. Anything that engages you will suffice.

7.  Connect with Your Professors

When you feel overwhelmed by your study load, it’s OK to talk to your professors. Professors, instructors, and counselors are knowledgeable about the various learning techniques that can benefit you. To identify your areas of weakness and strengthen them, ask them for feedback on your assignments, tests, and exams. They’ll want to assist you if you’re a good student who wants to improve. Find out from them what you can do to improve your grades. They could know the solution.

  • Sometimes a student is just a few points away from a higher grade. If a teacher loves and knows you, they might give you a pass; for example, a 79 percent might be raised to a C- rather than a D+. Talk to your teachers if nothing else to get their favor.


  • Some colleges provide a program known as “Course forgiveness.” You can either drop the class’s lowest grade or retake it. Ask your lecturers if you think you could be eligible for something like this.

8. Limit Extracurricular Activities

College life is greatly influenced by extracurricular activities like clubs, sports, music ensembles, and other pursuits. They’re a fantastic opportunity to socialize, take a break from studying, and gain knowledge outside the classroom.

However, if your grade point average is low, you may want to scale back on your extracurricular activities to spend more time studying. Remember that you won’t be able to join any clubs if you are expelled from college owing to a subpar average GPA.

9. Form a Study Group with Your Shrewd and  Dedicated Peers

According to research, learning in groups is a very productive method as long as there are four or fewer participants and everyone genuinely pays attention. Why? It’s because talking about the subject solidifies it in your memory and compels you to listen, reflect, and speak simultaneously when all these abilities are together, the idea processes in your brain at a deeper level. For your study group to be a success:

  • Choose a group leader to keep everyone on the course. Bring some snacks, and prepare some inquiries. After covering all of your content, go back to the issue the group was having. Make sure you make the most of each person’s strengths as well.


  • Don’t play around either. Study groups are useless if everyone is merely chatting, spreading rumors about their buddies, and snacking on food. That is why having a leader is so helpful because sometimes you need someone to pull you back onto the right course.

10. Pose Questions Throughout the Class.

If you don’t comprehend a concept, speak up during lessons and class activities. By clarifying topics that may have previously confused you, you can assist the instructor in delivering the same material in a different way. Asking questions can spark innovation and new ways of thinking because it is the basis for collaboration. What you discover from the answers to your inquiries can be used as study material later.

11. Submit Assignments on Time

Turning in your assignments on time is essential for achieving an A on all your homework assignments. Even if you finish a significant assignment that is deserving of an A, submitting it late could result in a penalty or point deduction from your mark by your teacher, which would impact your final score. Instead, make sure you always turn in your tasks by the deadline.

Additionally, speak with your instructor and let them know the situation if you anticipate being absent or unable to submit an assignment by the due date. They’ll probably be delighted to locate a flexible substitute for you.

12.  Goal-setting and Self-rewarding

On a regular basis, set clear goals. For instance, you might decide to make it your weekly objective to submit all of your calculus homework assignments with an A. Every week, assess your progress and determine what needs to be done to accomplish your next objective. You can maintain a higher GPA by setting goals each week that are related to improving your grades, effectively applying concepts, and comprehending topics covered in class.

13. Hire Tutors

Do you find yourself struggling in class? then you need to engage a tutoring service. A simple google search will return hundreds of results of available tutors. There are different types of  online tutoring services. Ranging from consulting agencies, those who will teach you new concept to those will assist you complete assignments. You will need to choose the service that best suits you. For instance, our dissertation statistics consulting offers PhD students with dissertation data analysis help. Hundreds of PhD students have benefited from our statistical expertise and advisory.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Reasonable GPA Goal?

Many colleges, universities, and even high schools consider a GPA of 3.0 – 3.5 adequate. Top academic institutions frequently require GPAs greater than 3.5.

Is a GPA Below 3.0 Good in College?

More specifically, the national GPA average is around 3.0; thus, you are below average nationwide if your GPA is below this number. The average GPA of students accepted into colleges is higher than the national average since the 3.0 average reflects all students, not just those applying to college.

In Summary

Overall, academic achievement and boosting your GPA are complex tasks. Of course, you must work hard and put up much effort. However, if you follow the appropriate recommendations and study in the correct method, you will quickly boost your GPA. If you follow these 12 strategies to boost GPA, your GPA will skyrocket. Good luck.

Top Career Trends That Will Matter Most in 2022 & 2023

Top Career Trends That Will Matter Most in 2022 & 2023

top career trends

It can be challenging to select a college major, whether you are a high school senior or an adult looking to change careers. Choosing a career that would allow you to pursue your hobbies and still support your family might be challenging. Understanding the career trends, state of the labor market today and how it is anticipated to change over the coming years will help you narrow down your search.

The same degree of care should be used while investing time in your professional development as you would with your savings. Concentrating your efforts in the areas most likely to help you reach your financial objectives will depend on your ability to determine where money is moving.

Career Trends: What Are They?

Career trends reflect shifts in the demand for particular abilities in the labor market. New job opportunities may result from these shifts, while others may cause some markets to disappear completely.

A career trend, in plain English, is when the demand for a particular set of talents changes in the labor market. If we see a positive trend, the market around those skills creates a new and clearly defined professional path. The options for launching a conventional career are declining, which is an alarming trend.

The most recent instances of this are simple to identify. The need for Data Scientists has increased in line with a favorable trend as technology has advanced over the past 15 years. These days, there is a comprehensive career path laid out for those who wish to work in data science, accompanied by academic degrees designed to provide graduates with the necessary marketable skills.

We’re here to provide predictions on the key participants in the employment market for 2023 and beyond using information from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics and influential newspapers and magazines. We believe that this will help you decide on a professional education program with knowledge. These top career trends will be crucial in the employment market in 2023.

1.   Technology and its Value in Labor Markets

Change in the workforce will always be fueled by technology. Current generations appear to be more accepting of change than previous generations, who were often more resistive to it. Many workers actively seek opportunities to integrate new technology into their work and want their employers to do the same.

  • A corporation that employs cutting-edge technologies to promote career advancement has a 55% higher chance of keeping its employees.
  • 85% of employees want technology to suggest a career path for them. This involves pointing out potential areas for improvement and suggesting further actions.
  • 16% of businesses deploy technology more regularly to observe employees. This covers online time clocks, computer use, emails, and communication.

2.   Automation and Employment Prospects

Did you know automation technology is getting better and more inexpensive for businesses to use in their workforce? Automation may be more practical than hiring people in some businesses. Automation is being applied in various areas to boost worker productivity.

  • Between 1990 and 2015, labor expenses climbed by more than 100%, while robot costs reduced by more than 50%.
  • The majority of customer service interactions—around 85%—are automated.
  • In 2023, it is anticipated that investments in hyper-automation will total $596.6 billion. Huge rise over the previous two years of more than $100 billion.
  • In the next 50 years, a majority of the work currently done by people will be done by robots and computers.

3.   Social Media and the Future of Employment

Don’t believe the myth that your job life is unrelated to your social media life. Nowadays, social media profiles are used by employers during the hiring process. Simply put, your social media usage could improve or harm your prospects of landing a job or succeeding in your existing position. Keep your profile professional to always be on the safe side.

The distinction between using social media for personal and professional purposes is becoming increasingly hazy. Both employers and employees use it to identify new opportunities and evaluate partnership possibilities. Maintaining a professional online image should be a top focus for business people moving forward.

  • One without a social media presence will probably not be considered by 21% of hiring managers.
  • When you have a profile photo on LinkedIn, your chances of someone viewing it are enhanced by 14 times.
  • LinkedIn is used by 51% of recent graduates. (Pew Research Centre)

4.   Increase in the Unemployment Rate

At 3.7 percent in July 2019, the unemployment rate in the US reached its lowest level in the preceding 40 years. Since 2010, the unemployment rate has been continuously decreasing. Everything was improving. However, the number has increased ever since the COVID-19 epidemic struck.

Despite a decline at the beginning of 2021, the unemployment rate is still higher than in February of 2020 before the pandemic. We anticipate that until the coronavirus’s dangers and concerns are finally addressed, this will remain higher than pre-pandemic levels. This has numerous repercussions for both employees and businesses.

5.   Trends in Remote Work

Along with remote work’s growth, COVID-19 marked a fundamental shift in workplace culture. Many businesses provided their employees the option to work from home, either full-time or part-time, out of need, and some closed their physical offices permanently.

A report from WeWork shows that a flexible work environment is something that 75% of employees are willing to give up one work benefit for. Healthcare, bonuses, or paid time off are examples of this perk.

  • There will likely be 40.7 million remote Americans in the next five years.
  • According to 36% of executives, the loss of corporate culture is the main issue with hybrid work environments.
  • (Gartner) Before COVID-19, 30% of workers did remote work. After COVID-19, an estimated 48% of employees will still work remotely.

6.   Careers, skills, and region incompatibilities

Poor-quality systems and education are the leading causes of skills gaps. In addition, there are new ways of organizing the workplace, new places where jobs can be found, quick technical advancements, and demographic changes. The technical skills of candidates are insufficient to fill the available jobs. These encompass STEM degrees in physics and statistics and soft skills like cooperation and communication.

On the other hand, even employed people might not be using their full potential. According to a global poll, 37% of job seekers say their current jobs don’t fully utilize their skills.

Mismatches in terms of location also exist. In fact, it was discovered that there were numerous structural inconsistencies across the US based on location. These areas have a high need for labor but a shortage of competent candidates. The identical situation is occurring all around the planet.

  • The mismatch between worker skills and open positions persists.
  • The most detrimental impact on such a gap is caused by low education quality.
  • To remedy this employment issue, structural flaws should be fixed.

7.   Career Trends in Hiring and Recruitment

Demands fluctuate along with changing job trends. Potential employees can make higher pay, perks, and corporate responsibility demands in this seller’s labor market. According to Zippia recruiting statistics, 67% of job searchers believe remuneration is the most crucial aspect in accepting a job offer.

  • 70% of job searchers prefer recruiters to be upfront about the salary range when they initially get in touch.
  • Before applying for a job, 75% of job seekers look up the employer’s reputation.

8.   Freelancing Will Rule the Future

In more significant numbers, workers are turning away from traditional employment opportunities in favor of the freedom to work for themselves. Thanks to the digital economy, freelancers no longer need to rely on personal ties to secure employment. They can publish online portfolios, look via freelance employment networks, or find a part-time job in the burgeoning gig economy. Interestingly, students and researchers are turning to academic ghostwriting services who are mostly PhD holders for assistance with their research work.

Employers view this tendency as mutually advantageous because it relieves them of the cost of supporting permanent hiring when the workload does not warrant it.

  • According to 46% of freelancers, their obligations and circumstances prevent them from holding traditional jobs.
  • The majority of independent contractors (45%) provide skilled services.
  • Fifty-one percent of freelancers believe that no amount of money could persuade them to accept a traditional job.
  • Women make up 40% of the freelance workforce. 6% less than the workforce as a whole. (Statista)

9.   The Elder Generation is Retiring in Greater Numbers

Millennials outnumbered Baby Boomers as of July 2019. And Millennials will eventually dominate the work market. But it appears that this will happen sooner than we had anticipated. Over the past nine years, the annual growth rate among retiring baby boomers has never exceeded the +2.5 million observed in 2015. Additionally, 2019 saw the lowest annual increase in Boomer retirements.

Boomers who did not complete high school are now more likely to retire, up two percentage points. The same holds for recent high school grads. For those with bachelor’s degrees or more, there was only a one percentage point gain. Boomers with some college education did not see a percentage increase. The information was gathered between February and September 2020.

  • New skills that younger generations have more of than Baby Boomers will be needed to adapt to changing business environments.
  • By 2023, there will be three million more Baby Boomers retiring annually.

Key Takedown

The career trends outlined above provide several pressing issues that must be resolved;

  • Employees should be encouraged to continually update their technical knowledge due to the growing demand for technology capabilities.
  • To maximize the benefits of automation, businesses should embrace it cautiously and enthusiastically.
  • Employees should always maintain a respectable, positive online reputation, as should everyone else for good measure.
  • Businesses should safeguard the welfare and financial stability of their employees.
  • To help with the current issue of job mismatches, businesses should launch initiatives.
  • Finding methods to use technology to generate jobs, rather than using it otherwise, is genuinely the right mentality.

These career trends should give you some handy ideas for enhancing your current professional path. Employers should use reliable HR process solutions to improve employee management procedures further. You will find monitoring your team’s productivity and future development simpler.

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How To Write Good DBA Thesis

How To Write DBA Thesis

A Doctorate in Business Administration is not an easy feat and anyone who doesn’t recognize the weight it holds is clearly misinformed. DBA is normally an upgrade from MBA and requires a high level of skill and a lot of work is put into it, including the DBA project, which is why you are here to determine what are the dos and the don’ts and I am more than happy to give you a roadmap to the perfect DBA thesis. When it comes to academic writing, you need to walk into it without a shred of doubt on what is required of you so as to deliver an exceptional project. Let me put an end to this chitchat and get right into it. Here is how to write a good DBA thesis.

Typically, a DBA thesis will have 5 chapters that are well structured to take care of all that your paper needs courtesy of the APA style of writing. These parts maintain a continuous flow of thought and an easy flow of the process.

Structure of DBA Thesis

Chapter 1: Introduction

This is the very first bit of your paper that sets the platform for you to introduce your research. Here, you should give information pertaining to the;

  • Background of problem that you are researching.
  • Problem statement
  • Nature of the study
  • Research question- this will be used as a beacon to ensure that you deliver as per the posed question
  • Theoretical framework
  • Limitations of the research.

Chapter 2: Literature review

Getting into research requires you to have some knowledge on what progress has already been made as far as the said problem is concerned. While there are tons of sources of information, there are certain credible sources you can use, which comes in highly recommended to maintain quality. Which makes selecting literature to review a very crucial bit to your dissertation.

  • So, what are you looking to achieve by reviewing the literature?

– distinguish what has been done already and what needs to be done. Basically, you need to determine the gaps in the research and capitalize on them.

– On the other hand, you need to get a new perspective based on another person’s point of view, you can always borrow ideas to supplement your own or t build up to a new idea.

– In understanding the structure of the subject, you need to get an overview from already published literature to know what you are getting into and what to expect

Literature review also opens you up to important variables to keep an eye out for that are crucial to the topic at hand.

– On the same note, reviewing literature as a guide to your project will give you some insight into the research methodologies used and the expected results. The structure of such literature is such that you can get as much information as possible and basing your research on this information will orient you in the right direction.

Chapter 3: Research methodology

Your research methodology should be as detailed as possible such that the research can be replicated even in your absence. This segment should contain;

  • Research methods
  • Research questions
  • Data collection methods and analysis – Depending on your research, choose the most appropriate data analysis method, and while at it use recommended data analysis tools.
  • Case examples
  • Variables and measures
  • Sampling designs
  • Reliability and validity

Chapter 4: Findings

In this bit, you are free to present your findings from research conducted. And as you present these findings, remember to

  1. Use an active voice.
  2. Carefully choose your wordings as you describe processes, defend or dispute findings as well as make predictions. Leave nothing in the grey area.
  3. Check your tenses. Be aware of what happened when and place it in the right tense.

Preset your findings with the aid of visuals such as charts, graphs and diagrams especially with quantitative data. You can also use diagrams to show processes as well.

Chapter 5: Discussion and conclusion

Bringing this all to a halt will need you to gear up and collaborate your paper right from the research question posed, right to the findings and give a data-supported conclusion. Do you remember the beacon we talked about? now it’s time to locate it and align your paper to it. The conclusion should be as strong as any other bit and have convincing power. Referring to yourself in the third person is a mistake that you should avoid at all costs. In this bit, you are allowed to make recommendations and your comments from your discovery.

In any thesis paper, that requires you to involve other people’s work such as literature review or that leads you to quote verbatim, you MUST always give references and citations of your sources. Getting your DBA thesis paper together should now be easier. With this breakdown, I am confident that when you put pen to paper, you will come up with the ideal DBA thesis.

Guide To Writing Ace DBA Thesis

Developing good DBA thesis topics 

Writing DBA thesis is not a walk in the park. It requires tenacity and sacrifice from developing a topic, writing thesis proposal and finally the thesis paper. Developing DBA thesis topic has been singled out as the most important phase of thesis writing. A poorly structured topic will hinder flow and clarity of the paper. We advise students who are not sure of how to structure DBA thesis topic to always consult professional writers. DBA thesis help service is a great source for thesis topics. You will have a topic and outline developed in a few hours giving you a head start in your thesis writing journey.

  1. Effective change management strategies in multinational companies
  2. The impact of social media marketing on brand allegiance and loyalty
  3. Effectiveness of scenario planning in multinational corporations
  4. The impact of influencer marketing on conversion and market dominance
  5. Franchising as an effective business strategy in internationalization
  6. Enhancing corporate governance in firms operating in multicultural setting
  7. Does corporate social responsibility impact branding
  8. Employee retention in multinational corporations
  9. Factors influencing business process re-engineering in Apple Inc
  10. Impact of artificial intelligence on customer loyalty
  11. Impact of chat robots on customer loyalty
  12. Benefits and risks of international joint ventures
  13. Adoption of IFRS 7 among multinational corporations
  14. Latest accountability practices among multinational corporation
  15. Adoption of climate risk assessment among oil multinationals
  16. Business strategies among multinational corporations during COVID
  17. How international business will recover post COVID
  18. Benefits of utilizing in-house social media marketing expertise in comparison with social media marketing consultancy
  19. Differentials in business performance between similar businesses operating in different countries
  20. Leadership styles and impact on firm growth in international business
  21. Innovation as a differentiation factor in international banking business
  22. Does branding provide real competitive advantage in fashion industry
  23. Does organizational ethical practices impact employee ethics in multinational corporations
  24. Adoption o0f climate risk disclosure reporting among multinational corporations
  25. The role of social media in shaping organizational ethical practices
  26. The use of HR analytics to increase productivity in post COVID era
  27. The role of social media marketing in building brand allegiance and brand loyalty.
  28. The Impact of employee engagement on customer loyalty in the banking sector
  29. Adoption of sustainability reporting among oil companies in UAE
  30. Managing diversity in a multicultural workforce setting, case example of Barclays PLC
  31. Investigating learning and development in Saudi public sector workforce

How To Write Action Research Paper

How To Write Action Research Paper

Decision making in any environment is a very sensitive matter and people who make the best decisions will tell you that for you to achieve that, it is imperative that you make an informed decision. An informed decision takes time but is both efficient and effective at the end. For you to make an informed decision you need to understand all the fact and learn what you are working with so as not to leave anything to chance. It also opens up a new arena of solutions that you can generate from different perspectives. All these are covered in an action paper. However, we shall be going deeper into it and understand how to formulate it, the right questions that you seek to answer in the paper and the approach to it all. So, what exactly is an action research paper? This is the collaboration of problem-solving in liaison to data on the given subject matter to understand the current situation and facilitate future decisions.

Identify Problem To Be Studied

As the old saying would have it, you will never know where you are going unless you know where you are coming from. This still maintains its relevance in this case which is why we need to understand our current situation before proceeding with anything else. Observation is the key and the basis to any researchers’ investigations or research. You need to formulate a question or a statement that will be the basis of your research. In so doing you will have defined the boundaries to your research and this will propel you in the right direction. The question or the s guiding statement is what we call the thesis and hypothesis.

This is often a neutral factor in any research. So why create a thesis or hypothesis

  1. It lays the foundation for your research
  2. It guides on the material to use and direct from where you should source your information for maximum relevance
  3. It keeps you in check and gives a sense of direction towards asset goal
  4. It sets you up for a strong conclusion as you are able to express all that you have been researching in the ending to either concur or conflict by your findings.

Collect Data on the Problem

Data collection phase is also called the research stage. Now that you are aware of what you are looking for, then you need to roll up your sleeves and get your ‘hands dirty’ on research. Research can either be qualitative, quantitative or a combination of both of them. The difference between qualitative and quantitative research is that while gives you fact, the other will give you figures. A combination of the both will come in handy as it will allow you to synthesize results from these two. Data collection can be done by interviewing, observation, questionnaires or even direct participation. However, in most cases direct participation and observation are mostly preferred as the accuracy of the data is assured. In an environment of constantly changing variables, it would only be fair that you use more than one source of data collection for purposes of comparison of results. this is referred to as the principle of triangulation.

Organize, Analyze & Interpret Data

Raw data is simply a collection of facts and figure that make no sense o the user unless they are graded, grouped and organized in a more meaningful way to generate results and that can be interpreted with ease. With this in mind, you now need to:

Organize the data

This is where you put all the data you collected before you and decide on the different criteria that you will be examining them on. Given that you know the kind of data you collected, you group it in terms of correlation and relevance. This will make it easy for you to analyze it

Analyze your data

Data analysis in the 21st century is one of the most common phenomena in the world as people depend on this for everyday business and living. Data analysis is the backbone to decision making. Depending on the data you have you will decide on the data analysis tools that you will employ in analyzing the already grouped data. Remember that analyzing data has to be done with the utmost precision and without ignoring any facts as that would change the whole criteria of the examination.

Interpretation of data

After all, is said and done, results are awaited at the end of the task and this will be easy to deliver if you have followed through with all the above. Interpretation of data opens up a vast scope of possibilities as it depends on the eyes that examine the findings. Similar findings could mean two very different things to two different parties.

However, it is important to remember that you will be delivering the findings depending on the persona you took while undertaking the research and analysis.

The human mind tends to work better with pictures and on top of that pictures are an easy way to capture the attention of your reader. In light of this, you can use charts, graphs, pictograms and even pie charts in the representation of data.

Develop Plan to Address the Problem

The journey is now shorter but not yet over. At this point now you are aware of all variables on the ground and depending on your research you are now able to tell the validity of your original thesis or hypothesis. In other words, you are able to see your ‘problem’ in an educated manner which will allow you to make an educated decision.

Developing a course of action is not necessarily easy nor complicated but is rather a guided process. WHAT do I mean?

At the start of it all, you had identified a problem that you needed to address and this leads you to do research on the same. Through your research, you were able to view the problem from a point of view that includes the variables and now you understand it better.

Through your findings, you are able to make a conscious decision that will address the problem and make things better. However, it is not closed to only finding a solution but also is also open to recommendations and suggestions that would make things better.

Finding a solution will require you to also put in mind the party(S) that you might need to involve to act as a means to the end. All these will need to be captured under the solution section.

The tonal intonation is always recommended to be formal as this will address your audience with the required magnitude and will be taken with the required urgency.

The kind of approach you take on this paper needs to be a wholesome one and this means that you need to address it right from the start by briefly stating the problem you are solving and later to the factors surrounding the problem and then give the array of possibilities and solutions to each and every dimension affected. This will ensure that you do not miss anything. This kind of approach has often been referred to as one of the best as it also acts as a perfect guide during implementation of the same.

Implement Plan

Implementation of an already well-laid plan is one of the easiest and straight forward things that you will do in your paper. This is similar to following a map to your destination. Now that you have everything figured out and have visualized the solution then the rest is a walk in the park. However, do not understate anything in this section as this could cost you a lot as a result of competence deficiency in terms of delivery. Implementation of the plan should be categorized by personnel needed, practices to be changed, structural change, time taken, value addition, legal scope (if any) and most important resources needed to achieve this. These are all the essential that would allow a different party to implement your plan in your absence.

Evaluate Results of the Actions Taken

Accountability is essential in any endeavor and this is no different. Given that an action paper can be used in a variety of fields than the scope of evaluation will be different as the scales of measurement for all these fields are different. For a learning institution, they might evaluate on the basis of merit and performance while in an organization they will look for the monetary addition or implication it leaves them with.

From evaluation. You will be able to tell the lifespan of your solution and it also gives you room to make adjustment as time goes by. However, if the new system does more harm than good then it will automatically have to be put under the scope again for reevaluation.

During the solution generation stage, you also have to mention the intended results that you anticipate at the end of the implementation. This will cushion the anticipated results and will ensure that you do not oversell on your solution. If the results are as anticipated then you can consider that as a win.

Identify New Problem

After all, is said is done, you can now move to another agenda. The new agenda can be an entirely different problem or simply a follow up on your previous problem and reevaluate its current state. Most people will however go for a new challenge altogether. The process starts with observing a different phenomenon and looking for loopholes that you intend to look into and generating a theory or question that will be the basis of your research.

  • Repeat the process
  • At this point, I do believe that your level of competence as far as the action research paper has shot to the roof. The formulation, research and implementation are quite easy to follow through as it allows a perfect chain of ideas and a continuous process. From here after you get the new challenge all you need to do is ;

Collect data on the identified problem using the most appropriate method,

Organize, analyze, and interpret the data in a meaningful way, develop a plan to address the problem, Implement the plan, evaluate the results of the actions taken, Identify a new problem and eventually after you have gotten top the climax, Repeat the process again on a new project.

Action papers have been around for a couple of years now and this is not a new concept in the field. It has been of major help to many institutions globally and has aided the progression of professions. All you need to know about action paper is at your disposal. However, in the event at you don’t feel as confident with them you can always get an expert writer to help you out as you ease your way to it and get value for money after all you should get the best out of everything.

7 Powerful Business Capstone Project Topic Ideas

Business Capstone Project Topic Ideas

Are you a management student looking for business capstone project topic ideas? then you at the right service. A man is a good as what he knows and a businessman is as good as his ideas. These ideas are what keeps him afloat and helps him thrive in the business world, which has proven to be quite volatile. However, this all starts in the classroom for the students who are pursuing a course in the business field. So as to undertake your capstone project, you need to understand what a capstone project is and what you need to achieve by the end of the paper. Luckily for you, I have all these answers right here with me. Let’s waste no time and learn the science behind business capstone projects as I share ideas on what you can and should add to your paper for that fine touch.

What is a business capstone project?

As a student approaches the end of his academic pursuit, there is still one more project that aims to test all that they have learnt against real-life problems. It takes an all-around approach and tests on the student’s personal, interpersonal skill as well as the application of the academic knowledge learned. Among the many things learnt related to business. It is no easy feat to accomplish this, but with the right material, you can make an excellent paper. A business capstone project seeks to link business theories learned in class and practical experiences. A student should be able to develop practical business solutions to a complex business problem by applying what has been taught.

So, what make a good business capstone project topic ideas?

Among the many things that you need to get right is your choice of title as it will set up the whole paper. Here a couple of carefully picked project ideas that you can choose from for your Business capstone project.

Also Read: How to write business capstone project

Seven Amazing Business Capstone Project Topic Ideas

Employee behavior and relation

Among the resources needed for a business to thrive, the human resource is among the most essential ones and learning how to understand and manage this resource is a skill all by itself. The success or failure of a company is dependent on its employees. Cultivating a good employee culture is essential and it lays the grounds for the dos and don’ts in the company.

For those looking forward to a career in human resource management, this is a very good topic to tackle and it will prove quite helpful even as you progress to CIPD and other human resource professional qualifications.

The growing role of technology in business

The 21st century will go down in history as the age of technology and the age of information as the strides that have been made in term of technology are unprecedented. The coronavirus pandemic has unknowingly strengthened this as people had to carry on with their business even from home and the online space was the only safe space and this has taken corporations, learning institutions and even government services to the online platform.

The technological wave has greatly been felt in the business field and is now the future of commerce. This is one of the topics that you can pursue and you will be surprised at how much there is to know about the role of technology in business.

Speaking of the role of technology in business, we can not afford to ignore the benefit it has to you as a student as well. Our business capstone project writers who have specialized in different fields and have come together to offer you capstone project writing help at the comfort of your home. Their model is a comprehensive one that has taken into consideration the academic grading process and while using it as the goal, have invested heavily in research and current issues to give you quality, authentic, plagiarism-free, professionally done paper. As a professional yourself, I am certain that you know the value of working with expert capstone project writers who have a credible track record.

Market research

Any business venture will stay afloat by understanding its customers as well as its target market. Market research is an essential part of a business and is developed before the start of the business and also through the course of the business. Market research will lead you to your business plan and will allow for all other operation as you will have a target and customize your products and services to what the market wants and needs while at the same time keeping your competitors on their toes.

While writing a capstone paper you may opt to use a case study to put things into perspective and in other cases, a literature review. A case study, allows you to take a real-life scenario and analyze it with what you have learnt and point out the strengths and weaknesses and give corrective measures as well.

Business growth and development

The business life cycle is one of the basic fundamentals of any business. Understanding the process of business growth and development will dictate where you are in your business and what you need to do to stay afloat as much as possible.

The process of business growth and development dictates how the company will scale up and as they get to learn their strength and weaknesses, they adapt to it. This includes pursuing other ideas such as merging, incubating or even considering receivership.

Product development and marketing

A company is only as good as what it offers and what you offer has to what the market wants and needs. The process of product development is intertwined with marketing and these two departments have to work together to develop a quality product.

Any successful company will tell you that there is so much reward when you develop a marketable product. It will give you good returns on investments and also set you up to a competitive level with your competitors. Product development does not necessarily mean inventing a new product but could mean the modification of an already existing product or even blending existing products to create a new product.

Speaking of marketing, there is so much t at you can cover as far as marketing is concerned?

Diversification of marketing tools has been the highlight of the marketing world and now people use strategic ads and funnels with the help of A.I to get their target audience. Marketing will at most times look like a money spending program but as an article done late last year said that companies that have joined their marketing practices to their Corporate Social Responsibility are at an advantage over those running them separately. The concept of corporate social responsibility is a whole different concept that you can engage in-depth.

However, a capstone project is not usually that long but you will be safer with more to write on as you will avoid repetition and irrelevance throughout your paper.

Globalization in business

The internet has brought the world together and the concept of a global village has been achieved. The client base has now been expanded from national, to global and you need to understand how to reach that market and set your business up to take that market.

Globalization does not necessarily mean establishing offices all over the world but it could also open up a channel for partnerships, franchises and learning from others all over.

Strategic management

Strategic management is all about being the man with the plan. Management practices are aimed at utilizing given resources to get work done. However, when this is done strategically, it yields more results. Getting work done is not enough when it does not yield quality results. Strategic management also brings about the development of Standard operating procedures which makes daily repetitive operations run effortlessly.

A company is as good as its management and if you have the chance to work in any organization you will approve of this.

Normally when doing a capstone paper, you will be required you will need to generate a proposal of the project and present it to your lecturer to get a go-ahead so that you can proceed to defend your paper. This means that you need to make a conscious choice of your title. These choices may be quite difficult, but you can always get some business capstone project writing services from Help With Dissertation that are dedicated to seeing you at the top of your game. Presenting quality, authentic, plagiarism-free content takes to you even closer to graduating. You wouldn’t want to ruin your chances of graduating over a dissertation paper now, would you? And if you are probably wondering how affordable this is? You will be surprised to get a dissertation deal you cannot refuse.

There is just so much that you can do when it comes to a Business capstone project. However, after developing business capstone project topic ideas you will be required to start writing a proposal.  I feel that this segment of will not be complete without an overview of HOW you should write a business capstone project. By HOW I mean what format and style should you use? Don’t worry, if you are not sure about the recommended formats to use as I have prepared a conclusive summary on this.

Order business capstone project here .