Accounting Dissertation Writing Tips

How To Write Accounting Dissertations

accounting dissertation writing tips

Handling accounting assignments has never been that easy. But completing an accounting dissertation and thesis is a different ball game altogether. It usually is a daunting prospect for many college accounting students.  You did not come here to learn how difficult it can get, though. You are here to learn accounting dissertation writing tips. The ability to write like an accomplished accountant is undoubtedly a critical skill to possess in the 21st century. College hopes to prepare you for the real world of accountancy, which includes a lot of technical writing and number crunching.

Accounting Dissertation Writing Tips

Choose your accounting dissertation topic

Begin from the beginning: choose your accounting dissertation topic. In some cases, your advisor may propose topics for you. But usually,  you will pick the issues you would like to investigate. Every dissertation situation is different, and you should confirm with your department every requirement you should satisfy. Do not start working on your accounting dissertation before you have established that you have met all the terms regarding handling such a  project.

You want to select topics others in your faculty would find interesting and valuable. Preferably, choose topics that are currently generating debate or even controversy. Study a narrower area of your topic to make your study more focused. Above all, pick an area you have the smarts for and are passionate about.

Type of research

At this time, you have learned a ton of accounting principles, rules, and concepts. It is time to package all that knowledge into a concrete structure and form called a dissertation. Before you proceed further, you need to decide the kind of research you are going to be carrying out. You can choose to collect raw data and perform data analysis to extract valuable information. Alternatively, you can use both online and offline resources to research various relevant sources. In either case, you seek evidence that helps you to develop an informed point of view. Let us assume you have decided to use already existing data. Where do we go from here?

Understand your research problem

Ask yourself: why am I spending time and resources on this project? Which specific problem does my work address? Is there a problem in the first place? What is its scope? Establish how far others have gone concerning resolving the issue. Develop your research questions and hypotheses. These are going to be the tools that help you discover the solutions you seek.

Write your proposal

You are supposed to do a write-up that helps your advisor get a clear picture concerning what your research will cover. You need to get your proposal approved before you start executing your accounting dissertation or thesis. Typically, your proposal includes an introduction, literature review, and research methodology. What is the difference between a proposal and a dissertation? A dissertation contains your results and conclusion while a proposal cannot and does not have them.

Develop an informed argument

At this point, you need to review adequate, relevant material. Such literature review helps you understand if any gaps exist in the current body of accounting knowledge. You do not want to duplicate studies. You aim to leverage existing understanding to create new knowledge that leads to the development of your discipline. Research extensively, take notes, think and process information. Notice connections between concepts, ideas, and facts. You should be able to form an informed argument that confirms and challenges existing theories and notions in various ways. In other words, you are only able to write your thesis statement after reviewing relevant material and thinking through it.

Accounting Dissertation Writing Tips: Dissertation Structure

You have gathered data or information critical to the eventual success of your dissertation. It is time to present your argument. Admittedly, there is no specific format you are supposed to follow. That said, a typical dissertation consists of five chapters comprising of an introduction, literature review, research methodology, findings or results, and a conclusion.


Your accounting dissertation’s introduction includes some background information, problem statement, research questions, the study’s significance, and any assumptions made. If you mishandle your introduction, you can as well forget about the rest of your accounting dissertation. Focus all your energies here. Get organized mentally. Succinctly state why your study matters, what led you to it, the research questions you are investigating, the problem, and assumptions. Aim to be as concise as you can. The effectiveness of your paper stands or collapses based on how well you write your introduction.

Literature review

Discuss the theoretical framework within which you will be working. Additionally, provide details concerning the material you have reviewed. Show why they are critical to the study at hand.

Research methodology

Describe your variables. Provide specific information regarding whether you are carrying qualitative data analysis or quantitative research. Discuss your approach and method and with clarity, state your hypotheses. Your research questions help you as you organize your hypotheses. Making mistakes here can lead others to question the reliability of the results obtained.

Findings or results

Describe the data you have collected. Also, inform the reader regarding the analysis of those findings. Various tools are available that can help you perform comprehensive data analyses. You should find out the data analysis methods your field prefers. It is the analysis process that converts the ton of data collected into clear information that makes sense.


You do not need to announce to the reader that they are about to read your accounting dissertation’s conclusion. If you have used transitions accurately, your audience can sense without fail that you are winding up. Your conclusion summarizes your results, discussion, and implications as well as suggestions for further study.

Editorial style & in-text citations

Typically, accounting papers use the APA style. Be sure to apply the rules of this editorial style throughout the document. Use APA when writing the title page, in-text citations, running head, references page, and appendices. Observe the rules when labeling figures and tables, too. Failure to get it right with a formatting style can cost you marks. Keep yourself informed about referencing style-related changes. 

You have learned how to write an effective dissertation and thesis. You can now handle an accounting dissertation or thesis no matter how involved it gets. Don’t procrastinate — start now.

Now that you have read and understood accounting dissertation writing tips, it is time to put into test what you’ve learn’t. Unfortunately you may lack enough time. Our OBU thesis help will assist you develop quality accounting dissertation proposal as you prepare to write the final project. 

Free Sample Essay on Estimates and Accounting Policy Judgement

Estimates and Accounting Policy Judgement

Free Sample Essay on Estimates and Accounting Policy Judgement The Australian Securities & Investments Commission in their review of 2011 financial reports unearth that listed entities in their reporting did not follow or meet expectations of the Australian Accounting Standard Board (AASB) requirement. According to ASIC (2012), the most affected accounting policies that did not meet full disclosure were standards concerned with performance and uncertain economic conditions and useful information for investors. Standards that deal with performance and uncertain economic condition and were not fully disclosed by reporting entities include revenue recognition, expense deferral and other comprehensive income, asset values, off- balance sheet arrangement and going concern. The standards that help disclose useful information to investors and did not meet disclosure requirement include non-IFRS financial information disclosures, operating and financial review, current versus non-current classifications, estimates and accounting policy judgements and financial instruments.

The commission was concerned with non-compliance of estimates and accounting policy judgements. The commission in their investigation observed that some entities did not make material disclosures of sources of estimation uncertainty and significant judgements in applying accounting policies . According to ASIC (2012), non compliance with estimates and accounting policies leads to material misstatement of economic value of transactions of the firm, and therefore, it is important for firms to fully comply with disclosure requirements of the policy to allow users of financial statements evaluate financial performance and position of a reporting entity with all relevant and necessary financial information. The Board of Wesfarmers Limited is concerned about the company’s reputational standing in the market if ASIC found any deviations from AASB requirements in this matter. The Board, therefore, sought review of the relevant disclosures in the company’s annual report undertaken as recommended by ASIC. This business research report seeks to review Wesfarmer Limited’s compliance of estimates and accounting policies to the requirements set by the Australian Accounting Standards Boards in order to meet Australian Securities and Investment Commission guidelines.

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