How to Write Perfect Capstone Project

How to Write Perfect Capstone Project

capstone project writing guideA capstone project is an academic paper written in the last year of a student’s university or college year. For this reason, mist individuals believe that the capstone project gives a final touch of the student’s course.

The capstone requires students to sum up all the theory they have learnt throughout the course’s duration and link it the practice. Different topics and knowledge of the subject are combined in a skilful academic way.

Without a doubt, students do many assignments in the course of their degree. However, the capstone project forms a crucial turning point for their success of the degree.

What Is So Special about a Capstone Project?

A capstone project offers students an opportunity to compile skills and competencies they have gained throughout their course. It can be assigned for business course, IT, engineering, nursing among others. The capstone may be assigned in different forms such as surveys, case studies, research papers, focus groups, and outcome-based evaluation etc.

However, the kind and complexity will be subject to the professor’s requirements and course. Students need to choose one of the capstone ideas related to the course or specialization and then write the project.

In most cases, the capstone project is related to the future specialization of the student. Therefore, it requires strong skills, critical and analytical thinking.

How Long is a Capstone Project?

The length of a capstone project depends on the tutor’s requirements. Nonetheless, it is usually around forty pages or more. Don’t mind the number of pages you will have plenty of time to write it.

Besides writing, students are required to make a presentation of their capstone project – defend. The aim of presenting your capstone is to enhance public speaking skills. Also, it helps students to express their thoughts.

To better your capstone presentation, you will require making a portfolio of your capstone project to complement your presentation. Get extra materials to help your audience understand how you arrived at your conclusions.

How to Write a Capstone Project Paper

Writing a perfect capstone project can be achieved by laying down strategy. Below are some quick strategy tips for writing a good capstone project.

Choose a topic

Choosing a topic is the first thing to do when looking to write a capstone project. And to write a perfect capstone project, you must come up with the most appealing, captivating, and manageable topic.

You can focus on topics and ideas that connect with your academic experience, future specialization or life experience. You can also think about various circumstances where the knowledge from your course can be best applied.

Most importantly, your capstone should entail the knowledge and skills you got throughout your course and how you can use it in your likely place of work.

Formulate a capstone project proposal

Before you begin to craft ad write you capstone project, you will be required to write and submit a proposal to your supervisor. A capstone project proposal a 200-word document or more that includes the following:

  • Tells about the topic you intend to base your capstone project and why you choose to write about that particular topic.
  • You experience or background in the specific topic
  • Highlights the range of information available and sources
  • Tells about the research that you intend to do in your project and the methods you plan to use.
  • List the required workplace and human subject approval
  • Set the aims that you desire to attain with the project

If your supervisor needs you to write a broader proposal, you will have to develop a literature review and methodology that you intend to use in your project writing. Ensure that you have included what is needed to convince your supervisor that you are interested in the topic so that he or she consents to your proposal.

Collect information

Identify the sources and search for information related to your capstone project topic. Search through textbooks from your course, make a list of recommended literature, and use it as a foundation of your capstone.

Save your references and helpful links in a single place. Identify all the key articles to your topic that you will use to discuss the literature review part. Be sure to classify your articles and journals for easy navigation.

Create a structure

Capstone projects can be written in different structures. A precise structure can come in handy in dividing your project for maximum concentration on each section. Below is a typical capstone project structure:

      • Title page

Under the title page make sure you don’t leave out any crucial information that commonly goes into the title page since it identifies and defines your capstone project.

      • Abstract

The abstract comes right after the title page. It mainly provides an overview of the capstone project. Essentially, it summarises the main sections of the project while it allows you to let your audience know the reason behind you choosing that specific research topic.

      • Table of contents

This section gives an outline of your capstone project, and it will include all major headings and subheadings.

      • Introduction

In this section, you introduce and present your research problem and explain how intend to analyse it.

      • Problem description

In this section, expand on the problem by touching on its background, why you think the problem exists and how you intend to address it.

      • Literature review

A good literature review section should analyse at least 15 sources. However, the majority of sources should not be more than 10 years, unless it is a fundamental study or the source is related to your research.

      • Project description

In this section, you need to include all that you researched on the problem statement, the type of research design you used, the parameters and methods as well as your analysis and results. Be sure to include tables, figures if you have.

      • Conclusion and recommendation

In this section, summarise your discussion and explain why your findings are important.

      • Reference list

In this page, makes sure you include all the sources cited in your project.

      • Appendices

Although this section of information is supplementary, it provides a deeper understanding of the research problem and analysis.

Capstone Project Writing Process

how to write capstone projectA capstone project is a voluminous paper to write, and it requires commitment and time writing. As such, you need to use your time-planning skills. Creating a calendar with tasks and deadlines is the best way to start. Consider revising your schedule from time to time, as you can complete one task faster and another can take more time than you planned.

Once you have everything you need, you can start writing your capstone project. Come up with a strong thesis statement that is specific and narrows down to your topic. Writing a broad thesis will require you to cover a lot of details, which you didn’t plan for.

You can start writing your capstone project from any section you like, but keep in mind that introduction comes last. You can come up with a good introduction only when you have a deep understanding of the matter. Be sure to state the major issues and listing the limitations of your project.

The literature review section should be dedicated to summarising your findings of the existing information on the topic. Make a brief analysis and general conclusions on every source that you found valuable for your project. For every source, note the gaps in the information it has. Add value to your review by using quotes but in a manageable way.

In the project description, analyse the process of your research. You must explain to the reader what you have done, and how you collected data, how you analyse and evaluate it, among other things. Be sure to justify the methods you used and discuss the positive and negative sides of your methods.

When you write the results section, be sure to describe the data you gathered during your research. In the case of statistics or any other data, visualise it in tables and charts. Critically describe and interpret the data.

The conclusion section should sum up your finding in brief. Make recommendations for further researches as well as applications. Most importantly, connect your findings to the major issues of your project.

Proofread and Edit the Text

Let the draft rest for a day or two. Read through the draft and make corrections. Comb through the sections and make sure they are completed and make logical meaning. Shorten the long meaningless sentences and mend them to add value to the project.

Look for incorrect grammar, typos and other grammatical mistakes that can jeopardize the flow of your project. Ensure that the tone of your project is academic.

Finally, make sure the format of your project is by the requirements. Besides, it has to be neat and well structured. Consider requesting someone with academic writing experience to look through your project and ask for feedback.

Prepare for the Defence

If you have to defend your capstone project, make sure you do a thorough preparation. The quality of your presentation will influence the evaluation of the entire project. You have to reveal to the project committee the topic of your project, discuss your research, and tell your findings.

Be sure to answer all the questions the project committee will ask concerning your research and findings exhaustively.

Mistakes to Avoid in a Capstone Project

  • Do not pick a topic that needs numerous calculations or complex concepts.
  • Avoid repetition and plagiarism.
  • Do not underrate the meaning of a capstone project – it may be as essential as a thesis.
  • Do not use long sentences. Capstone projects don’t need narrative skills it needs academic writing skills and short and precise sentences that present an idea.
  • Don’t underestimate doing proper proofreading and editing. Even a single grammatical error or spelling mistake can dent the impression of a perfect capstone project.

We hope our guide has given you a basic understanding of what is needed and how to write a perfect capstone project. All this information is general since your capstone project will depend on your department and program requirements. All the best in writing a good capstone project without a hassle!

Do you know that Help with Dissertation offers capstone project help at reasonable rates.

How To Write Literature Reviews

How To Write Literature Reviews

Literature reviews are quite common in many aspects of scholarly advancement and every now and then you might be required to write a literature review. Basically, a literature review is a survey of scholarly resources that aims at analyzing and reporting on key findings, concepts, and developments that are related to the question at hand. In layman’s language, it entails taking various published projects on a related title and analyzing it to find the findings of the researcher in relation to a certain topic. This is all aimed at getting the current knowledge that is established in relation to your hypothesis or thesis. However, you need to nail it at writing literature reviews and I will help you do just that, walk with me.

However before in jump into the Nitti gritiies of all you need to know to write the perfect literature review, you need to know that there are different types of literature review which are all differentiated by their approach, analysis and approach used. I will not go into details about them but these are just a couple of types that you should know about.

  1. Systematic review – used in the medical field where a combination of methodology and data is required.
  2. Quantitative review-it identifies new themes and concepts
  3. Narrative review
  4. Scoping review– sets the ground for the research
  5. Conceptual review– groups articles according to themes, concepts or categories


Select the Literature

This might come as quite obvious, but believe me or not this is the first step to a quality literature review. You need to first collect and identify which literature you want to put under review. This will involve more than just selecting as it will need you to take into consideration factors such as the author’s point of view and the contributions that piece of literature has made. The credibility of the literature is also of high importance and it may require you to select multiple pieces for comparison. The basic line of selecting literature to put under review is understanding what your research is after and from there it narrows down to what you need.

Always remember than unlike dissertation papers, you will not need to come up with new data as you will only use provided data and draw an evaluation from there. There are multiple sources from which you can get material for review and it is advisable to reach out to professional writers at times to narrow on your choices. While choosing the literature you might not necessarily have to read through it all from cover to cover but you will need to understand what stands out in that piece, from the dominant theories and repeat citations.

Join the Dots

What do I mean by joining the dots? By now you already have the material that you shall be using, you need to find the link between them by looking out for themes, trends, theories and even phrases that seem to come up every now and then. You can take not of these aspects for evaluation, also, do not forget to identify the methodology and approach that was taken as it may be of immense importance in your review, after all some answers may vary due to resources that were available and approach is taken, but under different circumstances things could have been different.

Take note of gaps in the literature as well that are in the specific works of literature. There are a couple of questions that should guide you through this as well.

  • What factors surrounded this research?
  • What was the aim of this piece?
  • What weaknesses are there?
  • What similarities are there? (in case of comparison)
  • What methodology was used?
  • What contribution does it have to the given field?

With these questions to guide you can now start off on the actual writing of the review.

Research and Draft

Research plays a major role in a review as it provides all the material that you will require in the analysis. You, therefore, have to be careful and quite choosy with the information you bring on board to avoid factual inaccuracies in your work, this could bring it all down the drain. After getting all the material you need then you need to map your review on a draft. Mapping your review gives you space to decide on the best approach to take, how the information joins up and most importantly what tone to use in your review.

Plan your Structure

Structure in writing is as important as the content that you have developed. However, the success of your review could actually be tied to the structure. So then, enough of the problem, what is the solution to getting the right formatting? Good question.

While writing a literature review, you have to walk the reader through your journey all the way from the start to the end.

Define the Hypothesis

The hypothesis in a question review is basically the question you have in mind that is leading you to the research. The hypothesis will set the path for you and give you the guidelines to what you will be looking for so as to support your theory. The reason as to why you need a hypothesis is because you may need to prove or dispute your findings by the end of the review. The hypothesis should be in the first paragraph of your review as you start. This will help establish grounds or purpose and focus of your literature review.


Help walk your reader through years of research in a couple of minutes, enlighten them. In this, you need to trace the topic under review and chronologically, depending on the material under review, to its latest form. You will realize that some of the things that you will mention will be the time frames, the methodology used and the circumstances that surrounded the research. With these, you will be able to explain how and why certain developments occurred.


While placing methodology under the scope, you also need to consider the approach that was used. When taking a cultural approach, you will tend to have a different methodology in play as opposed to when you are using sociological, statistical or religious approach.

However, remember that you can always get some help from professional literature review writers who have access to a vast database and are conversant with the formatting and structure needed for your literature review. The good thing with sourcing for writers is that they have an open mind and are more flexible in taking different points of view. Imagine seeing the same context through the eyes of a doctor, engineer and an accountant, that would definitely add some uniqueness to your paper


best literature review writersThe body in your review should include all the aspects that you have drafted out in your research. It should, however, be kept on to the point and if not necessary some information should be left out. It is always advisable that you subdivide your body using title sand subtitles as it will help define the progression of your review and keep you on track. Given that this is a review, do not keep on paraphrasing the original text without expounding on it, otherwise, it will not be a review but rather a collection of facts and theories.

While using a variety of texts, make sure that you draw the comparison and contrast between the two on every level. In this, you will be able to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of both of them. At the end of each of them, you can give your input depending on the evaluation. This helps give your point of view.


The recognized formatting for a literature review is the APA format. The APA format has the provision for all the aspect above. It makes sure that you do not miss the introduction, body and most importantly the referencing. On top of that, it makes your work much easier by defining the structure of your review as well.

Always give credit where it is due and in the light of this, you need to state your references. This allows for further research or a continuation of your review. Stating your sources during research brings credibility and uniqueness in your review.


The conclusion of your review is as important as the body, truth be told, most people tend to have a weak literature review due to a fault in the conclusion. While making the conclusion, make sure that you circle back to the original hypothesis you had in the introduction. Make a strong conclusion to complement the intro and the body.

Writing a literature review is not as hard as thought at the beginning of this segment and we can now both agree that it is just a matter of knowing how and you are good to go. With all these in mind, you are now able to formulate an award-winning award review that is deficient of nothing.

Key Tips To Writing Quality Dissertation

Tips to Writing First Class Dissertation

Are you a British, American, Canadian or Oman student in need of key tips to writing quality dissertation hassle free?  In many occasions, students spend a lo t of time worrying about how to write a high quality dissertation, but in the end they lack time to do a quality work on their paper. Therefore, to avoid suffering from despair or panic and also evade sleepless nights just because of a dissertation, here are some of the tips to help you avoid troubles in the process of writing a dissertation.

Tips to Writing Quality Dissertation Hassle Free

  • Find an experienced dissertation advisor

Note that getting the right person to assist you in writing the dissertation is not an easy task. The moment the right person is there to help you, giving you guidelines, asking questions and assisting you to identify a better way to solve your problem, then be sure that everything will work perfectly well. Note that because you lack the required experience with this, you need an individual to help you at various stages. Thus, if you notice that your dissertation writing expert is not interested in whatever you are doing, or he doesn’t offer any help once you need it, then switch them for someone who is willing to help. it is your responsibility to write a quality dissertation, but getting a good advisor to help you is imperative.

  • Pick an eye-catching theme

Whatever your area of specialization is, you should make sure that you pick a good and exciting topic. The dissertation will take an extended period to write. For that reason, rather than choosing themes that are not interesting enough, select the ones you think are good for your dissertation. When writing a thesis, you are supposed to enjoy the entire process while liking for new facts. Note that an interesting topic is a key to all that. On top of that, select a theme that you can create a discovery in. if it happens that the subject you pick has already been researched, it is possible that you will get stuck. Therefore select a unique and open for a research topic.

  • Write at your desired pace

It is not a must that you keep up with your colleagues working on their dissertations. If you think you need adequate time to carry out your research, just take your precious time. Otherwise, there is always that one person who is doing his work faster and better. If you try comparing yourself to these individuals, you will get disheartened to continue with the project. Thus, take all the time you want, bearing in mind that you have deadlines set by the dissertation advisor.

  • Gather all the notes

Your dissertation writing process starts with organizing all the notes. Request your dissertation advisor to give you recommendations on the materials to read and study ahead of beginning your research. Take notes of all the things you find interesting and applicable to the study. Organize all your notes into specific categories so that it would be easy to work with them later. On top of that, save them since you will need to include them in the outline.

  • Never expect to use all of the research materials you obtained

A good number of the notes that learners take are not included in the dissertation since they realize that it is too much information for one paper. For that reason, do not be disappointed if the things you found on one of the sources you utilized for the research is not incorporated. Adding too much information is not a good idea, just keep your dissertation precise and do not include so many quotes in your research. Bear in mind that it is the quality that counts and not quantity.

  • Your friends may not understand you

It is evident that a dissertation can take almost all your time, and for that reason, there will be not the time for socializing with friends. Thus, you must understand that not all your friends will support that idea. Nevertheless, it is not good to sacrifice the time for writing a dissertation to go and spend time with colleagues, as you might end up writing it for a long time that expected. Note that this might hinder the quality of your paper. Therefore, just be ready for this since dissertation writing should be your priority at that moment.

  • Take some breaks

On the contrary, spending all time slaving on your dissertation is never a good idea. Taking frequent breaks is vital since your brain requires some time to refresh and gain new energy. Therefore, ponder doing some exercise during the time you have the break. According to experts, when you exercise, new neurons will emerge in your brain, and this will stimulate your creativity. Hence, if you get stuck on a particular point of your dissertation while writing, take a break and do some workouts to relax your body. Although doing the workouts might be tiresome, it’s nice to switch your body from metal to physical activities frequently for an excellent performance.

  • Be prepared to spend money on printing

It is cheaper if you have your printer since it will cost you a fortune if you decide to print your dissertation using the campus printer. Since you will be required to redo it severally, printing is regarded as a separate point in your budget. In general, it is recommendation that students obtain their printers since they will be required to print a lot. Alternatively, you can print on both sides of the paper to avoid using many printing papers. This will save you a great deal.

Key to effective dissertation writing process

Note that dissertation writing is a huge deal that needs time and expertise. Since the entire writing process is about signifying your level of professionalism, concentrate on your profession prospects when writing your dissertation. These tips to writing quality dissertation will come in handy when writing capstones, thesis and action research papers too.

Accounting Dissertation Writing Tips

How To Write Accounting Dissertations

accounting dissertation writing tips

Handling accounting assignments has never been that easy. But completing an accounting dissertation and thesis is a different ball game altogether. It usually is a daunting prospect for many college accounting students.  You did not come here to learn how difficult it can get, though. You are here to learn accounting dissertation writing tips. The ability to write like an accomplished accountant is undoubtedly a critical skill to possess in the 21st century. College hopes to prepare you for the real world of accountancy, which includes a lot of technical writing and number crunching.

Accounting Dissertation Writing Tips

Choose your accounting dissertation topic

Begin from the beginning: choose your accounting dissertation topic. In some cases, your advisor may propose topics for you. But usually,  you will pick the issues you would like to investigate. Every dissertation situation is different, and you should confirm with your department every requirement you should satisfy. Do not start working on your accounting dissertation before you have established that you have met all the terms regarding handling such a  project.

You want to select topics others in your faculty would find interesting and valuable. Preferably, choose topics that are currently generating debate or even controversy. Study a narrower area of your topic to make your study more focused. Above all, pick an area you have the smarts for and are passionate about.

Type of research

At this time, you have learned a ton of accounting principles, rules, and concepts. It is time to package all that knowledge into a concrete structure and form called a dissertation. Before you proceed further, you need to decide the kind of research you are going to be carrying out. You can choose to collect raw data and perform data analysis to extract valuable information. Alternatively, you can use both online and offline resources to research various relevant sources. In either case, you seek evidence that helps you to develop an informed point of view. Let us assume you have decided to use already existing data. Where do we go from here?

Understand your research problem

Ask yourself: why am I spending time and resources on this project? Which specific problem does my work address? Is there a problem in the first place? What is its scope? Establish how far others have gone concerning resolving the issue. Develop your research questions and hypotheses. These are going to be the tools that help you discover the solutions you seek.

Write your proposal

You are supposed to do a write-up that helps your advisor get a clear picture concerning what your research will cover. You need to get your proposal approved before you start executing your accounting dissertation or thesis. Typically, your proposal includes an introduction, literature review, and research methodology. What is the difference between a proposal and a dissertation? A dissertation contains your results and conclusion while a proposal cannot and does not have them.

Develop an informed argument

At this point, you need to review adequate, relevant material. Such literature review helps you understand if any gaps exist in the current body of accounting knowledge. You do not want to duplicate studies. You aim to leverage existing understanding to create new knowledge that leads to the development of your discipline. Research extensively, take notes, think and process information. Notice connections between concepts, ideas, and facts. You should be able to form an informed argument that confirms and challenges existing theories and notions in various ways. In other words, you are only able to write your thesis statement after reviewing relevant material and thinking through it.

Accounting Dissertation Writing Tips: Dissertation Structure

You have gathered data or information critical to the eventual success of your dissertation. It is time to present your argument. Admittedly, there is no specific format you are supposed to follow. That said, a typical dissertation consists of five chapters comprising of an introduction, literature review, research methodology, findings or results, and a conclusion.


Your accounting dissertation’s introduction includes some background information, problem statement, research questions, the study’s significance, and any assumptions made. If you mishandle your introduction, you can as well forget about the rest of your accounting dissertation. Focus all your energies here. Get organized mentally. Succinctly state why your study matters, what led you to it, the research questions you are investigating, the problem, and assumptions. Aim to be as concise as you can. The effectiveness of your paper stands or collapses based on how well you write your introduction.

Literature review

Discuss the theoretical framework within which you will be working. Additionally, provide details concerning the material you have reviewed. Show why they are critical to the study at hand.

Research methodology

Describe your variables. Provide specific information regarding whether you are carrying qualitative data analysis or quantitative research. Discuss your approach and method and with clarity, state your hypotheses. Your research questions help you as you organize your hypotheses. Making mistakes here can lead others to question the reliability of the results obtained.

Findings or results

Describe the data you have collected. Also, inform the reader regarding the analysis of those findings. Various tools are available that can help you perform comprehensive data analyses. You should find out the data analysis methods your field prefers. It is the analysis process that converts the ton of data collected into clear information that makes sense.


You do not need to announce to the reader that they are about to read your accounting dissertation’s conclusion. If you have used transitions accurately, your audience can sense without fail that you are winding up. Your conclusion summarizes your results, discussion, and implications as well as suggestions for further study.

Editorial style & in-text citations

Typically, accounting papers use the APA style. Be sure to apply the rules of this editorial style throughout the document. Use APA when writing the title page, in-text citations, running head, references page, and appendices. Observe the rules when labeling figures and tables, too. Failure to get it right with a formatting style can cost you marks. Keep yourself informed about referencing style-related changes. 

You have learned how to write an effective dissertation and thesis. You can now handle an accounting dissertation or thesis no matter how involved it gets. Don’t procrastinate — start now.

Now that you have read and understood accounting dissertation writing tips, it is time to put into test what you’ve learn’t. Unfortunately you may lack enough time. Our OBU thesis help will assist you develop quality accounting dissertation proposal as you prepare to write the final project. 

How To Write Qualitative Data Analysis

How To Write Qualitative Data Analysis

how to write qualitative data analysis

So you want to grasp how to write qualitative data analysis. You’ll pretty soon since you’re already on the right page. Here, you’ll learn what qualitative data analysis is. Most importantly, you’ll learn how to carry out a qualitative data analysis. Additionally, you’ll understand how qualitative data analysis differs from quantitative data analysis. Ready? Let’s roll.

The other name for qualitative data is descriptive data. Qualitative data is essentially non-numerical data that concerns itself with capturing concepts and opinions. When you interview someone, you’re collecting qualitative data. Similarly, when you make audio or video recordings, you’re gathering qualitative data. Also, notes made while observing a certain phenomenon count as qualitative data. Now that we know what qualitative data is, let’s learn what qualitative data analysis is.

What’s Qualitative Data Analysis and Why Does it Matter?

Qualitative data analysis refers to the process of working through qualitative data to glean useful information. The information you obtain from this exercise helps you develop a plausible explanation for a particular phenomenon. The process is hugely important as it reveals themes and patterns in the data you’ve gathered.

Additionally, data analysis enables you to link your data to the objectives and research questions of your study. Also, the process helps you organize your data and interpret it. Most importantly, successful qualitative data analysis leads you to informed conclusions. What’s more, the conclusions you end up with are verifiable.

How Does Qualitative Data Analysis Differ from Quantitative Data Analysis?

As a researcher, you MUST understand how qualitative data analysis differs from quantitative data analysis. Gaining a clear understanding of the difference between the two helps you choose the right research method for your study. In addition, grasping the difference prevents you from getting sidetracked while executing the research methodology you’ve chosen.

Here’s the main difference. Qualitative data analysis helps researchers get useful information from non-numerical or subjective data. By contrast, quantitative data analysis is about mining knowledge from your data using statistical or numerical techniques.

Some disciplines, especially those in the humanities and social sciences, tend to favor qualitative data analysis. Quantitative data analysis, on the other hand, tends to find greater relevance within the sciences including chemistry, physics, and biology.

How Researchers Approach Qualitative Data Analysis

There are 2 main approaches when it comes to qualitative data analysis. These approaches include the Deductive Approach and the Inductive Approach. As a student and future academic researcher, it’s critical that you understand each approach.

What the Deductive Approach is and When to Use it

The deductive approach is about analyzing data on the basis of a structure that you as the researcher have predetermined. The approach relies heavily on the research questions that inform your study. Your research questions should direct and guide you as you group and analyze the data you’ve collected.

When should I use the deductive approach to qualitative data analysis? A good question right there. Employ this approach when you can fairly predict the responses you might get from your sample population. The beauty of this approach is that it’s easy to use. There’s more. The deductive approach works fast.

What the Inductive Approach is and When to Use it

Here’s the main difference between the deductive approach and the inductive approach. The inductive approach, unlike the deductive approach, doesn’t rely on a predetermined structure or framework. The good thing about the inductive approach is that it’s a bit more thorough than the deductive approach. However, the approach is more time-consuming than the deductive approach.

So, when should I use the inductive approach to qualitative data analysis? Favor this approach when your knowledge of your research phenomenon is very little.

You now clearly (hopefully) understand the nature of qualitative analysis. Now, it’s time to learn how to write qualitative data analysis.

How to Write Qualitative Data Analysis

There are several steps involved while writing qualitative data analysis. Understanding the steps we’re about to discuss will have you writing the data analysis section of your qualitative study pretty fast. Let’s now dive right in and learn how to write qualitative data analysis.

Convert data into text

Before you do anything else, you’ll want to turn all of the data you have into textual form. The other name given for this conversion process is transcription. Now, converting your data to textual form should be pretty easy. Just find the right tool and get it done. EvaSys,NVivo are two tools we consider particularly powerful. With either of these two tools, you should handle the task real fast. Also, you can perform the transcription job manually. However, doing it manually tends to be tiring and time-consuming.

Organize qualitative data

Now that you’ve your data in textual form, organize it. It’s normal to have vast amounts of data you don’t know what to do with especially after transcription. If you’re not careful, all of the unorganized data lying around can confuse or even stress you out. That’s why you should organize your data.

So how do I organize my data? It’s simple. Revisit your research questions and objectives and start organizing the data from there. The objectives of your study can greatly help your turn that messy data into organized data.  Generate tables and graphs as they’re a great way to organize your data. Also, consider using appropriate tools to make the process more efficient.

Code qualitative data

What’s coding your qualitative data? Coding qualitative data means compressing it into easy-to-understand concepts and patterns. Essentially, coding enables you to attach meaning to the field data you’ve collected.

How do I code my data? Let your study’s objectives guide you. You can code your qualitative data on the basis of the theories they related to. Also, collected qualitative data gives you hints as to how best to code it.

Most data analysts prefer the following 3 coding approaches. First, a data analyst may use descriptive coding. Here, they code data on the basis of the central theme emerging from the dataset. Second, a data analysis expert might prefer In-vivo coding. In this approach, the data analyst lets respondents’ language guide them. Finally, an analyst might identify patterns in the data and let those patterns direct them during data coding. You may want to research further for other coding techniques you might use for your qualitative research.

Ensure qualitative data isn’t flawed

Well, this isn’t exactly a distinct step for how to write qualitative analysis. However, we chose to include it given the importance of data validation. Data validation is a method that helps researchers todetermine the accuracy of their methods or research design. Data validation also reveals the extent to which a researcher’s procedures and methods led to consistent and reliable results.Shall we say you’vejust learned how to write qualitative data analysis?

Conclude qualitative data analysis

The conclusion of your data analysis is arguably its most important part. So you better make sure this section packs a hefty punch. At this point of the writing process, you must state your findings, linking them to your research’s objectives and questions. After you’ve concluded the data analysis process, you need to craft a final report.

Qualitative Analysis Report Writing

Describe the methods your research relied on and the procedures you performed. But don’t stop there. State the strengths and weaknesses of your study. Next, outline your research’s limitations. Finally, state the implications of your findings while pinpointing a few areas that future research might explore. Here’s a structure your final report might follow:

  • Introduction
  • Methods and Procedures
  • Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Study
  • Limitations of the Study
  • Findings: (State the findings and link them to the research questions and objectives
  • Conclusion

Final Thoughts: How to Write Qualitative Data Analysis Report

Finally, you’ve understood how to write qualitative data analysis. Hopefully, writing the data analysis section of your academic papers should be easier in the future. The process starts with converting the data into textual form. Then, the data gets organized. Data coding swiftly follows. Then, data validation happens. Finally, the final report gets prepared.

Might you need a bit of support with your qualitative data analysis? might be a great data analysis help provider to consult. If you like, you can contact now and get start writing your qualitative data analysis.

Guidelines: Writing Discussion and Conclusion Chapters

How To Write Discussion And Conclusion Chapter Of Dissertation & Thesis

How To Write Discussion And Conclusion Chapter Of DissertationWhy is it important to include discussion and conclusion chapter? When you were writing the introduction to your dissertation, you told the audience that your study matters and that they should care. At the end of the paper, they expect to find your promise —a new understanding of the issues you raised in your discussion. The readers need to feel that you delivered on your promise and that reading your paper was a good use of their time. That is what makes writing discussion and conclusion chapter so challenging. Therefore, you need to get a discussion chapter writing service that knows how to write discussion and conclusion chapter of dissertation.

Difference Between Discussion And Conclusion

Sometimes, discussion and conclusion are presented as two distinct sections of a dissertation. Other times, they are presented together. It is also right to call this part ‘Interpretation’. Your discussion includes the conclusion, but it is not the inclusion itself.

How To Write Discussion And Conclusion Chapter of Dissertation: Structure

Writing the discussion and conclusion can be difficult, and can leave you feeling immobilised for days, unable to finish your paper. But a dissertation without this section is still work-in-progress and is not much use to anybody. How are you going to organise this part so that the reader feels smoothly transitioned from the promises of the introduction to the fulfilment of the discussion and conclusion? Here are some practical steps to guide you along the way:

Voice and tone

Use active voice as it helps you eliminate wordiness and awkward phrasing usually associated with passive voice. The tone needs to be analytical and objective. As much as possible, use short, grammatical sentences.

Remind the audience why the study matters

The goal of the discussion and conclusion section is to use the results collected during the research to fully answer the questions you have raised in the introduction section. Do not make the mistake of repeating the introduction. Describe succinctly, using the results obtained, the nature of the knowledge gap your work attempts to address. Show the reader why there was a need to fill the gap in the first place. Remind the reader how your study will result in increased knowledge and how it leads others to do further research.

Describe the knowledge gap you need to fill

All the questions asked in the introduction of your dissertation should be answered in the discussion and conclusion section. Factor in every result you obtained, no matter how statistically insignificant, so long as a result has relevance to the questions. Elaborate on the significance of the most important findings. If the results lead to conflicting inferences, present an evaluation of the merits of each. Note: you are not copy-pasting the content you had written in the results section. Your job here is to show how the results answer your hypothesis.

Discuss whether your conclusions agree with existing literature

The reader needs to know whether your findings are in agreement with existing knowledge and the expectations that arise from such knowledge. Here is where you need to bring your persuasion skills to bear upon the argument you present. Show how your arguments are stronger than those of others who are of contrary views. Explain any unexpected results. If the conclusions arrived at are not in alignment with existing literature, explain.

Highlight limitations of your research

Discuss the limitations of your study, if any, and their relevance to the interpretation of the results. Explain the significance of these limitations to the validity of your findings, too. The tone needs to be critical and unapologetic. The reader needs to feel confident that you have done a thorough examination of the results. Make them conclude that your assessment of the results promotes the desire of the scientific community to expand the existing body of knowledge.

Include recommendations

Dissertation Discussion Writing ServiceThe suggestions you make in the discussion and conclusion section should inspire other seekers of knowledge to carry out relevant studies that build upon the new knowledge you have presented. Keep the list brief — in fact, do not include more than two recommendations.

Maintain the same flow as you lead the reader through the sections that contain the results, the methods, and the discussion and conclusion. Use parallel structure in these sections as it helps the audience to build up a rhythm as they read and also brings them to a place of comprehension. Using parallel structure enables you to avoid a lot of narration in this section since the reader can anticipate the flow of ideas based on how you wrote the results section.

Summarize The Dissertation

End the paper with a brief, concise summary that explains the big-picture impact of your research. Show how the study enhances the understanding of the subject matter. It is time to show how your work filled the knowledge gap you talked about in the introduction.

Assuming you handled every other section well, there is no reason your dissertation should fail. It should succeed and gain you acceptance into the scientific community.

How to Develop Dissertation Topic Ideas

7 Amazing Tips on How to Develop Dissertation Topic Ideas


how to develop dissertation topic ideasDeciding on the topic around which to write your dissertation can be a daunting task. And getting the topic right from the get-go is where the dissertation journey begins. Any mistakes made at this point can have lasting effects on the quality of your paper. Being able to develop your dissertation from scratch reinforces every beautiful idea you have about your capabilities. No one contemplates failure, but loads of unsuccessful dissertations litter the academic landscape. You want to stand out, though. And the following 7 amazing tips on how to develop dissertation topic ideas will help you along the way.


Expert Guide: Develop Dissertation Topic Ideas For Masters

Start from the Start


Understand every dissertation-related requirement you have to meet. Know whether you have the freedom to choose any topic you fancy. There could be other terms and conditions, and you want to be sure you understand each one of them to fulfill them. Starting anything right can eliminate a plethora of difficulties down the road. So, ask questions and seek clarification until everything becomes crystal clear to you


Choose a Relevant Topic


The world’s inhabitants today lead hectic lives. They have little time to follow every fruitful pursuit. And as you might expect, they have zero time to read poorly written dissertations (read valueless work). Always select a research topic that would interest your supervisor, the dissertation committee, and the academic community. Pick a topic that makes you want to spend a ton of time sitting in the local library reviewing relevant material. Go for an area that advances your educational program and builds up your professional experience. Finally, your topic needs to be socially, scientifically, and practically relevant.


Decide on Research Type


Decide whether you will collect data and build your dissertation or if you will rely on existing literature. Each research type involves certain execution-related aspects that make it different. Assume you are going to gather the data yourself. Is it going to be field research or experimental research? Making that decision sets you on your way by ensuring you get a clear sense of direction. A study that depends on existing data is somewhat easier to handle, and takes less time to complete. However, such a dissertation does not seem as “original” and “authentic” as one developed from scratch. So, make up your mind.


Go for a Current, “Fresh” Topic


You are not writing for you. You are writing for your faculty and everyone with interest in your discipline. For that reason, consider selecting a topic that is relatively current. Picking a much older study area most often means being unable to get recent sources you can use to support your argument.And that is not what you want, is it? A surefire way to decide the “currentness” of your topic is to search recent peer-reviewed journal articles on Google Scholar or a database like LexisNexis. Most likely, your college or university has access to this useful database. If you can’t seem to find enough valid scientific sources related to your topic, pick a different topic.


Focus on aSpecific Aspect or Detail


You can choose to focus on a minor detail of your research discipline or topic. Be sure it is an area about which you have enough interest and knowledge. Ask yourself: Am I able to explain this topic clearly and briefly? If you are feeling unsure about that, you may want to move on to different topic. It helps if you have three or four topics you are looking at. Choose the one you feel most informed and therefore confident about. You need to learn how to narrow down to an area of interest within a topic. If your problem area is too broad, you tend to be unable to deal with the issue comprehensively.


For example: suppose your professor wants you to research “The Role of Prayer in Monotheistic Religions. You want to narrow down your topic to something more manageable. Why not study “The Role of Prayer in Islam?” That kind of gets you more organized and focused. You are more likely to produce much better work.


Talk to Your Classmates


Sometimes you need help. If you have struggled for days without finding a topic you can study, seek help. Talk to your classmates. You will likely find someone who can provide a little assistance regarding topic choice. You might even want to liaise with members of your discussion group. Ask them how they are handling their dissertation’s idea development stage. Discuss the issue with your supervisor. Sometimes they are way too busy with their career to provide the personalized attention you need.


Find Professional Dissertation Writing Help Online


Alternatively, talk to credible online tutors. The best are college professors or master’s degree holders offering their support on part-time basis. You can also hire professional coaches working with online academic coaching companies. The most reliable companies use a network of highly qualified tutors who teach in various universities and colleges on full-time or part-time basis. Such mentors can provide the help you need to develop topic ideas that lead to a qualitatively good dissertation. Some people might be uncomfortable with seeking dissertation topic help online. But there is nothing wrong with partnering with a mentor or dissertation tutor as long as they are not going to be writing your dissertation for you.


Think of Your Future Employer


help with dissertationYou are not going to be schooling forever. Soon, you are going to be working for the company of your dreams. But you are not the only one who hopes to get a job with that company. Start planning your job search as early as now. Why not study a topic your future employer would be interested in? Are you studying finance? Consider choosing a topic like “Managing Risk at Goldman Sachs.” Picture yourself telling your future employer in the interview room about the challenges you faced while researching their company. The odds are that you would have an advantage over competing job seekers.

Make sure you understand every requirement you are supposed to meet regarding your dissertation. Read journals and choose current, relevant topics. Choose a topic you love and one your advisor and faculty would find exciting. Find help with dissertation offline and online. Also, consider exploring a commercial angle that would make your study relevant to a future employer. You are on your way — get it done.


At Help With Dissertation, we assist students write thesis papers, capstone projects and do  SPSS data analysis for their dissertation.

Tips To Avoid Plagiarism

Tips to Avoid Plagiarism In Your Academic Papers

plagiarism removal serviceIn the current technological world, many colleges and universities are using web-based plagiarism checking tools to scan academic papers and detect stolen materials. Note that the consequences for plagiarism can be dire whereby you can be awarded a failing grade for the assignment, or you can even get a dismissal from an academic program.

When composing your thesis or dissertation or capstone project, you should give it a pause if you deliberately plagiarize your paper. However, if you are unintentionally copying it, there could still be a reason for apprehension. Note that a plagiarism checker will catch an ever-increasing amount of appropriated materials, and in some cases, the student has doesn’t realize he/she is doing wrong. Here are some of the simple guidelines to help you in avoiding plagiarism of the unintentional variety.

Understanding What Constitutes Plagiarism

In order to know how to avoid plagiarism, it is imperative you understand what constitutes unoriginal content in academic parlance. Plagiarism is the act of copying ideas or words of another individual without giving acknowledgment to the person from whom you borrowed. For instance, you can’t just alter some few words of a borrowed passage and believe that you are on a safer side. Except for the fact that the material is known, a citation is required for any borrowed material. The borrowed material can be an idea, a paraphrase or even a direction quotation.

Be acquainted with what your instructor will look for in the paper

plagiarism removal helpEven way before the introduction of computers, university lectures had a unique way to catch students who plagiarized content. Therefore, the internet has just made the checking much easier. Here are some of the things that might give your professor a hint that the thesis you presented as your original work comes from a different person.

  1. Fluctuations in your writing style
  2. Expressions that are not typically for you
  3. Harsh connection between passages
  4. Deviances in the point of view from which the passage is borrowed
  5. Illogicality in the concepts or positions upheld in the thesis
  6. The thesis failing to address the specific topic assigned
  7. The usage of exclusively web-based sources
  8. The inaccessibility in your college library of the sourced referenced in your thesis

If your thesis is affected by one of the listed points, there is no guarantee that your thesis has been plagiarized. Nevertheless, the combination of multiple of these points will raise unnecessary suspicions that will make your instructor dig deeper.

Understand How Anti-plagiarism Programs Work

If your instructor or University uses a web-based anti-plagiarism checking service, it is important to know how the program is used. If you are deliberately plagiarizing, the possibility is that you will never outfox this software. On the other hand, if you are unintentionally copying, knowing how the program is used will assist you to avoid plagiarizing inadvertently. Currently, the commonly used anti-plagiarism programs do a combination of the following;

  • Search the internet for word strings

Taking some words from a source available on the net is the simplest way to detect plagiarism in a thesis paper.

  • Search cached sources

tips to avoid plagiarismEven if the source you use is not available on the net, it might still be accessible to the anti-plagiarism search since it was on the internet at one time.
Search Database of your thesis to compare it with thousands of archived source

Are you a student in the United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Australia, Oman or Saudi Arabia looking for a professional thesis plagiarism removal service online?  At we provide students with expert plagiarism removal help at uniquely low prices. Our team of writers and editors are well schooled on how to avoid plagiarism in academic papers. Having extensive knowledge in academic writing and broad experience in writing academic papers enables them to identify and remove similarity in any paper. They also use highly sophisticated tools and programs to nab unoriginal content in your paper.

Copying other peoples work is an academic crime that may lead to termination of studies and possible legal actions. Therefore, students should ensure that their works are original and authentic to avoid embarrassment and legal suits. It is recommended that you engage a professional plagiarism removal service if you’re unsure of the quality of your paper. Our writers and editors will scan and implement remedial steps in case of unoriginal content in your academic paper.

Besides offering plagiarism removal help, we assist students write quality dissertations, thesis, capstones and action research papers. Visit today

Key Tips To Writing First Class Dissertation Hassle Free

tips to writing first class dissertationAre you a British, American, Canadian or Oman student in need of key tips to writing first class dissertation hassle free?  In many occasions, students spend a lot of time worrying about how to write a high quality dissertation, but in the end they lack time to do a quality work on their paper. Therefore, to avoid suffering from despair or panic and also evade sleepless nights just because of a dissertation, here are some of the tips to help you avoid troubles in the process of writing a dissertation.

Tips to Writing First Class Dissertation Hassle Free

  • Find an experienced dissertation advisor

Note that getting the right person to assist you in writing the dissertation is not an easy task. The moment the right person is there to help you, giving you guidelines, asking questions and assisting you to identify a better way to solve your problem, then be sure that everything will work perfectly well. Note that because you lack the required experience with this, you need an individual to help you at various stages. Thus, if you notice that your dissertation writing expert is not interested in whatever you are doing, or he doesn’t offer any help once you need it, then switch them for someone who is willing to help. it is your responsibility to write a quality dissertation, but getting a good advisor to help you is imperative.

  • Pick an eye-catching theme

Whatever your area of specialization is, you should make sure that you pick a good and exciting topic. The dissertation will take an extended period to write. For that reason, rather than choosing themes that are not interesting enough, select the ones you think are good for your dissertation. When writing a thesis, you are supposed to enjoy the entire process while liking for new facts. Note that an interesting topic is a key to all that. On top of that, select a theme that you can create a discovery in. if it happens that the subject you pick has already been researched, it is possible that you will get stuck. Therefore select a unique and open for a research topic. Continue reading Key Tips To Writing First Class Dissertation Hassle Free

Top 12 Best Jobs for Getting Ahead in 2017

Top 12 Best Jobs for Getting Ahead in 2017

Top 12 Best Jobs for Getting Ahead in 2017With many students graduating from their respective learning institutions than before, graduates can expect to embrace one of the toughest jobs market ever experienced in 2017. In such changeable climate, getting employment or a stable career path seems daunting. However, the good thing is that where some traditional industries may be collapsing, modernized ones are opening up. Below are some of the top 12 best jobs for getting ahead in 2017 and beyond.

Top 12 Best Jobs To Consider in 2017

1.    Data Analyst

The aspiration to analyze, manipulate and securely store important information is vital for any business in the current climate. In fact, there is a lot to be done since there is cognitive computing on the horizon. All you have to do is to make sure that you have development skills alongside coding ad testing techniques.

2. Technical Architect

Note that the digital era is taking over all the sectors by storm, where software is becoming more advanced, and business needs to evolve.  The role of the technical architect is tailored to integrate all aspects of leadership and business operations which will help in maintain the structure of the program. This profession only requires trained individuals, but also a person who is contented to delegate and manage a project. Though the technical skills needed are incomparable, it could be learning the art of administration that sets you apart.

3. Plumber

Note that the demand for plumbing services is set to remain high in 2017, with specific skills required to execute the roles to the required level of standards. Communication is vital since the capability to explain job details to clients, sub-contractors suppliers and managers are unavoidable. Having the skills to understand drawings of water systems and translate the information to the role is essential. On top of that, there are practical skills such as knowing to use specialist equipment that is required for you to do the task perfectly.

Continue reading Top 12 Best Jobs for Getting Ahead in 2017