12 Proven Strategies to Boost GPA

Tips to Boost Your GPA: 12 Proven Strategies

Commitment and effort are necessary for academic achievement, especially if you want to raise your grades and grade point average (GPA). Your academic progress will be impacted by your organization and study methods.  To help you reach your academic goals, we’ll go over some efficient and proven strategies to boost GPA in college and university.

To boost GPA, you must first comprehend what a GPA is. Your grade point average (GPA) represents your overall academic year average. The average of your grades over a semester or academic year is your GPA. It varies depending on how well you do in each of your subjects. For instance, if you received an A+ for the semester in a class, those 4 points will count against your cumulative GPA. There are numerous strategies to achieve a 4.0 GPA, regardless of whether your objective is merely to raise your grade point average. Here are 12 proven strategies to boost GPA

1.  Regularly Attend Classes

As essential as it may seem, this is a crucial action. This is especially crucial in science lectures because you will lose out on the instructors’ in-depth verbal explanations and other students’ Q&As. Regular attendance also enables you to participate and make a favorable impression on your lecturers, which could result in higher grades.

2.  Don’t Enroll in Courses You Don’t Need.

Usually, you’ll have to take the courses necessary for your primary degree. Keep the prerequisites and workload of the courses in mind when selecting your electives or any additional classes so that you can enroll in courses you can afford and quit taking ones you don’t need.

Take honors and advanced-level courses to boost your GPA, but be realistic about how much you can handle. Select these courses if you feel more confident earning an A or A+ in coursework at the average level.

3.  Schedule Your Most Difficult Classes First

As part of your major, you will need to take challenging courses. In this case, you can structure your lessons to provide the challenging courses as much time as possible. If necessary, seek assignment writing aid. Your ability to study challenging stuff will increase as a result.

Please speak with your counselor and the registrar before planning your course schedule. They will help you create a schedule that enables you to succeed in challenging classes while staying on track to graduate.

4.  Use The Tools at Your Disposal to Learn

Use the library if it is available in your institution. Studying in residence halls or dorm rooms is not always a good idea because you’ll be more likely to get sidetracked. However, you will be more concentrated and have access to various materials if you study in a library.

5.  Refrain From Multitasking

Multitasking may be advantageous for simple, mindless jobs, but it is not advantageous for studying. Your productivity may suffer, and your ability to think critically may be hampered. Changing tasks without losing focus is difficult for people to do. You should anticipate that the preparation you need for each class will vary if you have assignments or tests in numerous classes.

Consider concentrating on one class for a few hours, then moving on to the next, rather than going from one to the other and drastically altering your working patterns. By doing so, you’ll be able to maintain your concentration for an extended period of time and then switch gears to work on a different lesson to give your brain a “vacation.”

6.  Study Smart

Another proven strategies to boost GPA is to find a study method that you enjoy. No two persons have the same results on the same nutrition plan, just as no two people have the same results on the same study plan. You must find a solution that works for you. Does this imply recording lectures and listening to them repeatedly? or does this imply converting your notes into images and charts?  or does this imply that you should type your notes into a book you can refer to later? Maybe does it imply playing a game with your friends? Everyone is unique; what helps you remember?

How do you learn? You undoubtedly know how you remember stuff. Is it by hearing? Seeing? Using your hands? Do whatever helps you. Find a friend and tell them the facts. Make your own mnemonic devices and draw visuals to assist your brain recall. Anything that engages you will suffice.

7.  Connect with Your Professors

When you feel overwhelmed by your study load, it’s OK to talk to your professors. Professors, instructors, and counselors are knowledgeable about the various learning techniques that can benefit you. To identify your areas of weakness and strengthen them, ask them for feedback on your assignments, tests, and exams. They’ll want to assist you if you’re a good student who wants to improve. Find out from them what you can do to improve your grades. They could know the solution.

  • Sometimes a student is just a few points away from a higher grade. If a teacher loves and knows you, they might give you a pass; for example, a 79 percent might be raised to a C- rather than a D+. Talk to your teachers if nothing else to get their favor.


  • Some colleges provide a program known as “Course forgiveness.” You can either drop the class’s lowest grade or retake it. Ask your lecturers if you think you could be eligible for something like this.

8. Limit Extracurricular Activities

College life is greatly influenced by extracurricular activities like clubs, sports, music ensembles, and other pursuits. They’re a fantastic opportunity to socialize, take a break from studying, and gain knowledge outside the classroom.

However, if your grade point average is low, you may want to scale back on your extracurricular activities to spend more time studying. Remember that you won’t be able to join any clubs if you are expelled from college owing to a subpar average GPA.

9. Form a Study Group with Your Shrewd and  Dedicated Peers

According to research, learning in groups is a very productive method as long as there are four or fewer participants and everyone genuinely pays attention. Why? It’s because talking about the subject solidifies it in your memory and compels you to listen, reflect, and speak simultaneously when all these abilities are together, the idea processes in your brain at a deeper level. For your study group to be a success:

  • Choose a group leader to keep everyone on the course. Bring some snacks, and prepare some inquiries. After covering all of your content, go back to the issue the group was having. Make sure you make the most of each person’s strengths as well.


  • Don’t play around either. Study groups are useless if everyone is merely chatting, spreading rumors about their buddies, and snacking on food. That is why having a leader is so helpful because sometimes you need someone to pull you back onto the right course.

10. Pose Questions Throughout the Class.

If you don’t comprehend a concept, speak up during lessons and class activities. By clarifying topics that may have previously confused you, you can assist the instructor in delivering the same material in a different way. Asking questions can spark innovation and new ways of thinking because it is the basis for collaboration. What you discover from the answers to your inquiries can be used as study material later.

11. Submit Assignments on Time

Turning in your assignments on time is essential for achieving an A on all your homework assignments. Even if you finish a significant assignment that is deserving of an A, submitting it late could result in a penalty or point deduction from your mark by your teacher, which would impact your final score. Instead, make sure you always turn in your tasks by the deadline.

Additionally, speak with your instructor and let them know the situation if you anticipate being absent or unable to submit an assignment by the due date. They’ll probably be delighted to locate a flexible substitute for you.

12.  Goal-setting and Self-rewarding

On a regular basis, set clear goals. For instance, you might decide to make it your weekly objective to submit all of your calculus homework assignments with an A. Every week, assess your progress and determine what needs to be done to accomplish your next objective. You can maintain a higher GPA by setting goals each week that are related to improving your grades, effectively applying concepts, and comprehending topics covered in class.

13. Hire Tutors

Do you find yourself struggling in class? then you need to engage a tutoring service. A simple google search will return hundreds of results of available tutors. There are different types of  online tutoring services. Ranging from consulting agencies, those who will teach you new concept to those will assist you complete assignments. You will need to choose the service that best suits you. For instance, our dissertation statistics consulting offers PhD students with dissertation data analysis help. Hundreds of PhD students have benefited from our statistical expertise and advisory.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Reasonable GPA Goal?

Many colleges, universities, and even high schools consider a GPA of 3.0 – 3.5 adequate. Top academic institutions frequently require GPAs greater than 3.5.

Is a GPA Below 3.0 Good in College?

More specifically, the national GPA average is around 3.0; thus, you are below average nationwide if your GPA is below this number. The average GPA of students accepted into colleges is higher than the national average since the 3.0 average reflects all students, not just those applying to college.

In Summary

Overall, academic achievement and boosting your GPA are complex tasks. Of course, you must work hard and put up much effort. However, if you follow the appropriate recommendations and study in the correct method, you will quickly boost your GPA. If you follow these 12 strategies to boost GPA, your GPA will skyrocket. Good luck.

Top Career Trends That Will Matter Most in 2022 & 2023

Top Career Trends That Will Matter Most in 2022 & 2023

top career trends

It can be challenging to select a college major, whether you are a high school senior or an adult looking to change careers. Choosing a career that would allow you to pursue your hobbies and still support your family might be challenging. Understanding the career trends, state of the labor market today and how it is anticipated to change over the coming years will help you narrow down your search.

The same degree of care should be used while investing time in your professional development as you would with your savings. Concentrating your efforts in the areas most likely to help you reach your financial objectives will depend on your ability to determine where money is moving.

Career Trends: What Are They?

Career trends reflect shifts in the demand for particular abilities in the labor market. New job opportunities may result from these shifts, while others may cause some markets to disappear completely.

A career trend, in plain English, is when the demand for a particular set of talents changes in the labor market. If we see a positive trend, the market around those skills creates a new and clearly defined professional path. The options for launching a conventional career are declining, which is an alarming trend.

The most recent instances of this are simple to identify. The need for Data Scientists has increased in line with a favorable trend as technology has advanced over the past 15 years. These days, there is a comprehensive career path laid out for those who wish to work in data science, accompanied by academic degrees designed to provide graduates with the necessary marketable skills.

We’re here to provide predictions on the key participants in the employment market for 2023 and beyond using information from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics and influential newspapers and magazines. We believe that this will help you decide on a professional education program with knowledge. These top career trends will be crucial in the employment market in 2023.

1.   Technology and its Value in Labor Markets

Change in the workforce will always be fueled by technology. Current generations appear to be more accepting of change than previous generations, who were often more resistive to it. Many workers actively seek opportunities to integrate new technology into their work and want their employers to do the same.

  • A corporation that employs cutting-edge technologies to promote career advancement has a 55% higher chance of keeping its employees.
  • 85% of employees want technology to suggest a career path for them. This involves pointing out potential areas for improvement and suggesting further actions.
  • 16% of businesses deploy technology more regularly to observe employees. This covers online time clocks, computer use, emails, and communication.

2.   Automation and Employment Prospects

Did you know automation technology is getting better and more inexpensive for businesses to use in their workforce? Automation may be more practical than hiring people in some businesses. Automation is being applied in various areas to boost worker productivity.

  • Between 1990 and 2015, labor expenses climbed by more than 100%, while robot costs reduced by more than 50%.
  • The majority of customer service interactions—around 85%—are automated.
  • In 2023, it is anticipated that investments in hyper-automation will total $596.6 billion. Huge rise over the previous two years of more than $100 billion.
  • In the next 50 years, a majority of the work currently done by people will be done by robots and computers.

3.   Social Media and the Future of Employment

Don’t believe the myth that your job life is unrelated to your social media life. Nowadays, social media profiles are used by employers during the hiring process. Simply put, your social media usage could improve or harm your prospects of landing a job or succeeding in your existing position. Keep your profile professional to always be on the safe side.

The distinction between using social media for personal and professional purposes is becoming increasingly hazy. Both employers and employees use it to identify new opportunities and evaluate partnership possibilities. Maintaining a professional online image should be a top focus for business people moving forward.

  • One without a social media presence will probably not be considered by 21% of hiring managers.
  • When you have a profile photo on LinkedIn, your chances of someone viewing it are enhanced by 14 times.
  • LinkedIn is used by 51% of recent graduates. (Pew Research Centre)

4.   Increase in the Unemployment Rate

At 3.7 percent in July 2019, the unemployment rate in the US reached its lowest level in the preceding 40 years. Since 2010, the unemployment rate has been continuously decreasing. Everything was improving. However, the number has increased ever since the COVID-19 epidemic struck.

Despite a decline at the beginning of 2021, the unemployment rate is still higher than in February of 2020 before the pandemic. We anticipate that until the coronavirus’s dangers and concerns are finally addressed, this will remain higher than pre-pandemic levels. This has numerous repercussions for both employees and businesses.

5.   Trends in Remote Work

Along with remote work’s growth, COVID-19 marked a fundamental shift in workplace culture. Many businesses provided their employees the option to work from home, either full-time or part-time, out of need, and some closed their physical offices permanently.

A report from WeWork shows that a flexible work environment is something that 75% of employees are willing to give up one work benefit for. Healthcare, bonuses, or paid time off are examples of this perk.

  • There will likely be 40.7 million remote Americans in the next five years.
  • According to 36% of executives, the loss of corporate culture is the main issue with hybrid work environments.
  • (Gartner) Before COVID-19, 30% of workers did remote work. After COVID-19, an estimated 48% of employees will still work remotely.

6.   Careers, skills, and region incompatibilities

Poor-quality systems and education are the leading causes of skills gaps. In addition, there are new ways of organizing the workplace, new places where jobs can be found, quick technical advancements, and demographic changes. The technical skills of candidates are insufficient to fill the available jobs. These encompass STEM degrees in physics and statistics and soft skills like cooperation and communication.

On the other hand, even employed people might not be using their full potential. According to a global poll, 37% of job seekers say their current jobs don’t fully utilize their skills.

Mismatches in terms of location also exist. In fact, it was discovered that there were numerous structural inconsistencies across the US based on location. These areas have a high need for labor but a shortage of competent candidates. The identical situation is occurring all around the planet.

  • The mismatch between worker skills and open positions persists.
  • The most detrimental impact on such a gap is caused by low education quality.
  • To remedy this employment issue, structural flaws should be fixed.

7.   Career Trends in Hiring and Recruitment

Demands fluctuate along with changing job trends. Potential employees can make higher pay, perks, and corporate responsibility demands in this seller’s labor market. According to Zippia recruiting statistics, 67% of job searchers believe remuneration is the most crucial aspect in accepting a job offer.

  • 70% of job searchers prefer recruiters to be upfront about the salary range when they initially get in touch.
  • Before applying for a job, 75% of job seekers look up the employer’s reputation.

8.   Freelancing Will Rule the Future

In more significant numbers, workers are turning away from traditional employment opportunities in favor of the freedom to work for themselves. Thanks to the digital economy, freelancers no longer need to rely on personal ties to secure employment. They can publish online portfolios, look via freelance employment networks, or find a part-time job in the burgeoning gig economy. Interestingly, students and researchers are turning to academic ghostwriting services who are mostly PhD holders for assistance with their research work.

Employers view this tendency as mutually advantageous because it relieves them of the cost of supporting permanent hiring when the workload does not warrant it.

  • According to 46% of freelancers, their obligations and circumstances prevent them from holding traditional jobs.
  • The majority of independent contractors (45%) provide skilled services.
  • Fifty-one percent of freelancers believe that no amount of money could persuade them to accept a traditional job.
  • Women make up 40% of the freelance workforce. 6% less than the workforce as a whole. (Statista)

9.   The Elder Generation is Retiring in Greater Numbers

Millennials outnumbered Baby Boomers as of July 2019. And Millennials will eventually dominate the work market. But it appears that this will happen sooner than we had anticipated. Over the past nine years, the annual growth rate among retiring baby boomers has never exceeded the +2.5 million observed in 2015. Additionally, 2019 saw the lowest annual increase in Boomer retirements.

Boomers who did not complete high school are now more likely to retire, up two percentage points. The same holds for recent high school grads. For those with bachelor’s degrees or more, there was only a one percentage point gain. Boomers with some college education did not see a percentage increase. The information was gathered between February and September 2020.

  • New skills that younger generations have more of than Baby Boomers will be needed to adapt to changing business environments.
  • By 2023, there will be three million more Baby Boomers retiring annually.

Key Takedown

The career trends outlined above provide several pressing issues that must be resolved;

  • Employees should be encouraged to continually update their technical knowledge due to the growing demand for technology capabilities.
  • To maximize the benefits of automation, businesses should embrace it cautiously and enthusiastically.
  • Employees should always maintain a respectable, positive online reputation, as should everyone else for good measure.
  • Businesses should safeguard the welfare and financial stability of their employees.
  • To help with the current issue of job mismatches, businesses should launch initiatives.
  • Finding methods to use technology to generate jobs, rather than using it otherwise, is genuinely the right mentality.

These career trends should give you some handy ideas for enhancing your current professional path. Employers should use reliable HR process solutions to improve employee management procedures further. You will find monitoring your team’s productivity and future development simpler.

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How To Write Good DBA Thesis

How To Write DBA Thesis

A Doctorate in Business Administration is not an easy feat and anyone who doesn’t recognize the weight it holds is clearly misinformed. DBA is normally an upgrade from MBA and requires a high level of skill and a lot of work is put into it, including the DBA project, which is why you are here to determine what are the dos and the don’ts and I am more than happy to give you a roadmap to the perfect DBA thesis. When it comes to academic writing, you need to walk into it without a shred of doubt on what is required of you so as to deliver an exceptional project. Let me put an end to this chitchat and get right into it. Here is how to write a good DBA thesis.

Typically, a DBA thesis will have 5 chapters that are well structured to take care of all that your paper needs courtesy of the APA style of writing. These parts maintain a continuous flow of thought and an easy flow of the process.

Structure of DBA Thesis

Chapter 1: Introduction

This is the very first bit of your paper that sets the platform for you to introduce your research. Here, you should give information pertaining to the;

  • Background of problem that you are researching.
  • Problem statement
  • Nature of the study
  • Research question- this will be used as a beacon to ensure that you deliver as per the posed question
  • Theoretical framework
  • Limitations of the research.

Chapter 2: Literature review

Getting into research requires you to have some knowledge on what progress has already been made as far as the said problem is concerned. While there are tons of sources of information, there are certain credible sources you can use, which comes in highly recommended to maintain quality. Which makes selecting literature to review a very crucial bit to your dissertation.

  • So, what are you looking to achieve by reviewing the literature?

– distinguish what has been done already and what needs to be done. Basically, you need to determine the gaps in the research and capitalize on them.

– On the other hand, you need to get a new perspective based on another person’s point of view, you can always borrow ideas to supplement your own or t build up to a new idea.

– In understanding the structure of the subject, you need to get an overview from already published literature to know what you are getting into and what to expect

Literature review also opens you up to important variables to keep an eye out for that are crucial to the topic at hand.

– On the same note, reviewing literature as a guide to your project will give you some insight into the research methodologies used and the expected results. The structure of such literature is such that you can get as much information as possible and basing your research on this information will orient you in the right direction.

Chapter 3: Research methodology

Your research methodology should be as detailed as possible such that the research can be replicated even in your absence. This segment should contain;

  • Research methods
  • Research questions
  • Data collection methods and analysis – Depending on your research, choose the most appropriate data analysis method, and while at it use recommended data analysis tools.
  • Case examples
  • Variables and measures
  • Sampling designs
  • Reliability and validity

Chapter 4: Findings

In this bit, you are free to present your findings from research conducted. And as you present these findings, remember to

  1. Use an active voice.
  2. Carefully choose your wordings as you describe processes, defend or dispute findings as well as make predictions. Leave nothing in the grey area.
  3. Check your tenses. Be aware of what happened when and place it in the right tense.

Preset your findings with the aid of visuals such as charts, graphs and diagrams especially with quantitative data. You can also use diagrams to show processes as well.

Chapter 5: Discussion and conclusion

Bringing this all to a halt will need you to gear up and collaborate your paper right from the research question posed, right to the findings and give a data-supported conclusion. Do you remember the beacon we talked about? now it’s time to locate it and align your paper to it. The conclusion should be as strong as any other bit and have convincing power. Referring to yourself in the third person is a mistake that you should avoid at all costs. In this bit, you are allowed to make recommendations and your comments from your discovery.

In any thesis paper, that requires you to involve other people’s work such as literature review or that leads you to quote verbatim, you MUST always give references and citations of your sources. Getting your DBA thesis paper together should now be easier. With this breakdown, I am confident that when you put pen to paper, you will come up with the ideal DBA thesis.

Guide To Writing Ace DBA Thesis

Developing good DBA thesis topics 

Writing DBA thesis is not a walk in the park. It requires tenacity and sacrifice from developing a topic, writing thesis proposal and finally the thesis paper. Developing DBA thesis topic has been singled out as the most important phase of thesis writing. A poorly structured topic will hinder flow and clarity of the paper. We advise students who are not sure of how to structure DBA thesis topic to always consult professional writers. DBA thesis help service is a great source for thesis topics. You will have a topic and outline developed in a few hours giving you a head start in your thesis writing journey.

  1. Effective change management strategies in multinational companies
  2. The impact of social media marketing on brand allegiance and loyalty
  3. Effectiveness of scenario planning in multinational corporations
  4. The impact of influencer marketing on conversion and market dominance
  5. Franchising as an effective business strategy in internationalization
  6. Enhancing corporate governance in firms operating in multicultural setting
  7. Does corporate social responsibility impact branding
  8. Employee retention in multinational corporations
  9. Factors influencing business process re-engineering in Apple Inc
  10. Impact of artificial intelligence on customer loyalty
  11. Impact of chat robots on customer loyalty
  12. Benefits and risks of international joint ventures
  13. Adoption of IFRS 7 among multinational corporations
  14. Latest accountability practices among multinational corporation
  15. Adoption of climate risk assessment among oil multinationals
  16. Business strategies among multinational corporations during COVID
  17. How international business will recover post COVID
  18. Benefits of utilizing in-house social media marketing expertise in comparison with social media marketing consultancy
  19. Differentials in business performance between similar businesses operating in different countries
  20. Leadership styles and impact on firm growth in international business
  21. Innovation as a differentiation factor in international banking business
  22. Does branding provide real competitive advantage in fashion industry
  23. Does organizational ethical practices impact employee ethics in multinational corporations
  24. Adoption o0f climate risk disclosure reporting among multinational corporations
  25. The role of social media in shaping organizational ethical practices
  26. The use of HR analytics to increase productivity in post COVID era
  27. The role of social media marketing in building brand allegiance and brand loyalty.
  28. The Impact of employee engagement on customer loyalty in the banking sector
  29. Adoption of sustainability reporting among oil companies in UAE
  30. Managing diversity in a multicultural workforce setting, case example of Barclays PLC
  31. Investigating learning and development in Saudi public sector workforce

How To Write Action Research Paper

How To Write Action Research Paper

Decision making in any environment is a very sensitive matter and people who make the best decisions will tell you that for you to achieve that, it is imperative that you make an informed decision. An informed decision takes time but is both efficient and effective at the end. For you to make an informed decision you need to understand all the fact and learn what you are working with so as not to leave anything to chance. It also opens up a new arena of solutions that you can generate from different perspectives. All these are covered in an action paper. However, we shall be going deeper into it and understand how to formulate it, the right questions that you seek to answer in the paper and the approach to it all. So, what exactly is an action research paper? This is the collaboration of problem-solving in liaison to data on the given subject matter to understand the current situation and facilitate future decisions.

Identify Problem To Be Studied

As the old saying would have it, you will never know where you are going unless you know where you are coming from. This still maintains its relevance in this case which is why we need to understand our current situation before proceeding with anything else. Observation is the key and the basis to any researchers’ investigations or research. You need to formulate a question or a statement that will be the basis of your research. In so doing you will have defined the boundaries to your research and this will propel you in the right direction. The question or the s guiding statement is what we call the thesis and hypothesis.

This is often a neutral factor in any research. So why create a thesis or hypothesis

  1. It lays the foundation for your research
  2. It guides on the material to use and direct from where you should source your information for maximum relevance
  3. It keeps you in check and gives a sense of direction towards asset goal
  4. It sets you up for a strong conclusion as you are able to express all that you have been researching in the ending to either concur or conflict by your findings.

Collect Data on the Problem

Data collection phase is also called the research stage. Now that you are aware of what you are looking for, then you need to roll up your sleeves and get your ‘hands dirty’ on research. Research can either be qualitative, quantitative or a combination of both of them. The difference between qualitative and quantitative research is that while gives you fact, the other will give you figures. A combination of the both will come in handy as it will allow you to synthesize results from these two. Data collection can be done by interviewing, observation, questionnaires or even direct participation. However, in most cases direct participation and observation are mostly preferred as the accuracy of the data is assured. In an environment of constantly changing variables, it would only be fair that you use more than one source of data collection for purposes of comparison of results. this is referred to as the principle of triangulation.

Organize, Analyze & Interpret Data

Raw data is simply a collection of facts and figure that make no sense o the user unless they are graded, grouped and organized in a more meaningful way to generate results and that can be interpreted with ease. With this in mind, you now need to:

Organize the data

This is where you put all the data you collected before you and decide on the different criteria that you will be examining them on. Given that you know the kind of data you collected, you group it in terms of correlation and relevance. This will make it easy for you to analyze it

Analyze your data

Data analysis in the 21st century is one of the most common phenomena in the world as people depend on this for everyday business and living. Data analysis is the backbone to decision making. Depending on the data you have you will decide on the data analysis tools that you will employ in analyzing the already grouped data. Remember that analyzing data has to be done with the utmost precision and without ignoring any facts as that would change the whole criteria of the examination.

Interpretation of data

After all, is said and done, results are awaited at the end of the task and this will be easy to deliver if you have followed through with all the above. Interpretation of data opens up a vast scope of possibilities as it depends on the eyes that examine the findings. Similar findings could mean two very different things to two different parties.

However, it is important to remember that you will be delivering the findings depending on the persona you took while undertaking the research and analysis.

The human mind tends to work better with pictures and on top of that pictures are an easy way to capture the attention of your reader. In light of this, you can use charts, graphs, pictograms and even pie charts in the representation of data.

Develop Plan to Address the Problem

The journey is now shorter but not yet over. At this point now you are aware of all variables on the ground and depending on your research you are now able to tell the validity of your original thesis or hypothesis. In other words, you are able to see your ‘problem’ in an educated manner which will allow you to make an educated decision.

Developing a course of action is not necessarily easy nor complicated but is rather a guided process. WHAT do I mean?

At the start of it all, you had identified a problem that you needed to address and this leads you to do research on the same. Through your research, you were able to view the problem from a point of view that includes the variables and now you understand it better.

Through your findings, you are able to make a conscious decision that will address the problem and make things better. However, it is not closed to only finding a solution but also is also open to recommendations and suggestions that would make things better.

Finding a solution will require you to also put in mind the party(S) that you might need to involve to act as a means to the end. All these will need to be captured under the solution section.

The tonal intonation is always recommended to be formal as this will address your audience with the required magnitude and will be taken with the required urgency.

The kind of approach you take on this paper needs to be a wholesome one and this means that you need to address it right from the start by briefly stating the problem you are solving and later to the factors surrounding the problem and then give the array of possibilities and solutions to each and every dimension affected. This will ensure that you do not miss anything. This kind of approach has often been referred to as one of the best as it also acts as a perfect guide during implementation of the same.

Implement Plan

Implementation of an already well-laid plan is one of the easiest and straight forward things that you will do in your paper. This is similar to following a map to your destination. Now that you have everything figured out and have visualized the solution then the rest is a walk in the park. However, do not understate anything in this section as this could cost you a lot as a result of competence deficiency in terms of delivery. Implementation of the plan should be categorized by personnel needed, practices to be changed, structural change, time taken, value addition, legal scope (if any) and most important resources needed to achieve this. These are all the essential that would allow a different party to implement your plan in your absence.

Evaluate Results of the Actions Taken

Accountability is essential in any endeavor and this is no different. Given that an action paper can be used in a variety of fields than the scope of evaluation will be different as the scales of measurement for all these fields are different. For a learning institution, they might evaluate on the basis of merit and performance while in an organization they will look for the monetary addition or implication it leaves them with.

From evaluation. You will be able to tell the lifespan of your solution and it also gives you room to make adjustment as time goes by. However, if the new system does more harm than good then it will automatically have to be put under the scope again for reevaluation.

During the solution generation stage, you also have to mention the intended results that you anticipate at the end of the implementation. This will cushion the anticipated results and will ensure that you do not oversell on your solution. If the results are as anticipated then you can consider that as a win.

Identify New Problem

After all, is said is done, you can now move to another agenda. The new agenda can be an entirely different problem or simply a follow up on your previous problem and reevaluate its current state. Most people will however go for a new challenge altogether. The process starts with observing a different phenomenon and looking for loopholes that you intend to look into and generating a theory or question that will be the basis of your research.

  • Repeat the process
  • At this point, I do believe that your level of competence as far as the action research paper has shot to the roof. The formulation, research and implementation are quite easy to follow through as it allows a perfect chain of ideas and a continuous process. From here after you get the new challenge all you need to do is ;

Collect data on the identified problem using the most appropriate method,

Organize, analyze, and interpret the data in a meaningful way, develop a plan to address the problem, Implement the plan, evaluate the results of the actions taken, Identify a new problem and eventually after you have gotten top the climax, Repeat the process again on a new project.

Action papers have been around for a couple of years now and this is not a new concept in the field. It has been of major help to many institutions globally and has aided the progression of professions. All you need to know about action paper is at your disposal. However, in the event at you don’t feel as confident with them you can always get an expert writer to help you out as you ease your way to it and get value for money after all you should get the best out of everything.

7 Powerful Business Capstone Project Topic Ideas

Business Capstone Project Topic Ideas

Are you a management student looking for business capstone project topic ideas? then you at the right service. A man is a good as what he knows and a businessman is as good as his ideas. These ideas are what keeps him afloat and helps him thrive in the business world, which has proven to be quite volatile. However, this all starts in the classroom for the students who are pursuing a course in the business field. So as to undertake your capstone project, you need to understand what a capstone project is and what you need to achieve by the end of the paper. Luckily for you, I have all these answers right here with me. Let’s waste no time and learn the science behind business capstone projects as I share ideas on what you can and should add to your paper for that fine touch.

What is a business capstone project?

As a student approaches the end of his academic pursuit, there is still one more project that aims to test all that they have learnt against real-life problems. It takes an all-around approach and tests on the student’s personal, interpersonal skill as well as the application of the academic knowledge learned. Among the many things learnt related to business. It is no easy feat to accomplish this, but with the right material, you can make an excellent paper. A business capstone project seeks to link business theories learned in class and practical experiences. A student should be able to develop practical business solutions to a complex business problem by applying what has been taught.

So, what make a good business capstone project topic ideas?

Among the many things that you need to get right is your choice of title as it will set up the whole paper. Here a couple of carefully picked project ideas that you can choose from for your Business capstone project.

Also Read: How to write business capstone project

Seven Amazing Business Capstone Project Topic Ideas

Employee behavior and relation

Among the resources needed for a business to thrive, the human resource is among the most essential ones and learning how to understand and manage this resource is a skill all by itself. The success or failure of a company is dependent on its employees. Cultivating a good employee culture is essential and it lays the grounds for the dos and don’ts in the company.

For those looking forward to a career in human resource management, this is a very good topic to tackle and it will prove quite helpful even as you progress to CIPD and other human resource professional qualifications.

The growing role of technology in business

The 21st century will go down in history as the age of technology and the age of information as the strides that have been made in term of technology are unprecedented. The coronavirus pandemic has unknowingly strengthened this as people had to carry on with their business even from home and the online space was the only safe space and this has taken corporations, learning institutions and even government services to the online platform.

The technological wave has greatly been felt in the business field and is now the future of commerce. This is one of the topics that you can pursue and you will be surprised at how much there is to know about the role of technology in business.

Speaking of the role of technology in business, we can not afford to ignore the benefit it has to you as a student as well. Our business capstone project writers who have specialized in different fields and have come together to offer you capstone project writing help at the comfort of your home. Their model is a comprehensive one that has taken into consideration the academic grading process and while using it as the goal, have invested heavily in research and current issues to give you quality, authentic, plagiarism-free, professionally done paper. As a professional yourself, I am certain that you know the value of working with expert capstone project writers who have a credible track record.

Market research

Any business venture will stay afloat by understanding its customers as well as its target market. Market research is an essential part of a business and is developed before the start of the business and also through the course of the business. Market research will lead you to your business plan and will allow for all other operation as you will have a target and customize your products and services to what the market wants and needs while at the same time keeping your competitors on their toes.

While writing a capstone paper you may opt to use a case study to put things into perspective and in other cases, a literature review. A case study, allows you to take a real-life scenario and analyze it with what you have learnt and point out the strengths and weaknesses and give corrective measures as well.

Business growth and development

The business life cycle is one of the basic fundamentals of any business. Understanding the process of business growth and development will dictate where you are in your business and what you need to do to stay afloat as much as possible.

The process of business growth and development dictates how the company will scale up and as they get to learn their strength and weaknesses, they adapt to it. This includes pursuing other ideas such as merging, incubating or even considering receivership.

Product development and marketing

A company is only as good as what it offers and what you offer has to what the market wants and needs. The process of product development is intertwined with marketing and these two departments have to work together to develop a quality product.

Any successful company will tell you that there is so much reward when you develop a marketable product. It will give you good returns on investments and also set you up to a competitive level with your competitors. Product development does not necessarily mean inventing a new product but could mean the modification of an already existing product or even blending existing products to create a new product.

Speaking of marketing, there is so much t at you can cover as far as marketing is concerned?

Diversification of marketing tools has been the highlight of the marketing world and now people use strategic ads and funnels with the help of A.I to get their target audience. Marketing will at most times look like a money spending program but as an article done late last year said that companies that have joined their marketing practices to their Corporate Social Responsibility are at an advantage over those running them separately. The concept of corporate social responsibility is a whole different concept that you can engage in-depth.

However, a capstone project is not usually that long but you will be safer with more to write on as you will avoid repetition and irrelevance throughout your paper.

Globalization in business

The internet has brought the world together and the concept of a global village has been achieved. The client base has now been expanded from national, to global and you need to understand how to reach that market and set your business up to take that market.

Globalization does not necessarily mean establishing offices all over the world but it could also open up a channel for partnerships, franchises and learning from others all over.

Strategic management

Strategic management is all about being the man with the plan. Management practices are aimed at utilizing given resources to get work done. However, when this is done strategically, it yields more results. Getting work done is not enough when it does not yield quality results. Strategic management also brings about the development of Standard operating procedures which makes daily repetitive operations run effortlessly.

A company is as good as its management and if you have the chance to work in any organization you will approve of this.

Normally when doing a capstone paper, you will be required you will need to generate a proposal of the project and present it to your lecturer to get a go-ahead so that you can proceed to defend your paper. This means that you need to make a conscious choice of your title. These choices may be quite difficult, but you can always get some business capstone project writing services from Help With Dissertation that are dedicated to seeing you at the top of your game. Presenting quality, authentic, plagiarism-free content takes to you even closer to graduating. You wouldn’t want to ruin your chances of graduating over a dissertation paper now, would you? And if you are probably wondering how affordable this is? You will be surprised to get a dissertation deal you cannot refuse.

There is just so much that you can do when it comes to a Business capstone project. However, after developing business capstone project topic ideas you will be required to start writing a proposal.  I feel that this segment of will not be complete without an overview of HOW you should write a business capstone project. By HOW I mean what format and style should you use? Don’t worry, if you are not sure about the recommended formats to use as I have prepared a conclusive summary on this.

Order business capstone project here .

How To Write Business Capstone Project

How To Write Business Capstone Project

how to write business capstone projectThe thought of coming to the end of your academic pursuit is simply tantalizing. But the sweet end seems even further now that you have to take hours and hours of your time to research and put together a capstone project. Is it easy? Well, to an inexperienced person who lacks writing skills on how to write business capstone project it is a grueling task. But in every field, there is always a guru and Help with Dissertation are the gurus when it comes to writing a well researched business capstone project.

However, I am sure you want to understand the science behind writing quality and credible business capstone projects. Well, you are in the right place. Within the course of the past decade, I have had the pleasure of interacting with lots of MBA capstone projects, DBA thesis and tons of dissertations on the same. The truth is, things have changed over time but I will keep you up to date with all that you need to know to have that winning business capstone project.

Difference Between Capstone Project and Thesis

Most students do not distinguish between capstone projects and thesis papers. A capstone and thesis serve similar purpose; however, capstones are more detailed and build on professional experience. When writing a business capstone project students are required to formulate real world business problem and develop practical solutions. A students who successfully completes a capstone project should demonstrate the ability to analyze and innovate solutions to complicated real world problems. The hands on project is usually 20 pages long.

A thesis on the other hand is more an academic oriented research paper. A student completing a thesis is required to formulate and answer research questions to give rise to new knowledge in the business field. This extensive research paper is usually 80+ pages long.

Select your topics carefully

Business capstone project help
Students attending MBA business lecture

Topic selection is as important as your research and presentation. After all, it sets you up for your research and gives you direction. However, the task of choosing the right title could be a cumbersome one since there are a lot of options that you can choose from. But getting the right one is the real deal.

When looking for a title, go for one that holds your interest and one that is quite practical and is relevant to your field.

Choosing a topic that interests you makes research work enjoyable and you will grasp the concepts and principles behind it all. What I am trying to say is that you will be practically a guru by the end of it. Also choose a topic that has enough research material on it as well, to ease your research process.

Finally, choose a relevant and emergent topic, and by relevant I mean a topic that has real-life application even in the world today. The benefits behind this are so much and you will be seeing this in just a bit. For instance, during this times of COVID pandemic, you can choose to write a topic that relates to effects of COVID on business processes. The topic is relevant and emergent with lots of interests among scholars.

Maintain clarity and relevance

Clarity and reliance are intertwined yet very different. So what do I really mean by maintaining clarity and relevance and what does it mean for your paper? Well, get this!!!

Once you introduce your topic and give your thesis/ hypothesis, your lecturer will already be expecting something and you have to meet their expectations. Now to attain this you have to carry out research that is directly connected to your paper. The type of research materials that you go for will matter a lot when it comes to compiling your work.

Your lecturer, being your evaluator, will want to be taken on a journey and once he is able to tick off all milestones, you will be sure that you are good to go. Only include information that is necessary and leave out the rest. Also, use simple language and in the event that you need to use abbreviations, make sure that you state what the abbreviation means, after all, they could practically mean anything.

A capstone project does not really have to be so lengthy and you should not feel pressured to compile a huge project that makes you include unnecessary stuff.

Right formatting

Is there the right format for your capstone project? Well, there is and it is a globally recognized and accepted format. And if you have guessed that I am talking about APA format, then you, my friend, are 100% correct. But what does the APA format really entail?

This style of writing is majorly divided into three parts

  • The introduction
  • The body
  • The conclusion

However, they are further broken down in details and this should act as your guide. Have a look a this

    • The introduction

The introduction is the very first bit of your business capstone project and it will include :

  1. The title – This bit we had talked about at the beginning of this segment. However, what you also need to know is that the title should be in liaison with the thesis statement. It should not be too long as well. It is just for the purpose of identifying the paper without giving away any further details.
  2. The abstract

The abstract of your paper is sort of an introductory summary. It is where you briefly address the research problem, hypotheses, methods, results, and implications of your research. It’s placed on a separate page right after the title page and is usually no longer than 250 words. Yes, you read that correctly, BRIEFLY. You should not go into depths on what you have in the body, but just an overview of what to expect inside. Have in mind that you will be held to these standards in your body.

      • The opening

Now comes the BIG opening. The very first paragraph of your paper will set the tone for your paper. In this segment, you will need to now introduce the thesis or hypothesis of your paper. The introduction bit will help people get into your thinking and understand where this journey all begins.

    • The Body

Now that you have done your research, case study or literature review, you now get the opportunity to present all your findings here. You need to address your methodology, literature used as well as the findings derived.

The body could be as detailed as you want but kindly limit it to the ‘ good stuff.

    • The conclusion

Having exhausted your argument, and presenting all supporting facts, you now have to bring it all to an end. You have to reconcile your paper by connecting the introduction and the body and make a conclusion.

The conclusion bit is where you draw your findings and take your stand in relation to your thesis. So does your research and findings support your thesis? And from all that you have found, what loopholes are there and what recommendations could you make.

Your contribution to the field could be very important and in most cases set you up career-wise. You should ALWAYS strive to have a very strong conclusion as it could determine how your grading goes.

However, all these will be incomplete without giving credit to where it is due by referencing and also giving citations for your source materials. I will not go into depths about this but, by referencing, you authenticate your project. When referencing you are allowed to quote verbatim as long as you acknowledge the source.

By this point, I bet you are more confident have gotten a hold of how to write business capstone project. Well, I have something extra here that will take your confidence to a whole new level. Did you know that you can get in touch with a professional thesis formatting service to get your business capstone project paper in the right format within no time? Now you know. Among the many benefits of working with Help with Dissertation is that they will give you an original, quality paper and deliver on time. The level of skill employed in research and consolidation of the paper is way above the grading threshold and this puts you at the top of your class. And of course, I cannot forget that you will have peace of mind knowing that your paper is in safe hands.

Choose the right literature to analyze

Well, back to our paper, you need to very careful with the research material that you choose. This is because, in this age of information, it is very easy for you to work with incorrect information. Some of these findings that you get are unauthentic and are based on rumours and this will send you down a rabbit hole with nothing credible.

You can always check the authenticity of your resources with your lecturer to be on the safer side.

Now, depending on your thesis, some literature, despite being credible, will work against you. You need to look for literature that is clear and that aligns with your intended argument. Don’t go for literature that will leave you in a quagmire.

Remember that you have to pick a stand by the end of your paper, and despite having an argument that ‘Is for’ and ‘against’ your thesis, you will have to pick a side. This will be much easier with conclusive literature.  Also remember to use most recent sources at least five years old.

Edit, proofread and adjust

Man is to error, and your brain tends to shed some new light on issues once you begin reviewing them. Well, there is no exception to your business capstone project. After you have concluded your paper, take some time and review it for mistakes, loopholes and deficiencies.

If I was to let you in on a little secret; editing, proofreading and adjusting is what makes expert business capstone project writers as good as they are.

It never hurts to go through your project as it will give you a fresh view of your paper. By the end of your review, you will know how satisfactory it and where you need to revisit it. You can also look for some external help and have an expert business capstone project editor edit and proofread it for you. Trust me, they always come back better.

Paraphrasing Tools: Simple Way to Avoid Plagiarism

Paraphrasing Tools: Simple Way To Avoid Plagiarism

tips to avoid plagiarismThe process of research is quite complex as it is and the compilation of your findings is not necessarily everyone’s strong suit. This comes with its own set of challenges and the biggest one of them being plagiarism and spinning. Well, there is nothing new under the sun but even so, you are required to express your ideas in a unique way as it has never been done before. I mean the same concept but in your own words. So, what is plagiarism and what do you HAVE to do to avoid plagiarizing? According to the Oxford dictionary ‘Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. This means that research on your project using other peoples published material is totally acceptable but now once you start compiling your own then you need to be extra careful, some may say it’s a skill and I say it’s a skill that can be learnt.

Let me show you how.

Present your own ideas

Let’s start off with the easiest solution to it all, being original. An original project is usually very valuable and holds much more weight than one that has been plagiarized. When people undertake research and choose certain literature to put under the scope for review, they have an idea in mind that they are looking to express. Research acts only as a means for comparison and contrast. Once you get that then you can easily represent your ideas as you see them, while maintaining the originality of the paper.

When compiling for an original piece, make sure that during your research you only pick out the general idea or feel of the literature and as you compile it, phrase it in your own words. Beware not to ‘carry’ phrases into your paper.

Cite your sources

Citations in any paper will automatically disqualify you for plagiarism simply because you gave credit to where it is due and recognized the author and material from which you made the citation. Remember, the thing about plagiarism is that it comes whenever you try passing other people’s content as your own without giving them the credit they deserve. Citations and referencing are a counter mechanism to these.

On top of passing your work for authenticity, citations add to your level of professionalism and will give an affirmation of research done and can easily guide an assessor of future scholar sing your literature for review.


paraphrasing toolsWhat is paraphrasing all about and how is it a solution to the looming plagiarism threat that haunts many people. Well, in layman terms, paraphrasing is stating a paragraph or a sentence in a very different way from its original source but still maintaining the intended message carried. Paraphrasing, when done by an individual could tend to be quite a task, but expert writers always find a way to maintain the balance between producing original, authentic and quality content. However, having in mind that we are in the 21st century then you can bet that tech gurus have no failed us and have produced some paraphrasing tools that you can use to your advantage. So, which are the best plagiarism tools to use for exemplary results?

Also read: Tips to Avoid Plagiarism

Review of best paraphrasing tools for scholars

Paraphrasing tools that allow you to work with them on both a free basis and on paid membership, of course, these come with different pages attached. According to their premium membership, they offer:

  • 25000 Summarizer character limit
  • 10000 Paraphraser character limit
  • 15 Sentences processed at once
  • 4 Word Flipper options
  • 7 Writing modes
  • Freeze Words and phrases
  • Compare Modes (only on Desktop)
  • See longest unchanged words
  • Google Chrome & Doc Extensions

I would say this is a pretty good offer.

They have capitalised on artificial intelligence to bring to you a variety of content to your liking. This means that they have a very fast response rate and leaves little to no room to make mistakes. Thanks to their database of over 200,000 users, they are able to update their dictionary daily and this leave s a variety to choose from, don’t you agree? Did you know that you can spin and respin on spinnerchief 6? Well, now you know.

They also support 20 language which is a great addition as you will not leave any phrases out there to mess your work.

Duplichecker does pride itself in the fact that that they do a deep dive in the web to give you the best output that they can. This means comparing hundreds of thousands of publications and articles. The common fear that your content could end up being shared from their website is also one of the loopholes that they have shut down for your own good.

A modernized artificial intelligence system has proved to be a great addition to their system and delivers quality results. Just like its counterparts, it gives you suggestion on words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs that you can consider changing for the full paraphrasing effect.

Spinbot has found its way on my top five list of paraphrasing tools since it has proven to be of immense importance in the field. As a starter, it offers you the chance to get your work done with no registration nor signups. This means that those that really love their privacy can rest. It has two tabs that allow you to see the old and new articles for comparison purposes. However, they also have other packages that unlock more features for you. This is the ideal win-win situation that you are looking for.

Well, the name content professor has a nice ring to it and to be honest, they have kept up to their name. Their performance rate is unchallenged by many but not by all. They are user friendly and are accessible on any device and on any browser, this removes the hustle of looking for a particular device to operate. They conduct an extensive search for duplicate articles all over the internet and save you the trouble of compromised SEO ratings due to plagiarized content.

Avoiding Copyright infringement is at the top of their agenda, that is, right besides saving you from the embarrassment of plagiarized content. Well, this can take you down a rabbit hole that will be hard to recover from and knowing how news travels fast in this age and time it best that you have an insurance policy against this and plagiarisma offers you this.

Going through their webpage, I realized that they talk a big game, I mean they work on a result basis to give high traffic on your content on the merit of originality and quality. All this is thanks to their well-established system that enables you to search through the internet with multiple languages on their artificial intelligence system. They accommodate a wide range of content which means that you can upload large files for analysis.

Through emulated natural language, spin rewriter has created a niche for themselves from the array of spinning and paraphrasing tools on the market. This means that they read through your piece to understand what your aim is and what specifically you want to communicate, and from a collective database, they generate impeccable original quality. They not only change up your content to be quality but also switch it up a gear higher to optimize keywords so that search engines can take it up like candy to a baby. Their results are tested and proven and from the endless list of reviews, you definitely get a good vibe.

They allow you to work from any device, including your mobile phone to create content for absolutely free of charge. They support multi-languages, HTML formatting for instant publishing and are up to date with synonyms which allows them to do a deep spin and maintain relevance at the same time.

a common factor among all these paraphrasing is that they are enabled with grammar correction and are bilingual so as to cover as wide a scope as they can.

See, these tools are an amazing addition to your writing, however, be advised that improper paraphrasing could be termed as spinning and that won’t sit well with your paper. This is why I will give you a long-lasting solution to your paper.

Get Plagiarism Removal Help From Experts

plagiarism removal serviceThe world of writing is quite a broad one and every once in a while, the rules of the game change, which is why you will need to align yourself with people who have their head in the game. Content creation and dissertation papers tend to be an uphill task for many and paraphrasing an even complex task for an untrained eye, which is why I strongly recommend that you seek plagiarism removal services in our endeavors.

You will rarely find an article that has not passed by the eyes of these writing gurus through the course of years of experience doing this. They are conversant with the styles of writing of different authors and will offer their input to give you the finesse that you are looking for. they also help maintain the human touch to your paper that is absolutely essential

When we talk of plagiarism what algorithm is used to tell whether an article is plagiarized. By understanding this, you will be in a better place to know what to look out for as well.

  • Large identical potion copied into your work

This is a major rookie mistake especially with people who feel that the way the issue was articulated in their source of research is the best way to put it and they cannot add more to it or deduct. People in these scenarios tend to copy and paste and trust me this is the easiest way to get flagged for plagiarism.

This gets worse when someone decides to beat the system and simply copy and paste the whole piece!!! i mean from the first letter to the last. Last-minute rush tends to have this effect on many.

  • Failure of citation

Citation plays a major role in checking for plagiarism as it acquits one of the charges. If it is omitted then even with the best of intentions it rolls over to plagiarism.

  • Quotation marks

Quotation marks pull their own weight when it comes to checking for plagiarism. This brings us to Verbatim, this is quoting phrases from another author or literature exactly as they are. When you don’t use quotation marks in these, it also passes for plagiarized content.  Plagiarism tools have had this into consideration to seal off the loopholes.

This array has been compiled after thorough research and consultation to ensure that you get the best out of paraphrasing tools and deliver quality articles. Getting the best out of everything is the one mantra you should always carry on.

Five Tips for Writing Quantitative Dissertation

Five Tips for Writing Quantitative Dissertation

quantitative dissertation tipsResearch, statistics, qualitative, quantitative, dissertation, data, reports, analysis are all phrases that you will encounter at one point or another in your academic or professional purist. They are all intertwined and all play a very crucial role to give certain desired results. However of all those, today we shall be exploring all about quantitative dissertation, which is from the term quantity. Dissertation papers are essential as far as academic and research pursuits are concerned. The test for professionalism and competence as far as the given field is concerned.

Dissertation papers are often a combination of fact as and figures while others are either one of the two and this creates the rift between quantitative and qualitative dissertation. So what is a qualitative and quantitative dissertation? What is the difference between the quantitative and qualitative dissertation? What do I need to know to prepare for such a project and how do I represent my data? What is the recommended format to use in this case? All these are questions that will have competent answers by the end of this feature and most importantly how do we write a quantitative dissertation? Without further ado let’s jump right into it.

Quantitative dissertation is used in most fields and has been integrated into everyday operation to collect, synthesized and analyze data along the guidelines stipulated by quantitative dissertation. So, we shall tackle this wholesomely and dissect it to its core and basically understand what it takes to be a guru at quantitative dissertation or any other project that necessitates quantitative data.

In lay-man’s terms, quantitative research is research that takes a research approach that focuses more on figures as part of data collected and through the application of various formulas and calculation algorithms a conclusion is made. On the other hand, the approach that preferentially uses facts to base its research on is called qualitative research. These two define the measure of quality versus quality.

Now that we have that behind us, its time to delve into the main agenda and get the BIG five secrets behind a quality dissertation paper. And yes, they are nothing extra ordinary, just practical and proven tips of writing quantitative dissertation. Note that the use of statistical analysis is imperative in presenting results in a quantitative dissertation.

Ask for statistical analysis help today for your quantitative dissertation from expert statisticians.

Define Hypothesis

When tackling a dissertation paper, we move from the unknown to the known and later on to concrete findings that will either settle the unknown. For this to be achieved, we have to develop a guiding question or statement which we shall make reference to all through the paper. This is what we call the hypothesis. The hypothesis is developed before any research is undertaken and is the whole basis for the research. As a researcher, you need to make observations through a spectrum of theories and look for something new or relatively unknown.

From this point of view, you will develop a guiding theory that will either be proven or disputed by the end of the paper. Researchers have often referred to this method as the deductive thinking method where you create something and prove its validity from results and findings.

The designing of the hypothesis is one of the most important things in your paper. It is also an all-round essential in different kinds of literature that you may compile. This is because, from the definition, the hypothesis is the opening statement that states what you will be tackling through your paper. It gives you the opportunity to present your findings and at the end of it all, it opens up the platform for analysis that will either concur or conflict your hypothesis. After going through the title of your paper, your reader or assessor might have an idea of what you will be handling but on reading your hypothesis they will be sure of what to expect

There are different types of hypothesis depending on the approach you need to take. However, we shall not go into much detail about them. In most instances, the statistical hypothesis is preferred in quantitative dissertations.

Data Collection

factors to consider when choosing data collection toolThe next step after defining the intent of your paper is to engage in conscious research. What is conscious research? This is basically doing research from an educated point of view where you know what you are looking for and have ticked all boxes in terms of what is necessary for this data to be collected.

There is a variety of data collection methods at your disposal that you can use but among the most proficient ones are surveys, observation, experimentation, videography, case study and interviews. Both of these methods have their pros and cons but the most important thing is that they give you a feel of the total population through sampling. Given that the kind of data you are collecting should involve both facts and figures then it is important that you formulate the questions with utmost care. If you ask the wrong questions then ultimately the results will frustrate your research. Scholars on a global scale have always advocated for a blend of both open-ended and close-ended questions in these instances. You can classify your data in terms of time period used in collecting. It can either be as a result of the whole population over a specific time span or an isolated group over a specific time span as well.


Dissertation papers are a way to grade students on merit and by reason of this, it is only fair that you stipulate the boundaries and a clear outline of what is to be followed. internationally, there is one globally accepted style of writing literature from the fields of social sciences. This is called the APA style of writing. And if you have done a little bit of snooping around on literature then you have encountered this before or at the very least see it is familiar.

The APA format of writing has been recommended, used and approved time and again and has received various updates since its launch. It has proved very effective since the layout is formulated in such a way that ensures that you do not miss any details or skip any section necessary in your dissertation paper.

Let me give you a glimpse of what it contains. Our dissertation formatting service is adept at handling all formatting styles.

Title page

This is the very first page of your paper and it should only contain the title which should be no more than 12 words and placed on the upper half of the paper. The author’s name comes after the title and finally the name of the institution. The title should be in the same font, size and colour as the rest.


The abstract comes in second and is placed on a separate page after the title page, it contains an overview of what you will be tacking. It is limited to a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 250 words. Given that you already this is a compilation of work done then you already know what it contains. It is also imperative that you don’t quote direct phrases from the article but only give an idea around it.


The body is the compilation of your research, analysis and findings. It enables you to present your findings in a better way. In the body, you will start off with the hypothesis or a thesis question and work your way from there. Here you can include all that you deem relevant to your work and avoid irrelevant jargons. There is no specific length for the body but it should not be excessively long to motivate the reader to read through it all and also not so short that you seem insufficient.


Depending on the source of your information, you will decide on what to include in your references. In this section, you basically want to give credit to where it is due and this means stating sources. Apa style of writing has a provision for references and citations as well. This runs down the chances of being branded incompetent out of plagiarism issues.


The appendices are another very crucial part though easily forgotten aspect of writing. It acts as a key and map to your writing.

Use Visual Representation

Data interpretation in quantitative research is quite unique and this needs a little extra skill to deliver exemplary work. Figures are quite complicated to analyze at first glance and despite the fact that they are already synthesized and analyzed, for them to be used in comparison with other data they have to be represented in a more conventional way. This is achieved by using graphs, pictograms, charts and other visual representations available. The human mind has been known to achieve very many milestones and push itself to great limits but at the same time, it tends to lose concentration at a very fast rate. To keep your readers mid from wandering, induce visual representations into tour paper. After all, it has always been said that the mind works in a photographic way.

Strong Conclusion

After all, is said and done, this is the point where you deliver your conclusion from your findings, it is time to land this plane. With reference to all your findings and results deduced from the synthesized data, how does it all correlate with your hypothesis? Remember that the reader at this point still remembers your introduction and has followed through your data collection, data input, data analysis and results found and is ow here to get your verdict. You should draw your conclusion from your findings in relation to the hypothesis. You have the leeway to either concur or contradict.

Make sure that you take a stand and support it. You are also allowed to state your observation and give recommendations on what you were researching on. You need to go big or go home.

Quantitative dissertation is quite vast but also not complex to grasp. The essentials that help put it into perspective and distinctively from other forms of writing are unique to it. With these 5 tips you can be sure to boost your game substantially. However, you can always opt for expert writers to take the pressure off your hands. Expert writers are highly qualified individuals who have invested highly into research and are competent in their different fields. They are up to date with changes in their fields of specialization as well as in literature. Among the reasons that most people love engaging them in their projects is that they assure quality wok delivery. Dissertation papers have never been this easy before. These guidelines will shed light on how you should handle a quantitative paper on your own and be assured of quality results.

Factors To Consider when Choosing Data Collection Tool

Data Collection Process

factors to consider when choosing data collection tool
Interviewer collecting data

Before embarking on data analysis, either quantitative or qualitative, a researcher is required to collect data. Unfortunately, this is a process that is often underestimated and given little emphasis despite its immense importance. The quality of your data determines levels of reliability, validity and accuracy of the findings. Most researchers fail to involve consultants at this stage ending up with half baked results. For academic research, hiring a dissertation data analysis services will go a long way in having your methodology refined.

The title 21st century will go in history as the century that was characterized by a spike in technology as compared to its predecessors and one that has almost completely shifted all its operations to online platforms. The concept of making the world a global village has relatively been achieved where we achieve miles from the comfort of our seats. However, the digital age has been characterized by data mining and collection for practically every aspect of living. Governments conduct national census and statistics to run the country while companies require your details for you to sign up and with this, they are able to get more information on your lifestyle to strategically place their products and use the same data to learn what the market wants. Learning institutions are no strangers to these systems as they have thrived on them from the early days and this is all that encompasses most of humanity’s learning.

Today we shall be getting to understand this on a deeper and friendly way. NO jargons, but only plain facts in the simplest and most understandable phrasing possible. So, what is data collection? And why is it essential? What are data collection tools and what actors should you consider when choosing data collection tool.

Data collection is the process of gathering information as guided by a laid systematic order in an attempt to test theories, hypothesis or even to answer research questions. Data collection can be as vast as stipulated and could also be restricted to certain scope by given guidelines.

Research goal

I do hold the fact that the best way to work is when you know what your target is and you work towards it. The end game can be stipulated by facts surrounding your research or a targeted result. When looking to introduce a new product into the market, a firm may need a set of data to shine the light on the kind of market they will be meeting. This calls for research on the products in the market by competitors, the age of the target market and their reaction to variables such as pricing and product delivery.

The goal here is aimed at marketing but the same company could hold another research before developing a product and try to understand the gap in the market., This will use a different spectrum and the goal will be to help develop a new product that will be the solution that people need.

The research goal is the driving force behind most research programs as it shows that everything else will have to come to a halt as we wait for this data to give the go-ahead on the direction and possibilities open that can be pursued. In the end, think of data as the bridge or a means to an end.

Statistical significance

Statistical significance is as a result of data representation which is directly determined by the means or data collection tool that was chosen. So, first things first, what is statistics? According to Wikipedia Statistics is the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data. From the basic definition, it suggests that it is inclined towards quantitative data. This kind of data is most suitably gotten using specific methods. While all methods are capable of delivering this to you, it will be more effortless on others and will not disappoint.

Statistical significance of the data is also reflected on the purpose for which the data is being collected, that sets the tone for its significance. Accuracy of the data must be on the higher end of the spectrum and data representation must be done in a form easiest for interpretation such as in a tabular form, chart or even graphically.

Sample size

dissertation statistical consultant
Respondent filling questionnaire

Data collection is not as easy as it sounds as it is the heart of any research. You might have all the technology you need to conduct experiments or theories to test but without data, there is no progress. With this in mind, you need to understand what you are working with. When working with a large group, it might take a long time to get data from each and every unit of the population which is why people opt to go for smaller portions of the whole population which is called the sample. When choosing a sample, there are a couple of criteria that can be used among them simple random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, systematic and quota sampling among many others. All these have different procedures on how the samples are to be chosen. While one method suggests that the sample be taken randomly in no given order, one will advocate for equality I term of sex, age or even gender.

If you are to work with a large sample then it Is only logical that you use a data collection tool that is both efficient and effective. In this, you would rule out interviewing a large population and instead use questionnaires or another method.


Some research projects are time-sensitive and having the clock ticking on your project is definitely a reason for you to consider all your options. With time being a major factor then you will need to consider what scope you need to cover and what resources you have at hand. With this, you will be in a position to make an estimate of how much time you need to hit your deadline. You will have this as a leading point when deciding on which data collection tool will work for you.


Money is a strong agent and the world revolves around it. The possibility or impossibility of a task will mostly lie with the availability of resources and money is the first resource to be put into consideration. Give that different data collection tools have different approaches and use different methods to get the required data then this means that the budget allocation of each data collection tool will be different.

This runs right from equipping manpower with all the required resources and facilitating the data collection itself. While some methods are relatively expensive some are very cheap and even considered to be the easiest for anyone on a tight budget. However, at the end of the day, you will have to inject some money in the process.


Different sources of information give a different feel or experience altogether. In this light, they also give different information. Data collection tools may vary in terms of mode of interpretation right to the basic core of the audience involved. In the case of a questionnaire, it is fully dependent on how you phrase the questions and how the target sample interprets the questions. This will make the whole difference. Open-ended and close-ended question receive different results and the limitation to them are quite consequential. ON the other hand, if you opt for a means that will engage you in terms of observation and give you the first hand feeling them this will increase the accuracy of your data.

Depending on why you want this data and what you intend to do with this data then you have to explore different options. In the case of accuracy, it is usually mostly a question of quality which overruns other factors such as cost as it aims at getting the best that is available, think of the national census as the perfect example for this. IT takes time and vast resources to engage in door-to-door interviews for accurate data. This is because the data required is essential to the economic planning of the country and resource allocation. However, this is not a process that is done annually, but the info given will have to suffice for periods of up to a decade.

Validity and reliability

Data validity is a thin line between quality and quantity. Data validity means the presentation of data that serves the exact purpose that it has been extracted for and checks all boxes for a job well done. On the other hand, data reliability means that you can trust the data and use it for the intended purpose without second-guessing it at any point. This is as a result of getting valid data. These two are actually intertwined. Reliable data has to be valid.

The validity and data may take many forms and shapes depending on stipulated conditions. While some sets of data demand to be collected in a certain way, if acquired by any other means it is in violation of basic guiding principles and this invalidates it. Again, I will use the example of a countrywide scenario. During elections, the electoral bodies rely on data collected from all voters to determine who has won in an election. This requires that all voting station be subjected to similar conditions and that all candidates receive similar treatment. Secondly, you cannot take a sample and ask them to vote so as to determine who has won in such an election. When there is a violation of these facts, this leads to a situation of electoral irregularity which can easily render the results null and void and calls for a rerun.


So, what does practicability mean in this context? Practicability is basically the unique combination of all the above factors. When considering time, cost, sample size, research goal and validity you end up with the question of how practical are they in relation to the data we need. Time factor will have to be considered but then again how does working under a tight deadline affect the quality of data you need.

The means that how you choose to collect your data should also be tailor-made to suit your target audience. Giving a questionnaire to a semi-literate or illiterate group will render your whole research useless. ON the other hand, if you need to learn of behavioral patterns then you need to have a better feel which calls for observation, videography, surveys or direct participation.

Finally, data security and discretion are also factors to be considered. Some means of data collections lead to incorrect data as they influence the research specimen to act in a different way or shy away from giving accurate inform on or even give no information at all. Silent data collection tools are preferred in such instances as they allow you to get the data needed without the person under review even knowing that you are. This has been made easier in the present day as you can use micro-cameras and recording devise to get that data that you synthesize later. It allows for the most truthful version of the data.

At this point do believe that you are enlightened on what you should consider when choosing data collection tools for your research. Data collection can be done by anyone and it only takes an enlightened mind to decide on the best approach. In case you require assistance, feel free to talk to our dissertation statistics consultant for assistance in choosing and design of data collection tool

Creative PowerPoint Presentation Tips

Effective Ways to Make Your PowerPoint Presentation Engaging and Catchy

Creative PowerPoint Presentation TipsPowerPoint slides provide a perfect way to inject visual interests into your presentation. However, if not well prepared, they can spell doom regardless of your experience in PowerPoint presentations.

The ultimate way to succeed in making your PowerPoint presentation engaging and catchy is to make sure that your slides are just but a visual aid and not as read off notes. Your PowerPoint slides should be there to compliment the story or concept you’re presenting and ultimately empower your message.

So, what can you do to make your PowerPoint presentation engaging, interactive, and catchy? By ensuring the slides are there to help you empower your presentation, instead of focusing on them as your notes.

Keep reading as we are going to show you different PowerPoint presentation tips and tricks on how to spice up your PowerPoint presentation to be engaging and catchy.

Basic Rules to Building Engaging and Catchy PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Before we delve into the tips and tricks on ways to spice up your presentation, first, let’s look at the basics of your PowerPoint presentation.

  • Write your Speech Outline Before Building the Slides

Keep in mind that your PowerPoint presentation is available to compliment your message and concept you are telling your audience. Therefore, before you write your slides, the goal of your presentation should be at your fingertips, as well as the main takeaways you want the audience to remember. Make your speech or concept your focus, not the slides.

  • Use More Images and Fewer Texts

Note that your PowerPoint slides are there as extras to your speech and not distracting you from it. So writing too much text in your slides can not only be distracting but also confusing to your audience.

As an alternative, use more images that are relevant to your speech with minimal text. More importantly, make sure the pictures are of high-quality for clarity.

  • Focus on You and Your Presentation, Not the PowerPoint Slide

During presenting, make sure you have full control of your presentation and your audience by walking around while drawing attention to you and whatever you are saying. Occasionally, stand still when referencing information on a slide. However, don’t turn your back to the audience to read your slides. You and your speech are the presentations; the slides are there to aid you!

  • Your Presentation Should be Legible from anywhere in the room.

As a presenter, don’t use anything less than a twenty-eight point font size. If you can’t comfortably fit all your text in your side using font size 28, then use more images along with bullet points instead.

Best Practice PowerPoint Presentation Tips

  • Use Consistent Presentation Design

The main reason for your PowerPoint presentation is to aid you in conveying information as efficiently and concisely as possible.  So keeping the theme and design consistent, you will be allowing your content and images to stand out.

But by varying the theme and design from one slide to another, you will be creating confusion and distraction from the main focus, which are you and your presentation of information on the PowerPoint slide.

Search for an appealing and beautiful PowerPoint Template, which will provide you with a consistent design for your PowerPoint slides.

  • Write One Topic Per Slide

Make sure each slide presents one topic or talking point. By doing so, you will be maintaining the attention focused on your speech. And using one PowerPoint slide per talking point makes it easy for you to prepare and present information while allowing your audience to follow along with ease.

  • Use the “Rule of Three”

When writing information in your slides, don’t over-explain. Just make it simple and straight to the point. You can do this by using the “Rule of Three.” This concept enables you to stick to 3 main ideas when delivering your message. A PowerPoint concept should be broken into three parts for a further explanation with ease. The parts include:

  1. Give an appealing structure to your PowerPoint presentation.
  2. Make it simple.
  3. Keep your audience engaged.
  • Display one sentence at a time

If you must include text in your slides, avoid using a bullet list. Instead, use a single PowerPoint slide for every sentence. Make sure you are short and concise. Bear in mind that simple messages are easy to retain in memory. As such, each PowerPoint slide should follow your speech lines, introducing your audience to each idea while you speak as opposed to listing all your ideas beforehand.

PowerPoint Presentation Tips: Mistakes to Avoid

  • Avoid Unnecessary Animations

Is there any need for animations or having transitions in your slides? It is essential to know how to give your texts a sparkle effect in your PowerPoint transitions. Nonetheless, you should entirely focus on the message.

Using simple transitions or no transitions at all, let your content stand out during the presentation rather than the graphics you use.

In case you want to use animations, ensure you use only professional animations that are modern and relevant to help your audience follow your speech or the story you are presenting.

  • Add Content the Only Supports your Key Points

If you have a great chart, image, or phrase, and you want to use it when creating each slide, it is vital to ask yourself this question. “Is it of any help to my key point in this slide?” If your answer is negative, remove it. Bear in mind less is more!

  • Don’t Use PowerPoint Slides as a Teleprompter

Like we said above, don’t use more text on your slides. In case you want to read something, prepare, and have with you some index cards that you can carry in your hand. However, never turn your back on your audience and read off of your slides, no matter what! If you do this, you make the presentation the main focus and end up losing the audience as a presenter.

  • Don’t Give out Copies of Your Presentation

Make sure you don’t give out copies of your presentation, at least not before delivering the presentation. Giving out copies of the presentation allows the audience to get distracted as they will get preoccupied with flipping through them. As such, they will entirely ignore whatever you’re saying.

Moreover, your audience may easily take your slides out of context without understanding the meaning behind every PowerPoint slide. It isn’t recommendable to give out a copy of your presentation but is it helpful to give them out after the presentation is delivered.

PowerPoint Presentation Tips:How to Make Your Slides More Engaging

  • Fade to Black when Speaking

I cannot stress enough that your slides are not the focus, but you are. So when you fade to black during the presentation, you can regain your audience’s full attention. For instance, after presenting one idea in the slide, I will fade the screen to black as I expound on how useful the concept is and probably how to apply it in your work or life.

  • Write One Story Per Slide

If you have a one-hour speech, you might have around 30 to 40 slides, depending on the story or complexity of the message you’re delivering. Regardless of whether you are presenting statistics, teaching a lesson, or recalling an experience that leads to an idea, make sure you stick to one story per slide!

  • Reveal One Bullet at a Time

The trick of presenting text, such as a shortlist of bullets, is to ensure you deliver your point without losing the attention of your audience. To keep your audience, reveal a bullet at a time.

You can do this in PowerPoint by right-clicking on your text box, pick Custom Animation, add entrance Effect, and select the Effect you want. In the Keynote, click Animate then move to build in and choose the Effect you want!

  • Change Your Voice Tone When Presenting

Bear in mind that when presenting, it is not all about what you say rather how you say it! To make your PowerPoint presentation more engaging, you must be ready to use all available tools at your disposal to drive the point home.

As such, changing the articulation and tone of your voice will help you make your content and the message more notable.

  • Identify and Tell the Story

When you deliver a presentation, you do it to tell a story that has some goals. You are trying to inform your audience about an idea you know and that they don’t. So you should persuasive to them to adopt your view.

As such, you must identify from the beginning, the middle, and the end of what your story seeks to accomplish then take advantage of the slides to deliver your message.

Don’t make your presentation a data dump. But if you seek to present some data, you would be better off calling it off and send out the data to your audience. Bear in mind that you are giving an impression that data cannot provide by itself.

  • Use PowerPoint to Amplify and Clarify your Message

The purpose of having your PowerPoint slides with images and text is to provide a visual representation of the message or idea you are delivering. Your visuals are to augment, not repeat your words. PowerPoint slides should aid you in conveying, explicitly, what words cannot.

How to Make Your Presentation More Interactive

  • Ask Questions

Asking questions during the presentation process helps to engage your audience, trigger interest, and curiosity. Also, it comes with the added benefits of making the audience pay attention, in case you get called on.

So, don’t hesitate to ask your audience question, even a rhetorical one. Asking a question gets us to engage in a different part of our brain. More importantly, it makes us reflect rather than merely taking in information one way. As such, make sure you ask questions when presenting.

  • Embed Videos

Bear in mind that the main objective of your presentation is to pass one or two messages across. As such, it is better to use resources such as short videos in your slides to drive the message home.

A short and relevant video can give you room for breathing as you prepare for the next slide while equally informing your audience on a concept on the current slide. However, be sure to run the video beforehand, and ensure your audience can hear it loud and clear during the actual presentation.

  • Use Live Polling to Get Immediate Feedback and Engage the Audience

The use of a live polling tool is a trendy engagement tool among most presenters. The tool allows the audience to participate, engage, and collect instant feedback. A live poll tool offers you as a presenter an interactive platform to engage your audience in actual time while permitting them to take part in your presentations.

Google Slide has a Q&A function, which allows you to make your slide deck more interactive as it offers an answer to your audience’s questions. Therefore, by using the Q&A function in Google Slides, you can begin a live Q&A session, and the audience is open to ask questions directly from their devices like smartphones and mobile phones.

Summary –Effective Ways to Make Your PowerPoint Presentation Engaging and Catchy

presentation writing services Even though all these tips and tricks will help you make your PowerPoint presentation more engaging and catchy, it can only happen if they are applied correctly. As such, be reminded that when you’re trying to make your PowerPoint Presentation engaging and catchy, you must be well-prepared.

Your preparations should include having a thorough research and well-cited and rehearsing of your presentations. Rehearsing shouldn’t just revolve around your slides but also rehearse your delivery style and tone. The more you rehearse, the more relaxed you will be when delivering your presentations. Besides, you will feel more confident!

With design, theme, style, and presentation practice under your belt, you can surely do more with PowerPoint slides. PowerPoint slides applications are versatile tools that you shouldn’t forget.

With great PowerPoint slides, you are on your way to delivering a powerful, engaging, and catchy presentation that your audience won’t forget the message!

In case you need PowerPoint presentation writing service feel free to talk to us