Trending Accounting Dissertations Topics for 2025

Do yourself a huge academic favor by choosing one amongst our top trending topics for accounting dissertations for 2025. You already know a captivating report title stands out and edges you closer to an A+ grade, not so?

In this article, I’ll list 50+ modern accounting thesis topics you should consider for your WGU accounting capstone project or MBA dissertation project or DBA thesis . There’s also a sneak peek at the grading metrics and tips to choose the best topic.

Roll those sleeves, already!

The Secret to an Eye-catching Dissertation

A bland title sets an awful mood for an otherwise sizzling dissertation. The trendier the research topic, the more it’ll produce relevant accounting literature. We’ll help make your report shine from far!

Write a Uniquely Original Topic

Unlike a thesis, a dissertation focuses on original research. Double up its authenticity with a unique, original topic.

If you’re a risk-taker, court controversy right from the heading. Professors love this, especially if you answer the controversial topic question with sizzling insights!

Tip: The content and structural format of accounting dissertations vary depending on one’s specialty or institutional requirements. I always advise my candidates to discuss topic ideas and faculty guidelines with their supervisor.

Consider the Word Count While Selecting a Dissertation Topic

Sharpen the topic so that the whole report answers fully to the research question. Here’s a list of the expected number of words for the various dissertation levels.

  • Undergraduate dissertations are usually 8,000 to 15,000 words long.
  • A typical master’s research report has 12,000 – 50,000
  • An average PhD dissertation is book-long (from 70,000 up to 100,000 words).

Write in the 1st Person Voice

The general preference nowadays is to write accounting dissertations in the first person narrative voice. If you’re solo in the research, use “I” instead of the editorial “we”.

Important Note

Keep the language formal. Stick to citation and referencing norms. Above all, communicate concisely with your target audience.

Grading Metrics for Accounting Dissertations

Dissertations are mostly blind double-marked. Each assessor judges the paper independently, then they convene to award the final definitive grade.

This is how instructors grade your dissertation:

  • 85 – 100 Points: Outstanding research potential. Exceptionally high level of topic understanding.

(Most of the students we assist score within this bracket!)

  • 70 – 84.99 Points: Excellent research capabilities. Top topical competence.

This is the threshold grade for our accounting dissertation writing service.

  • 60 Points to 69.99 Points: There’s evidence of some independence of thought and an attempt at creativity.
  • If you score between 50 and 59.99 points, the assessor is telling you accuracy of facts and originality are missing. You, however, have a sound understanding of the research topic.

A Sample Dissertation Marking Scheme

The table below is a guide to what assessors look for against the available marks.

Dissertation Assessment Aspect Marks
The Macro Structure
Clear, informative title 1
Divided into appropriate sections (Intro, Method, etc.) 2
Informative headings and subheadings 2
Complete references (in-text and bibliography) 4
Appropriate appendices 1
The Micro-Structure
        The Abstract
Concise 1
Outlines aims, approach, results, and recommendations 2
Introduces the topic 2
Logical progression of information 3
Justified choice of methodologies 2
Clear aims, objectives, and hypotheses 1
Appropriate internal structure (e.g. Participants, Design, Apparatus, Procedure) 2
Lists and explains research resources 1
Explanation of study participants 1
A present experimental design section 1
Procedures with enough details to allow replication 2
Indicates both intended and unintended data 1
States the kind of data you collected 1
A descriptive summary of research findings 2
Correct use of tables, images, formulas, and figures 1
Informational relevance and the content of infographics 1
An objective exploration of research data 3
Clear statement of findings supported by data analysis 2
Results reflect the hypotheses 2
Brief summary of major findings 2
Findings relate to the topic, aims, and objectives 2
No new knowledge in the discussion 2
Findings relate to literature review 1
Justifiable conclusions 4
Acknowledges methodological limitations 3
Objective research findings’ implications 2
Suggests future research / improvement 2
Mainstream accounts literature linked to field of study 2
Uses accounting-specific literature 4
Core texts from approved faculty reading lists cited


Use of additional information sources 4
Evidence of creative, independent, and original thoughts 4
          Writing Style
Clear and concisely expressed ideas 10
Appropriate use of field-specific register 3
Precise punctuation and spelling 2
Clear, logical paragraphs that support comprehension 2
Adherence to presentation instructions (font, spacing, indents, etc.) 2
Good grammar 2
Precise figures and tables 2
Total Marks 100

How to Choose the Best Accounting Dissertation Topic

Pay attention to the following factors when choosing an accounting dissertation topic:

  • Specific institution guidelines and departmental instructions influence the topic.
  • Go for a topic in an accounting field that interests you the most.
  • Weigh the social, scientific, and practical relevance of the topic to the real world.
  • Availability of data and resources (carry out a feasibility study) sometimes limits your choices.
  • The dissertation’s timelines, and whether the topic will be covered exhaustively in good time.

To Craft the Best Dissertation Topic, Follow These Simple Steps…

The proven procedure below is a sure way to craft a winning accounting dissertation topic.

  • Conduct thorough literature review.
  • Brainstorm for topic ideas.
  • Spot a relevant area of research.
  • Explore possible theoretical frameworks.
  • Analyze the current trends and emerging accounting issues.
  • Select an appropriate research question.
  • Identify the most befitting methodology.
  • Examine underlying ethical issues associated with the choice topic.

Top Trending Topics for Accounting Dissertations in 2024

Every accounting professor wishes to see a dissertation in any of the following top trending topics. Borrow a relevant topic from the 50+ choices below!

Category #1: Cost Accounting Research Topics

Please Remember: Research topics on cost accounting covers in detail cost evaluation, budgeting, and pricing plans.

  1. Concepts, methods and organizational functions of cost accounting.
  2. Why cost accounting is important for any business.
  3. Cost control in rural enterprises.
  4. Importance of cost accounting to medium-sized businesses.
  5. The relevance of cost accounting in large-sized businesses.
  6. Ethics of cost accounting and its relevance to the workforce.
  7. Employee benefits and management expenses covered through cost accounting.
  8. Importance of cost-structured blueprints in small businesses.
  9. Managing cost accounting with the nature of the work unit.
  10. Understanding costs, results, and efficiency of different business functions.
  11. Direct costing or the variable cost method?
  12. Calculation procedure using the full cost method.
  13. Allocation of indirect charges to project costs.
  14. Cost price calculation and analytical results of projects.
  15. Cost accounting as a tool to determine a price for sold projects.
  16. Determining the most profitable products through cost accounting.
  17. Cost accounting as a tool to set the limit of price reduction.
  18. Establishing a measurement system with the full-cost method.
  19. Primary and secondary allocation of indirect costs.
  20. Cost accounting for indirect business promotional expenses.
  21. Expenses processed in cost accounting.
  22. Types of indirect technical and promotional expenses.
  23. Defining a department’s objectives and attributions.
  24. Implementation of cost accounting within the full-cost method.
  25. Practical benefits of cost accounting to today’s businesses.
  26. The rational imputation of fixed charges and loss amounts.
  27. Cost accounting: company entry expenses.
  28. Economic and social requirements of cost-accounting in small and medium enterprises.
  29. Cost accounting as a tool for the clothing industry.
  30. Functions of cost accounting within the health industry.
  31. Oil production’s cost accounting projects.

Category #2: Sample Accounting Information Systems Titles

  1. Accounting information systems to manage and enhance industrial costs in 2024 and beyond.
  2. The impact of accounting information systems on decision-making processes.

Category #3: An Auditing Dissertation Topic Example


  1. Determining the bases of evaluation for a company’s balance sheet components.

Category #4: Forensic Accounting Dissertation Headings

  1. Investigative techniques and modern skills for money laundering crackdowns.
  2. Trends for forensic accountant jobs in the USA: The FBI versus corporate establishments.
  3. The use of forensic accounting in investigating financial misconduct (non-profit organizations).

Category #5: Management Accounting Dissertation Topics

  1. Financial management accounting: The impact of COVID-19 on corporate finances.
  2. The influence of a company structure on accounting.
  3. How accounting helps the organization’s administrative and general affairs divisions.
  4. Determining the evolution and accounting changes to an organizational structure.
  5. Strategic steps before setting up an accounting procedure.

Category #6: Tax Accounting Topics

  1. The impact of e-accounting on revenue collection.
  2. Sustainable online tax accounting measures for federal governments.
  3. Challenges and trends in e-accounting: An American case study.
  4. Accounting for taxation costs for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
  5. Financial accounting tools for the banking industry.

Category #7: Behavioral Accounting Dissertations

  1. Corporate governance, financial management, and sustainability accounting trends.
  2. Why do banks oppose advances in digital currency?
  3. Mortgage loans and their influence on accounting.

Category #8: Bookkeeping Titles

  1. Determining an organization’s overall liquidity, wealth, and profitability through accounting.
  2. Accounting conservation and institutional ownership composition.
  3. The future of expected returns in finance – budgetary accounting.

What Lurks in the Horizon for Accounting Dissertations?

In the near future, the dissertation topics below will be the in-thing with accounting research students. They include:

  1. Sustainability accounting.
  2. Fraud detection and prevention.
  3. Accounting in corporate governance: Significance of auditing for global corporations.
  4. The impact of technology on accounting.

Get Accounting Help for Capstone, Thesis or Dissertations

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Free Sample Essay on Estimates and Accounting Policy Judgement

Estimates and Accounting Policy Judgement

Free Sample Essay on Estimates and Accounting Policy Judgement The Australian Securities & Investments Commission in their review of 2011 financial reports unearth that listed entities in their reporting did not follow or meet expectations of the Australian Accounting Standard Board (AASB) requirement. According to ASIC (2012), the most affected accounting policies that did not meet full disclosure were standards concerned with performance and uncertain economic conditions and useful information for investors. Standards that deal with performance and uncertain economic condition and were not fully disclosed by reporting entities include revenue recognition, expense deferral and other comprehensive income, asset values, off- balance sheet arrangement and going concern. The standards that help disclose useful information to investors and did not meet disclosure requirement include non-IFRS financial information disclosures, operating and financial review, current versus non-current classifications, estimates and accounting policy judgements and financial instruments.

The commission was concerned with non-compliance of estimates and accounting policy judgements. The commission in their investigation observed that some entities did not make material disclosures of sources of estimation uncertainty and significant judgements in applying accounting policies . According to ASIC (2012), non compliance with estimates and accounting policies leads to material misstatement of economic value of transactions of the firm, and therefore, it is important for firms to fully comply with disclosure requirements of the policy to allow users of financial statements evaluate financial performance and position of a reporting entity with all relevant and necessary financial information. The Board of Wesfarmers Limited is concerned about the company’s reputational standing in the market if ASIC found any deviations from AASB requirements in this matter. The Board, therefore, sought review of the relevant disclosures in the company’s annual report undertaken as recommended by ASIC. This business research report seeks to review Wesfarmer Limited’s compliance of estimates and accounting policies to the requirements set by the Australian Accounting Standards Boards in order to meet Australian Securities and Investment Commission guidelines.

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